North Escambia Student Numbers Hold Steady

August 31, 2010

The student population in North Escambia’s schools is fairly constant when compared to last year.

As of Monday, there were 5,896 total students enrolled in the North Escambia schools of Bratt Elementary, Bryneville Elementary, Jim Allen Elementary, Molino Park Elementary, Ernest Ward Middle, Ransom Middle, Northview High and Tate High. That compares to 5,941 students on the sixth day of school last year — a decrease of just 45 students.

Three schools recorded a slight increase in students — Jim Allen (+16), Ransom (+14) and Tate (+3). All of the other North Escambia Schools recorded a decrease in students this year compared to last — Bratt (-13), Byrneville (-8), Molino Park (-13), Ernest Ward (-37), and Northview (-7)

Overall, Escambia County lost 294 students when the 2009-2010 school year enrollment is compared to 2010-2011, with 38,988 students as of Monday.

Editor’s note: For the purpose of this story, we did not include the students enrolled in Pre-K programs at the elementary schools. The student count includes students in a traditional classroom setting, not that those in an alternative program like a virtual school or homebound.


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