Molino Pair Busted For Burglary

August 20, 2010

Two young Molino men are facing felony charges after  burglarizing a Molino garage.

James Oliver Ard, 19, of Wildwood Road, and William Houston Faberman, 18, of Barrineau Lane, are both charged with burglary, grand theft and grand theft of a firearm. Both are being held in the Escambia County Jail on $16,000 bond.

On August 9, a Molino Road resident reported that his garage had been burglarized, and items that included a string trimmer and a chainsaw had been stolen. Later that day, a third party implicated Ard in the burglary, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

Ard and Faberman “admitted that they had been doing drugs and alcohol over the weekend along with several of their friends and began burglarizing several people’s properties,” the arrest report states. “They stated several times that they had become extremely intoxicated and they could not remember several details about the burglaries.”

Faberman provided the stolen string trimmer and chainsaw to a deputy, who returned it to the victim. The victim told deputies that he did not want to press charges, if his other stolen property was returned.

On August 12, the victim reported that a 20-gauge shotgun was missing from the corner of the garage. Ard told deputies that he had hidden a side grinder taken from the garage, but it had been taken by unknown suspects. Faberman’s stepfather provided deputies with a stolen shotgun that had been recovered from Faberman, according to the ECSO report.

Warrants were then prepared for both Ard and Faberman. They were taken into custody on Wednesday, August 18.


34 Responses to “Molino Pair Busted For Burglary”

  1. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2010 10:42 pm

    “Law enforcement is going to handle it! So back off.”

    I already backed off the specifics in this case after suggesting they be released to see what they would do next. We got folks in Century who are part of the judicial catch-and-release-program. It seems it doesn’t matter what they do. Maybe you can institute it in Molino if it makes all of you happy.

    I have far worse things to worry about. Someone insists half the people living north of Molino are driving around drunk and armed all the time. I’m amazed I haven’t been killed yet if it’s that bad here.

    I was just questioning your insistence only the family be allowed to deal with or even discuss the young adults. It seems to me what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business but what you do in the privacy of your neighbor’s home is the business of other people too.

    But I could be wrong.

    Now I see you will generously let law enforcement deal with it too. Even so, it seems like friends and family are allowed to speak but others are to shut up. No other thoughts need apply.

    Interesting thinking.

    David impressed

  2. Victoria R. on August 22nd, 2010 4:32 pm

    For your information, I wasn’t referring to “just let the family deal with it”, I meant for people like YOU to lay off the families back and let them handle it without dealing with your crap. Law enforcement is going to handle it! So back off. K, thanks?

  3. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2010 4:07 pm

    “when it comes down to it, let the family deal with this”

    So law enforcement was out of line when they investigated and arrested them?


  4. Victoria R. on August 22nd, 2010 3:50 pm

    I am friends with both of these boys and my best friend is dating one of them. These boys are boys, they messed up and did something outrageously stupid. But for some of the things, some of you people are saying when you know their family reads this, is ridiculous. Think about if that was your kids, would you want people bashing them and saying things like they could have a meeting with God or stupid bull like that. Simple fact, no one knows the real story. People can say let God judge them, but people are still gonna judge them. Lay off the “mom”, show some respect. And chill out. I know one of the boys mother and she is a sweet lady, she does whatever she can for her son when he needs it and shows discipline when it comes down to it, let the family deal with this, and stop making it worse! K? Thanksss.

  5. Me on August 22nd, 2010 3:06 pm

    ECSO was a joke on this case

  6. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2010 9:43 am

    “We need to place some gun control in this backwater state, and also limit the sale of alcohol”

    So the illegal use of drugs and alcohol and theft of personal property and burglary should be dealth with by outlawing the drug alcohol and personal protection?


    David for the Constitution
    and sober dealings

  7. Gage Riley on August 21st, 2010 3:02 pm

    Looks like Oliver and Bill wont be playing kickball or capture the flag or hide and go seek with us anymore. Hope you dudes are alright. Also to anyone saying “OH DRUNK PEOPLE WITH SHOTGUNS YEAH THATS A SAFE COMBINATION”, you really need to take a better look around this community. Half the people who live north of Molino carry a loaded gun around in their car. I bet at least half of those drive drunk on a daily basis as well.

    We dont need to arrest people who drive drunk or steal. We need to place some gun control in this backwater state, and also limit the sale of alcohol. Dry state? i could live with it.


  8. Oversight on August 21st, 2010 10:48 am

    Ok, after a look at the clerk of the court’s website, I see that both were in fact charged with the same three counts: Armed Burglary, Grand Theft, and Grand Theft of a Firearm. Armed Burglary is a first degree felony which is punishable by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 30 years. The other two are classified as third degree felonies which can carry up to five years in prison each.

  9. Oversight on August 21st, 2010 10:32 am

    If these young men took a firearm in during burglary then they should have been charged with armed burglary; a significantly higher offense than that of simple burglary. Stealing at this age didn’t just start yesterday and I doubt that this is their first time, but only the first time it’s been documented.

  10. David Huie Green on August 21st, 2010 8:55 am

    “I’m know that she didn’t raise him to do things like that, that was his choice.
    So you need to back off…”

    Okay, I’m backing off. I accept this is the only thing these young adults have done wrong. It’s just that when I get to statements like:

    “I am not in no way shape or form trying to sugar coat what they have done because it was very wrong! They did not try to hide anything they did, the cops did not have to look for who did this because they went to them all on their own. They know they did wrong and have made a huge mistake.”

    I look at the story and don’t see where they went ot the police to confess but rather admitted after being accused and it’s a matter of terms but when people call something a mistake, I think of an unintentional act, not a conscious decision and this looked intentional to me.

    I don’t wish them or anyone else ill but I tend to put myself in the place of the victims in these instances and would not appreciate people going through my belongings and throwing them away in the woods.

    Of course that’s just me and I’m out of step with the modern world.

    Peace be unto you and yours.

    David worrying about the wrong people

  11. mom on August 21st, 2010 5:12 am

    “regarding Richard”

    thank you so much for your comment. So glad there is someone out there who understands what us as parents are going through. I know as an officer you have seen more than anyone would want to in their lifetime. People are so quick to judge. Thanks again!

  12. dak on August 20th, 2010 10:12 pm

    regarding David Huie Greens comment

    Dude seriously you need to claim down, cause obviously you dont know what that mom going through and the last thing she needs is some freak on a comment board talking down to her!

    Im know that she didnt raise him to do things like that, that was his choice.

    So you need to back off…

  13. Redhead199 on August 20th, 2010 10:09 pm

    I just can’t let this pass without a comment. I just wish that Mr. Green would get himself something other to do than sit at his computer and write long letters about every story. No Offense sir but you sometimes just go on and on give it a rest please.

  14. PWS on August 20th, 2010 10:01 pm

    Their lucky the home owner didn’t catch them while being armed with a weapon, they might of left in an ambulance instead of a squad car. It eventually will happen when one of these knuckleheads are going to confront an armed home owner in their residence, you know the rest of the story. Good work ECSO !!

  15. B on August 20th, 2010 9:40 pm

    Excellent post Richard. Well done!

  16. gawnhawm on August 20th, 2010 8:48 pm

    They are from the NEW economic system in this country…STEAL from those that have it…dont GIVE it to those that dont have it…all this is going to get worse…better get ready to protect your property people…….

  17. JDG Molino on August 20th, 2010 8:29 pm

    I know both these boys and they are not bad kids. Everybody makes mistakes, we live, learn and move on .Horrific your not GOD so don’t judge and learn to spell.

  18. mom on August 20th, 2010 8:17 pm

    “regarding David Huie Greens comment”

    You have done a pretty good job of twisting all my words…I never once stated that I did not think these boys should not be punished..That’s why they are both still sitting in jail. I believe that people can change and deserve the chance to. Can anyone say that they are the same person at 30 or 40 years old that they were at 18. All I was trying to say is I know people that are good and honest,that have their kids in church every Sunday and have done nothing wrong since they were teenagers but made a mistake back then and it still haunts them and holds them back in life.I never said they should not have a record.I just feel like 3 felonys for a night of being really stupid is a bit severe..They only put their lifes in danger that night unlike all the drunks that drive the streets every night that put alot of peoples lives in danger but I see them get off everyday because they have money to hire a good lawyer. As far as the drug test go,we feel driving is a privledge not a right and if you are living in our house that is a rule from day one. You can’t get or keep a job if you can’t pass a drug test so why should you be able to drive.We did not make that rule because we did not trust our kids but to help them say no to peer pressure. I believe I stated that I am not sugar coating anything…just that the media is making them sound like drunken dope heads and that is not true!

  19. Richard on August 20th, 2010 7:50 pm

    Mom, I read your comments over and over and I certainly know how you feel. I was hoping my comment will help you sleep a little tonight. I am a retired police officer and worked for a total of 39 years and 3 months. (FHP) One night I got after a vehicle at the university mall and they tried to get away from me. Well, I finally caught them, four boys about the age of yours, and lo and behold, one of the boys was mine sitting in the back seat. They were all drinking beer, throwing cans out the window and all snockered. I arrested them all including my son and took them to the jail where they stayed for a couple of days before their mom got them out. Believe me, that’s not the only problems they had at that age. That’s what you call embarrassment with me being a police officer. We all got over it and now both my boys are doing great, have good jobs and now I can relax. Your son and his buddy have learned a good lesson and you probably won’t have any problems with them any more. These boys got a good education about life. They will probably have to go to court, maybe have to pick a little trash on the side of the road as punishment, then charges dropped after that. The garage owner will probably help with that. We are all thinking of you and your family, but just don’t worry, things will be OK. When I was at that age I did things a lot worse than that, but didn’t get caught. The people that make derogotory comments reference this story have been there also, believe me. Don’t blame Wiliam for posting this news, he has to report what is posted to him. Settle down and get a good nights sleep. Things will be fine, believe me.

  20. met on August 20th, 2010 6:07 pm

    DO the crime do the time!

  21. Oak Grove Bud on August 20th, 2010 5:58 pm

    Maybe a tough drill instructor and four years of active duty in the U.S. Army will do these boys some good. Then they can go to college on the G. I. bill……

  22. David Huie Green on August 20th, 2010 5:35 pm

    “I am the mom of one of these kids and have been like a second mom to every kid that was involved in that night. For the past five years these kids are at my house pretty much everyday and have never been any trouble”

    Only one of them, wonder which one? So you taught them their values? Everybody needs a good mother. Someone to teach them right and wrong, not to steal, not to hurt other people, to act in such a way as to make people proud to know them and proud of their good upbringing.


    “so the rule in this house is that to drive you have to pass a drug test once a month.”

    So they’ve never given a bit of trouble but you felt the need to give them a monthly drug test just to be on the safe side? Fascinating.


    “everything was returned to the victim. It took a few days because they had thrown the things in the woods ”

    So they stole it and threw it all away, so it’s not as bad as if they had stolen it to use or sell for more dope? It looks like they returned items as they were reported stolen but not before, such as the shotgun. Drunks with shotguns–a fine combination.

    But yes, none of this should go on their permanent records, after all they might want to be law enforcement officers or doctors or politicians or lawyers. We would be deprived of their service if folks knew they were thieves, dopers and drunks.

    People can be SO judgmental when it comes to their lives, property, safety and that of their loved ones and neighbors.

    David for turning them loose
    and seeing what they do next

  23. Bama Boy on August 20th, 2010 4:11 pm

    I understand RK what the good book says. It says Thou shall not steal……Interesting huh……. But I am just saying what is it going to take for punks to quit stealing stuff people work hard for. Its a matter of time and somebody will be shot in Molino stealing somebodys property. People are sick of it!

  24. Joe on August 20th, 2010 2:46 pm

    Mom nobody blames you. These young adults know what they are doing. You are right let God judge them and the next time they break in maybe the home owner can arrange the meeting.

  25. William on August 20th, 2010 12:58 pm

    >Also, you have to remember that the media doesn’t always tell the whole story

    All the media has to go by is the arrest report. With, it’s not some conspiracy like some people (in general, not you) sometimes think.

    We try to be as fair as possible on arrest stories. We generally don’t name the victims, witnesses, relatives, etc. that are named in the arrest report that’s fully public record.

    Our basic criteria for running an arrest story is a resident of, or an incident in, North Escambia or the immediate area where a charge is a felony. We generally do them all — that’s the fairest and most unbiased way. And it makes me hope my mom never gets busted in North Escambia, cause I’ll have to run her mug shot.

    Sometimes (and this is general statement, not specifically about this story), I hate running them because I know the suspect is really a good person that made a mistake. But fair is fair.

  26. mom on August 20th, 2010 12:43 pm

    Also, you have to remember that the media doesn’t always tell the whole story…everything was returned to the victim..It took a few days because they had thrown the things in the woods and Faberman was in the hospital. He had to have emergency surgery so as soon as they could locate the things they were returned..They did not try to sell any of the property, They brought what the had to their parents the next morning so the owner could be located because they had no idea where they had gotten it..They started calling neighbors then and as soon as they found the owner they returned the items and went to the cops an told them everything they could remember. They have now experinced what alcohol and pills can do to you..The courts can look at Fabermans hospital record and see where he refused any pain medication ,no matter how much pain he was in after surgery because he is so scared of pills now.So please remember these boys are human and let God judge them.

  27. aam on August 20th, 2010 12:28 pm

    Just because the young men made a mistake doesn’t make it the parents fault. I say do a little country justice. Make the boys work it off at the victims house pulling weeds or cutting grass with Scissors. If the victim doesn’t want them at their house let them decide where to do the community service. Not just one day but every saturday for a month starting at 6am.

  28. horrific on August 20th, 2010 12:25 pm

    I’m sorry good boys are not druggies, drunks and theives.

    Stop molly coddling them….
    If you like quotes from the Bibble how about this one

    Now how did these good boys do that?

  29. interested reader on August 20th, 2010 12:10 pm

    Going easy on young thugs is NOT the answer. If they get away with petty crimes at 18 and19 years old it just leads them to believe they can do more as they get older. I feel sorry for parents having to see their sons pictures on this site but now is the time to take action before they see their sons pictures in mug shots wearing prison stripes.

  30. mom on August 20th, 2010 12:04 pm

    I know how easy it is to blame the parents and to think these are just bad kids but I am the mom of one of these kids and have been like a second mom to every kid that was involved in that night. For the past five years these kids are at my house pretty much everyday and have never been any trouble. You can look at their school records and see that they have never been in trouble except for maybe something like eating a candy bar on the bus..They all have worked hard to get their diplomas and are wanting to go to school to better themselves..I am not in no way shape or form trying to sugar coat what they have done because it was very wrong! They did not try to hide anything they did,the cops did not have to look for who did this because they went to them all on their own.They know they did wrong and have made a huge mistake. I have never seen any signs of any of them being on drugs and we are very strict parents..Because we know that no matter how hard you try to raise your kids right that there is always a chance that they will give into the bad influences in this crazy world so the rule in this house is that to drive you have to pass a drug test once a month. As far as the parents of the other kids, they also have done the best they can,so please don’t point fingers at them either..As far as the victim goes,he is really upset and wants them to be punished but he also knows these kids and knows this is not normal behavior for them. We all want them to be punished so they will learn their lesson but they are still teenagers and we don’t want the rest of their lives ruined over this. If they do go to college and better themselves they still won’t be able to get a job because of their record..We want them to be an asset to society not a debt..I think we can all say we have been gave a second chance in life at one time or another! Please don’t think we are parents that think our kids do no wrong because we are not…We have had to stop family members from bailing them out because we want them to sit there and get a taste of what jail is like..As a mom, has that been easy? No, but we all have to agree that it’s for the best.

  31. Rez on August 20th, 2010 11:44 am

    PATHETIC !!!!!

  32. rk on August 20th, 2010 11:08 am

    Are we supposed to judge or is that gods job? Everyone makes mistakes and when did it become ok to blame others for someone elses mistakes. These are children from good and loving famies. Everyone tries to pevent thier children from making mistakes though it does not always work out that way. These boys have never been in trouble and are taking responsibility for their actions. Nasty comments do not make anything easier on anyone. I will support these parents and will offer my guidance for these children. The good book says everyone else should do the same. Try it sometime!!!!!!

  33. Bama Boy on August 20th, 2010 11:07 am

    This kind of stuff is going to keep happening and they will eventually find themselves meeting God via a bullet by a homeowner who is tired of this stuff.

  34. Just An Old Soldier on August 20th, 2010 10:34 am

    My question is simple – were the “perps” listening in on their police scanners to ECSO to aid in their crime spree?

    Hmmm…guess not. Just good old fashioned police work. Good job Deputies.