Molino Homemakers Club Create ‘Hairy Heads’ Craft

August 8, 2010

The Molino Homemakers club had a demonstration on making “Hairy Heads” at a recent meeting.

Nancy Holland gathered up her husband’s old socks, string, rubber bands, Styrofoam bowls, a few grass seeds, potting soil and water. Then she along with April Glass proceeded to demonstrate to the club members how to make a “Hairy Head”.

First you will need to cut off the top of the sock if it has elastic on it which makes it easier to put the soil in. Place a couple of tablespoons of grass seed in toe of the sock. Fill with soil about 6 inches deep. (Depending on the size of the sock) Tie top of sock tightly with string or rubber band. Hold over the bowl and pour water over sock soaking it well. Hold up a few inches and let excess water drip off. Cut off excess sock just above the string or rubber band. Place upside down in the bowl. String will be on the bottom, seeds on top. Shape like a head flattening the bottom sort of like a chin. Put buttons in with pins for eyes, or eyes and nose if you have three buttons. Place in a sunny window. “It is very important to keep the sock moist until it sprouts,” said Holland. Cover with plastic wrap for faster sprouting. Without wrap mist often and cut hair when Hairy needs a haircut. “Why would you want to do this?” asks Holland, “Because you need to be silly once in a while.”

Barbara Hendrix gave an interesting devotion on cicadas insects like Katydid’s and Honeybees. Saying, “Katydids appear every 17 years or so creating an almost constant noise at an extremely disruptive level, then, they quickly disappear. Honeybees are just the opposite. Their hives exist for years. They make an effort everyday to live in harmony with one another pollinating plants and flowers that furnish fruit and vegetables that provide for our daily nourishment. Without those gifts our loss would be great.” She left us considering whether we are disruptive or doing the work we are called to do.

The Molino Homemakers toured Camp Five Road Prison in Cantonment in place of their regular June meeting.

The Molino Homemakers meet at 10 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding July, in the fellowship hall of Molino First Assembly of God Church. Visitors are welcome.

Pictured top:  Molino Homemakers Club “Hairy Heads”.  Pictured inset: The ladies of the Molino Homemakers Club work on a project. Pictured below: April Glass and Nancy Holland demonstrate the project. Submitted photos by Terri Brown for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Molino Homemakers Club Create ‘Hairy Heads’ Craft”

  1. Brenda Phillips on June 15th, 2011 11:57 am

    I’m from Shelby County, Kentucky. Was just looking at your sight and, what a great fun thing to do with a Homemakers group. I think my grandchildred would also enjoy this. Our Homemakers group is always looking for new ideals.

    Our County has Day Trips each summer, does your club also go on trips?

  2. justme on August 10th, 2010 5:09 pm

    Thank you Nancy. Putting it on my calendar and hope to meet you then. I still may call you before then.

  3. nancy holland on August 9th, 2010 9:58 pm

    To Justme, or others interested… Call me at 850-587-5464 if you like or just come and join us next month (9/1) 10 am. Terri Brown will give us a demonstration on making soups, etc. in mason jars for gifts! We always have a great time and good food! Hope to meet you in September.

  4. justme on August 9th, 2010 2:11 pm

    I really want to come and try out your club. It sounds interesting and full of “old fashioned” tips, tricks and instructions on living with the basics. So much of what many people have no clue about these days.
    Hope to see you ladies next month. Is there anyone I should contact ahead of time, or just show up?

  5. Wow on August 8th, 2010 1:11 pm

    What a neat idea! Good for all ages. Can’t wait to try this.