Latest Stats: Republicans Outnumber Democrats In Escambia, Santa Rosa

August 4, 2010

Escambia and Santa Rosa County Republicans hold a strength in numbers advantage heading into the primary elections later this month — especially in Santa Rosa.

There are 197,222 registered voters in Escambia County, with 85,376 (43.29%) Republicans. There are 77,671 (39.38%) Democrats in Escambia, along with 6,037 (3.06%) minor party members. Of Escambia’s registered voters, 14.27% (28,135) claim no party affiliation.

But in Santa Rosa County, Republicans hold a huge lead over Democrats. Of 111,528 registered voters in Santa Rosa County, 62,814  (56.3%) are Republicans. There are 28,389  (25.4%) Democrats registered to vote in Santa Rosa County. Another 16,545 (14.8%) consider themselves non-partisan, while 3,780 (3.4%) are members of minor parties.

The primary election is August 24.


7 Responses to “Latest Stats: Republicans Outnumber Democrats In Escambia, Santa Rosa”

  1. anydaynow on August 5th, 2010 8:28 pm

    Thank you, kari.

  2. kari on August 5th, 2010 1:01 pm

    I looked up all of the elected officials in the county and found the majority were republicans. I only saw two democrats.

  3. Elizabeth on August 5th, 2010 10:57 am

    Of course, the numbers can’t reflect people like me who are registered with a major party and vote 3rd party..

  4. bob hill on August 4th, 2010 7:12 pm

    What can I say they are smart like me (;-)~

  5. anydaynow on August 4th, 2010 11:57 am

    Wow. Are you all saying that Democrats currently run things in Escambia County?? Tell me, how many Democrats currently hold elected office in Escambia County, and how many in Santa Rosa County?

  6. aubrey king on August 4th, 2010 10:13 am

    My views too bama54.this election will maybe open some eyes.Or not knowing this county.

  7. bama54 on August 4th, 2010 7:47 am

    This proves life is good!! Why does Santa Rosa have more smart people than Escambia. The numbers kind of make the case in my “opinion”. The numbers may tell us why Escambia County is behind the 8 ball on county growth, and why nothing ever get done pasted 9 mile road. We don’t have enough good guys to get things accomplished in this county. I say 80% Republican in Escambia County would just about do it to make things work. “This is my Opinion”!!!!