Jay Mayor Confident In One Vote Win After Election Results Change

August 26, 2010

Every vote counts. Jay Mayor Kurvin Qualls is a firm believer in that adage after winning re-election by just a single vote.

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/quallskurvin.jpgNumbers from the Santa Rosa County Supervisor of Elections Office Tuesday night first showed that political newcomer Ben Hudson had won the election with 71 votes to Qualls’ 70 votes. But shortly before midnight, elections officials tabulated votes from Jay’s touchscreen voting machine. The touchscreen votes were delayed in arriving at the elections office in Milton.

Two votes were cast on the touchscreen machine — both for Qualls, giving him a 72-71 victory over Hudson.

“I am very confident in the results from the Supervisor of Elections,” Qualls said Wednesday. “Everything was on the up and up.”

Under Florida Law, if the margin between the two candidates had been 0.05 percent, an automatic recount would have been triggered. But the one vote difference between Qualls and Hudson amounted to a 0.7 percent margin. According to the Supervisor of Elections Office, there will be no recount unless Hudson files suit in Circuit Court.

Confident in his victory, Qualls said he is making plans to continue to improve Jay.

“There are great things going on in Jay, and we are going to keep it going,” he said. “There are exciting things about to happen in the near future, and there are great opportunities in front of us.”

Attempts to contact Hudson for comment on this story were unsuccessful.


9 Responses to “Jay Mayor Confident In One Vote Win After Election Results Change”

  1. Native Floridian on August 30th, 2010 2:10 pm

    please people.. quit beating a dead horse.. I was at the community center this morning.. and the election votes are still posted on the door of the building same place they were Tuesday night when I watched the poles close!.. And guess what.. it has the count from the “mysterious machine”. The votes were always there, they just didn’t transmit electronically..
    So with that said, quit whining, show up at a council meeting, or chamber of commerce, or historical society and get involved. It is our own townspeople that have killed this town by going to pensacola, brewton, etc to shop at “WALMART” and not the government!
    Get over yourselves!

  2. Tammy McKee on August 29th, 2010 4:55 pm

    He’s done a great job for the town Jay. Keep up the good work.

  3. Angi on August 29th, 2010 8:17 am

    Congratulation on your re-election Kurvin, keep doing a great job…

  4. Jay Res. on August 28th, 2010 8:16 pm

    Just so you know, Kurvin, nor the City Council had anything to do with the arrival of the new bank, or the Heritage deal, or the new retirement home, or the new pharmacy that I heard today was coming to Jay.

  5. Bamcubz on August 28th, 2010 11:38 am

    Okay so he was “re-elected” well I’m still trying to figure out what he did for the Township of Jay so far? There’s a Heritage house that opened 2 years ago and we have a new bank just about done be constructed even tho there is one just across that has been empty for 5 years now. Out of the 20 plus building lining the one MAIN STREET there are like 8 business occupying them. The rest are run down condemned building that really should have been torn down 20 years ago. So what does he plan to do this term??? Waiting in wonder.

  6. Allentown Res on August 27th, 2010 4:13 pm

    Well fancy that… He needed two votes to get ahead of Hudson, and they mysteriously arrive late night, in a private car. Hmmm….

  7. Diane on August 27th, 2010 10:51 am

    What this means is he is still the Mayor!!!! You do a great job Mayor Qualls. Keep up the good work.

  8. Molino Mom on August 27th, 2010 8:19 am

    What that means is that half of the town does not want Kurvin to be the Mayor. And he’s happy about that?? He should resign!

  9. Jay Mom on August 26th, 2010 5:50 am

    WTG Kurvin!