‘Granny, Give Me All Your Money’ — More Details Released On Cantonment Home Invasion

August 25, 2010

More details have been released about a home invasion robbery reported early Sunday morning in Cantonment, and authorities are continuing to look for a suspect.

The incident happened about 5:15 a.m. in the 900 block of River Annex Road, but was not reported for nearly half an hour.

As of late Tuesday afternoon, no one had been arrested for the crime, according to Sena Maddison, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The 59-year old victim told deputies that she awoke from a sound sleep about 5:15 a.m. to a man holding her at gunpoint. She described the suspect as a while male, about 6-feet tall, heavy built, wearing a red hoodie that was pulled over his face. She said the suspect appeared to be disguising his voice and was pointing a .22 caliber revolver at her.

“Granny, give me all your money,” is what the victim told deputies the man said. The victim told the man that she did not have any money, and she argued back and forth with him, according to the Sheriff’s Office report on the incident. The suspect left the bedroom and fled through a side door. The victim told investigators that she watched the man, still with the hoodie over face, walk calmly and not in any hurry toward River Annex Road.

The victim told deputies that she believed that the suspect knew her because the suspect tried to disguise his voice and because she is called “granny” by some of her grandson’s friends.

After the incident, the victim said she woke up her husband, who is hard of hearing and sleeps in a different room. They then drove around the neighborhood in an attempt to locate the suspect, according to the Sheriff’s Office report. When they could not locate the bandit, they returned home and called deputies — nearly a half hour after the incident.

The victim told authorities that she believed the handgun belonged to her and her husband, and that it was taken from a truck outside. She reported that the gun was missing from the truck, which did not appear to be ransacked.

The victim said both the home and truck are normally unlocked, and deputies reported that it appeared the suspect had entered through the front door of the home. In addition to the gun, the victim reported that a purple Sony Ericsson cell phone was missing from her bedside.

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit followed a possible suspect track to another home on River Annex Road, but deputies were unable to make contact with anyone at the house. According to the Sheriff’s Office report, one resident at the home matches the physical description given by the victim and is familiar with her residence.

If you have any information on this home invasion, contact Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


10 Responses to “‘Granny, Give Me All Your Money’ — More Details Released On Cantonment Home Invasion”

  1. a sign of the times on August 27th, 2010 9:15 am

    i put cameras up on my property because we had so many breakins

    When we had problems again and muddy tracks on our porch i called
    the law
    When he got here all he wanted to know was where were the cameras
    pointed. He was trying to see if I was watching my neighbors and
    doing anything I shouldn’t.

    Hey My cameras are pointed right were they should be.
    They are pointed on my gate, my home, my acreage and sheds.

    Why are you trying to make me the perp.
    Somebody here your brother or hunting buddy.
    Or you just don’t like me.

    Well now we’re even cause I don’t think much of you either.
    Just another bad cop I pay with my tax dollars

    Got to have your own gun granny
    because most of the time the law here is on the WRONG SIDE..

    Thats because nobody here seems to know right from wrong

  2. horrific on August 27th, 2010 8:27 am

    There are so many kids and adults today who don’t do the right thing.

    Your right “Old Soldier”

    We have to be armed today to protect ourselves and our property.


    I don’t like having a gun.
    Never owned one before.

    Sometimes there is no choice!

  3. WOW!!! on August 26th, 2010 2:46 pm

    I know of some people that live on that road that are nothing but TROUBLE!!! When the story first came out, I thought “Sounds like something—would do” Guessing now, I’m probably right!!

  4. Just An Old Soldier on August 26th, 2010 1:54 pm

    This area is no longer safe to leave doors unlocked. It’s NEVER safe to leave a Firearm in a vehicle – they are lucky to be alive.

    Around two years ago our property was broken into while we were away, and the doors and windows were locked. The robbers simply smashed the sliding glass window, hooked a chain, and pulled to door off the frame. Our neighbors never woke up!

    A few months after – some strange men in a truck knocked on our door asking for directions to a place that doesn’t exist – probably casing the place for another robbery.

    Since that robbery have changed – an alarm system, hurricane fence, video – but look what happened in Beulah to the Billings Family! All of that provides great evidence, but didn’t save their lives. A gun in the hands of a trained homeowner might have.

    Keeping a weapon in a vehicle is just asking for trouble (and this case is a perfect example) – that’s the first place thieves will look for easy pickings. And in an out-building is just as bad. Ours was robbed too.

    Best thing to do is take a Weapons Safety Course and get a Concealed Carry Permit – and start carrying a piece – and when it’s not in use, lock it up in a gun safe.

    Defend yourself! Exercise that Second Amendment Right!

    By the time Law Enforcement gets there, you might be dead or severely injured. Our officers are good, but they can’t get to where they need to be as quick as they need to be.

    There’s been more than a few criminals around these parts that have met their fate at the hands of a legal gun owner after the crooks made the poor decision to break-in to a house to rob, rape, or kill.

    Criminals beware – change your ways and Repent, or face your eventual doom through your own evil deeds.

  5. shana on August 25th, 2010 11:23 am

    I’ll think twice before i leave my back door unlocked anymore!
    best of luck “granny”

  6. Name (required) on August 25th, 2010 11:00 am

    I hope the ECSO makes short work of this one. So sad that someone who knows her as ‘granny’ would think it appropriate to point a gun at her. Very sad times we live in.

  7. Paul on August 25th, 2010 10:24 am

    This doesn’t look like a hard one to solve…

  8. Neighbor on August 25th, 2010 8:14 am

    Thank you William, This is exactly the information I was looking for.

  9. TJ on August 25th, 2010 6:47 am

    Do you really know who is in your house!!!

  10. [_]\ on August 25th, 2010 5:56 am

    “GRANNY” you have to lock up your house & car!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s very very sad to say but you CANNOT trust folks these days……………..you will end up dead.
    I hope they catch the DEADBEAT!!!