Tropical Storm Danielle Update

August 22, 2010

[Image of 5-day forecast and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Sunday afternoon, and forecasters now say it will become a hurricane by late Tuesday.

The National Hurricane Center said the fourth named storm of the 2010 season was over the eastern Atlantic, about 725 miles from the southernmost Cape Verde Islands. But there is good news in the forecast — the Hurricane Center calls for the storm to make a northwesterly turn into the Atlantic, far from the United States.

The latest information on the storm is in the graphic above.


4 Responses to “Tropical Storm Danielle Update”

  1. William on August 22nd, 2010 4:32 pm

    > I thought the last one that came into the Gulf was named Danielle. ???

    No. It was Tropical Depression 6. The Hurricane Center and the TV weather forecasters kept saying it would become Danielle, but it never did get that strong.

  2. just wondering on August 22nd, 2010 4:24 pm

    I thought the last one that came into the Gulf was named Danielle. ???

  3. Chumuckla proud on August 22nd, 2010 8:34 am

    We do not hang around for any hurricane. We keep our old RV in good shape so that we can get out of town a few days in advance. No one wants to wait until the Govenor calls for an evacuation…because by that time it is way too late, the highways become jammed, and the safety situations become just as dangerous as the hurricane. Our old RV may be a “White Elephant” sitting in the back yard most of the time but becomes an “dear old friend” when hurricane season approaches! We are retired now, which makes it easy for us to leave in advance. However, when I was working I would always keep (in reserve) a few vacation days and sick days just for evacuation purposes! God bless those whose work madates they must remain in town…and thank you for your service to our community!

  4. Angi on August 22nd, 2010 7:25 am

    I really hope we don’t get any major hurricanes here, we stayed here for Ivan a few years ago, and I said never again!