Fireman Facing Criminal Charges For Abandoning Rescued Dogs, Theft, Obstructing Justice

August 27, 2010

An Escambia County volunteer firefighter may be facing criminal charges for allegedly abandoning three dogs that were reported to be “rescued” by the Century Station of Escambia Fire Rescue last Sunday.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has submitted an arrest warrant  for judicial review charging the firefighter with a felony count of grand theft, and misdemeanor charges of abandonment of animals and obstruction of justice.  As a matter of policy, generally does not identify suspects until they are formally charged by a judge signing the arrest warrant.

The Century Station of Escambia-Rescue responded to a reported motor vehicle accident Sunday on North Century Boulevard just south of Tedder Road. They discovered that there was no accident; rather, a motorist had stopped after seeing the three dogs nearly in the road. Both the fire department and the Sheriff’s Office requested that Escambia County Animal Control respond, but the agency refused stating that it did not meet their call-out criteria.

Rather than leave the dogs beside the road, they were taken back to the Century firehouse as firefighters worked to determine what to do with the canines. According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office incident report, the suspect said, “Put them in my truck. I have a pen at my house”.

A Century Volunteer Fire Department officer emailed Sunday night, providing photographs of the dogs and asking for help in find the dogs’ owner. published that story Monday morning.

After the article was published on, the dogs’ owner contacted the fire department. According to the ECSO, the owner confronted the suspected firemen at the Century fire station Tuesday evening and asked the whereabouts of his dogs. The suspect, according to the incident report, “refused to respond and acted like he didn’t know what (the victim) was talking about”.

On Wednesday, the dogs’ owner went to the suspect’s residence on Highway 4A and spoke with the suspect’s father. The father was helpful but said that he did not see the dogs or know where his son had put them, the victim told deputies.

The suspect told a fire department officer that he had found a good home for the dogs in Walnut Hill, and the officer contact with the information.  Based on that information from the fire department, a followup story was published by on Thursday, reporting that  a home had been found for the dogs.

On Thursday, deputies met with both the suspect and his father. The suspect told deputies, according to their report, that he had given the dogs to a man he met. The suspect told a deputy that he did not know how to contact the man and that the deputy should call his friend. The friend told the deputy by phone that “he did not want to be involved and that he was not going to tell a lie to keep (the suspect) out of trouble”. He said the suspect contacted him Sunday night and “asked him to cover for him if asked the whereabouts of the missing dogs”. The friend told the deputy that the suspect told him that he took the dogs and dropped them off at the intersection of North Pine Barren Road and Highway 168.

When contacted by phone, the deputy said the suspect admitted to putting the dogs out of his vehicle on Pine Barren Road on Wednesday. About 30 minutes later, the deputy called the suspect again to advise him that he was going to face charges over the dogs. “He advised me that he didn’t kill them or sell them and that he put them out on Sunday,” Deputy David Bashore wrote in his report.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

Pictured top: These cellphone photos show three dogs found early Sunday evening on North Century Boulevard just south of Tedder Road. The firefighter partially in the photograph is not the firefighter suspect in the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigation into the disappearance of the dogs. Photos for, click to enlarge.


49 Responses to “Fireman Facing Criminal Charges For Abandoning Rescued Dogs, Theft, Obstructing Justice”

  1. Limited Edition on August 31st, 2010 8:26 pm

    The real story may never be known, let’s say he brought the dogs home to pen them up and dad and mom said oh heck no, you gotta find somewhere else for them. That could be when it all snowballed and the young man really found out he had a problem when so much was made of the whole ordeal. One tractor trailer,( after the county did like they always do when something other than taxes are envolved with this end of the county) the story would have probably ended with buzzards feeding on all the animals and thankfully not one of our first responders.

  2. Pcolagal on August 31st, 2010 9:36 am

    DAWG: If People would worry about their Kids as much as they are worring about these three MUTTS the World would be A better Place.

    While I agree with your comment about people worrying about their children. Some people have children and they don’t care two hoots about them.

    The dogs on the other hand rely on their owners for food, water, love and protection. And in return, you get unconditional love. Alot of situations like this would be avoided if people would spay and neuter their pets. Instead they let them continue to breed and have puppies that end up along side of the road or dumped at a shelter. The shelters and rescues are overrun with unwanted pets but people still breed and buy puppymill dogs from pet stores.

    There are organizations out there that offer free or reduce cost spaying and nuetering. Please stop overpopulation and senseless death of over 3 million dogs and cats a year. Spay and Neuter!! Adopt from a shelter or rescue and give a dog or cat a loving home.

  3. levelhead on August 30th, 2010 9:36 pm

    I guess people missed this.
    No leash law animals can roam all they want. Animal control has no right to pick them up. I dont like this we need to CHANGE THE LAW.
    Just an FYI for the people of our county
    FACA Florida animal control assoc. recommends for a county of our size and population 18 to 21 field officers MINIMUM. At this time animal control has 7 field officers One supervisor one dispatcher and one investigator. This is just wrong that our community cannot do better. Our community needs to step up and help these people and animals. This is bad and I dont want to hear economy.
    ******You want better service pony up the bucks and also make century and area leash law area.

  4. robert on August 30th, 2010 11:48 am

    I have lived on Pine Barren Rd. most of my life and the area down by the creek and HWY 168 has always been a dumping ground for anumals not just dogs you can find cats too most of the time. it does no good to contact animal control because they aren’t going to drive all the way up here for a dog unless it has bitten someone aor killed some kind of livestock. so basically you are left to handle this yourself. We have had goats and calfs killed by strays with no help from animal control so we have to handle it the old fashioned way.

  5. Prentis Parrish on August 29th, 2010 7:42 pm

    The Escambia Animal Control did not respond, because it did not meet their criteria. Excuse me but why are we trying to persecute and prosecute the fireman??? We, the tax payers pay the salary of the Escambia County Animal Control folks. HELLO! They did not do their job. If I didn’t do my job I would be fired, and you would too! I think I may have to vote against the Sheriff for his role in this and any other county official that is in office.

  6. DAWG on August 29th, 2010 11:44 am

    If People would worry about their Kids as much as they are worring about these three MUTTS the World would be A better Place!

  7. Southernhellcat on August 29th, 2010 7:58 am

    This man is definitely NOT a real Firefighter.

  8. Tammie on August 28th, 2010 11:19 pm

    I’m trying to understand this! Why did the guy abandon the dogs in the first place? The article had ran about the dogs and he didn’t even give the owners time to claim them before he dumped them out? Why did he do it? He knew he would get into trouble or he wouldn’t have asked his friend to cover for him! How can someone be that stupid?
    Yeah that’s who I want to be saving my children and pets if my house happens to catch on fire!!

  9. [_]\ on August 28th, 2010 10:33 pm

    AMEN! Chrissy

  10. College Mommy on August 28th, 2010 8:28 pm

    I seen a white car parked on the side of the road. I am not sure of the make and model but when i came back thru the dogs and the car was gone.

  11. chrissy on August 28th, 2010 3:21 pm

    i hope and pray he goes to jail. this is unforgivable. animals don’t choose their owners, we choose them, they depend on us to care for them, they don’t get a say so. what kind of sick person would do this? why “rescue” them and then dump them down a road? WTH. SICK. those poor creatures. this whole story is bizarre. i’m glad the dogs are back with their rightful owners. what kind of role model is this? YOU WANTED TO BE A FIREMAN, YOU NEED TO ACT LIKE ONE! MY CHILDREN LOOK UP TO MEN AND WOMEN LIKE THAT, YOU SHOULD SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THE CHILDREN, AND NOT DISGRACE LIKE YOU HAVE THE ONES YOU WORK WITH.


    can i get an amen? thank you.

  12. northendbratt2 on August 28th, 2010 1:37 pm

    It is Jerkins road that comes onto OakShade and for twenty years I didn”t have the breed of dogs I wanted to raise because someone was always putting dogs out on Jerkins and they found their way to our house where they stayed until they died of old age! Over the years Last Monday the dogs in question were in our front yard ‘thank God they moved on because we have small dogs now and I don’t want anything like those around here. This is a first some one dumps their dogs and has to reclaim them!!!!!!!!

  13. unchainyourdog on August 28th, 2010 9:44 am

    To College Mommy ~ are you saying the three dogs were picked up this morning Sat. 8/28?? What kind of vehicle was it?? Thanks!

  14. College Mommy on August 28th, 2010 8:59 am

    Those dags were in my yard before they were picked up. I live on Glover Rd and have a three year old daughter that I had to keep inside. When I left to go up town I seen a car on the side of the road, between Glover Rd and Tedder Rd looking at the three dogs. Those dogs are so pretty I hope they are taken care of.

  15. RODEO on August 27th, 2010 10:13 pm

    I own land there on oak shade road and I hope justice is served! We don’t need a leash law !!!

  16. levelhead on August 27th, 2010 9:20 pm

    Leash Law

    Direct control shall apply only to the areas of the county which are designated by resolution of the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners is authorized to adopt by resolution areas designated as “direct control” pursuant to the procedures provided in this section. Any “direct control” resolutions existing as of the date of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect and shall not require reaffirmation by the board of county commissioners.
    (c) Resolutions adding certain areas to or deleting certain areas from the “direct control” area may be adopted on the board of county commissioners’s own motion, or may be adopted after receipt of a petition from residents of an area requesting that such area be added to or deleted from the “direct control” area. Any such petition shall be verified and shall be signed by at least 65 percent of the residents of the area which is to be added to or deleted from the “direct control” areas. Locations of residences or persons signing such petitions shall be distributed fairly about the area which is to be added to or deleted from the “direct control” area.

  17. levelhead on August 27th, 2010 8:33 pm

    No leash law up north dogs can roam where ever they want.
    Its up to the owners to be responsible.

  18. animal lover on August 27th, 2010 7:59 pm

    These dogs were on Oak Shade Road around 6 50. This is about a mile from where he put them out. I believe it was Thursday morning. I looked out the window they were all three by my mailbox. The place he dump them off is a drop off for many animals.. After you go over the bridge on Pine Barren take right it is Jenkins road which comes up to Oak Shade Road. I have took in severa animals from this location.The dogs were gone when I went to work by 7:05. I wish I had seen the news before the dogs.

  19. Concerned on August 27th, 2010 6:34 pm

    Now explain to me why the owner of the dogs isn’t being charged for not having them in one of those new niffy pens the county is now requiring?

    As David would say: just wondering

  20. DAGB on August 27th, 2010 5:43 pm

    Just seen this story but almost 100% sure these dog’s were on Bratt Rd. between Camp Rd. and Cox Rd. today. I passed them around 10:00

  21. levelhead on August 27th, 2010 5:30 pm

    Just an FYI for the people of our county
    FACA Florida animal control assoc. recommends for a county of our size and population 18 to 21 field officers MINIMUM. At this time animal control has 7 field officers One supervisor one dispatcher and one investigator. This is just wrong that our community cannot do better. Our community needs to step up and help these people and animals. This is bad and I dont want to hear economy.

  22. John on August 27th, 2010 5:01 pm

    I don’t know what Animal Control’s “criteria” is, but I do know that folks call 911 all day stating that “there is a (dog, cat, etc.) walking down the road or sitting here or there.
    What do you expect Animal Control to do? Come pick up EVERY animal that is walking around?
    Do you want to pay even higher taxes, or forego other services to pay for this?
    I know I don’t.

  23. Concerned on August 27th, 2010 4:46 pm

    ANIMAL CONTROL IS USELESS!!! What the hell is their job, anyway, because I know they don’t respond to calls from the public, OR LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!

  24. goforit on August 27th, 2010 4:02 pm


    Horrific has such a mean looking GRRRRRRR

  25. interested reader on August 27th, 2010 3:40 pm

    This is the most bizarre story I have seen in a long time. People need to think before they do something stupid. I hope the dogs are ok and find good homes. They deserve a chance if at all possible. The fireman, if found guilty, should be fired. A person who is cruel to animals will not be good to people.

  26. Sammie on August 27th, 2010 2:51 pm… thanks for following this story and please keep us updated. I just read all of the articles again and something is not right with this guy’s story.

  27. oldenough on August 27th, 2010 2:16 pm

    I’m all for taking care of animals, but this county’s efforts to make things right for the hardworking, law abiding citizens leaves a lot to be desired. I’m just wondering how many of you VOTED this week. Get off your soapboxes about justice for animals and work on your attitude toward wronged citizens and the sorry judicial system in this county that has so many loopholes for the criminal that it’s pathetic.

  28. Sammie on August 27th, 2010 2:01 pm

    This is unbelievable. What was he thinking? Why would he OFFER to take them home.. and then dump them. What a LOSER. And good for his freind for not lying for him

    How could his fellow firefighters even work with him?

    HE needs to get in his truck and spend ALL of his waking hours finding those dogs.

  29. William on August 27th, 2010 1:39 pm

    In response to a few that commented below — Animal Control was called, as the story and the Sheriff’s Office report says. I personally heard fire dispatch advise the firemen on scene that Animal Control would not respond.

  30. AL on August 27th, 2010 1:33 pm

    I tend to think maybe animal control was called, or surely they would have been defending themselves to William so he could advise his readers.

    The dogs never should have been dumped on the street in the first place – so their original owner is the ultimate person responsible for any and everythign bad that happens to those dogs.

    This guy (notice I didn’t call him a fireman – the ones I know have integrity and compassion) has done a disservice to first responders, he has tarnished the reputation of any emergency worker who responded with him that day and has made a public display of his true character. I hope his fire company teaches him a lesson that evidently nobody else has been able to… and that is to value life, big or small.

  31. meforone on August 27th, 2010 12:13 pm

    That’s my corner and if you think that’s the first time someone has done this think again. Its a bi-weekly thing. And if its not alive they drop it in the creek. You know the mind set. The rain will wash it away , well it doesn’t. I see people in my creek with their children. If they only knew what our good country folk do. Keep your trash at your own house and stop leaving your unwanted animals to fend for themselves. Sorry is an understatement !!

  32. Teri on August 27th, 2010 12:04 pm

    This want a be “Hero” that so called rescued these dogs and then went to dump them somewhere else…………What were you thinking?
    To think this guy is suppose to be representing Century Volenteer Fire Dept.
    and can act like he was rescuing these dogs but infact doing right the opposite.

    When you put these 3 poor dogs in your truck…. they were depending on you
    to take care of them. They had a little hope everything was going to be ok.
    Then you go do the unthinkable.

    You should not be on any Fire Dept or anything else that has to do with public assistance.

  33. Animal Control Services on August 27th, 2010 11:38 am

    I live on 4-A and people dump their dogs out ALL the time. We, sadly, were the recipients of a beautiful lab that had obvious medical conditions (probably the reason he was left). We were unable to take care of him and called Animal control to pick him up. It took a couple visits because the dog would wander off, but they did eventually get him.

    This whole story was a web of mis-truths, I am curious if any evidence has been presented that the firemen actually called animal control. Seems to me, that if citizens don’t have a problem with Animal Control, surely a fireman would not.

    Also, I don’t understand why if the Owner confronted them on Tuesday why the dogs would have been dumped out on Wed. Either the truth still isn’t being told or there was an alterior motive.

  34. huh on August 27th, 2010 9:57 am

    The solution here is they should make requirement fees to own dogs and cats, Each person should have to pay $200 for a permit per animal.

    Why you ask? It would ensure that people take care of their animals and if not, the money could be used by the state for this type of nonsense

    The problem here is no one takes care of their animals in our area at all, 3 dogs is far too many , especially out roaming the streets.

    Once your animals start barking and wont stop, or get out and run around, it becomes everyones problem and a burden to society

  35. Don't Drink And Drive People on August 27th, 2010 9:12 am

    Wellsaid, Horrific! You took the words right out of my mouth! The idea some people have in the country is kill it if it wanders onto your property or haul it off and make it somebody elses problem. Shame on them!

  36. Trish on August 27th, 2010 8:57 am

    I’m sorry! Why did Animal Control not respond (it didn’t fit their criteria)? Don’t they also hold some responsibility here. Isn’t that their job? Or is it only their job if something happens between 9am and 5pm.

  37. barrineau on August 27th, 2010 8:29 am

    If this guy is charged he should be made to work with abused and neglected animals, then maybe he will see what these actions do to these animals .I agree with “character” do the right thing even when no one is looking, because god sure is.

  38. LF1 on August 27th, 2010 8:25 am

    I know this is not the issue but……I have worked in emergency services for many years. I believe that if anyone in emergency sevices is on a call and requests for animal control, then animal control should respond.

  39. Army Mom on August 27th, 2010 8:02 am

    I seen these dogs this morning about 8am North of Pine Barren and Hwy 4.

  40. horrific on August 27th, 2010 7:53 am

    I’m with jack…..

    It’s too bad about the whole thing. This guy even wanted his friend to lie for him.

    This guy had us all.
    There was a halo on his head.

    Tears in my eyes for ppl who ruin their lives because someone
    didn’t do their job and teach them right from wrong.

    Make them gentle and sweet.
    YES even you boys. There is nothing wrong with caring for
    your women, your mothers, your friends, the animals and creatures
    on this earth that can’t take care of themselves.
    Thats the true measure of a man.
    How well do you take care of everything in your world.
    Not how big was the buck you killed last night.

    Tenderness is an ASSET NOT AN EMBARRASSMENT!
    This guy didn’t need to be embarrassed about being kind and doing
    the right thing DID HE! No!

    People before you teach your children to kill small animals teach them
    to first love one. That way they know the difference.
    Teach them many things before you take them out and put a gun in
    their hands and teach them to KILL.
    5 year olds don’t need bragging for bagging rights.

    There are way too many more important things in life.

  41. somebody on August 27th, 2010 7:46 am

    I have a dog that is either in the house or only let out on a cable to “do his business.” Dog owners should be held responsible for their pets. I’m not backing the fireman nor am I stoning him in the media. I’m just saying, pet owners have a responsibility. What I am saying is, thank you to all our volunteer firemen who give of themselves everyday so that in the event of our personal tragedy, whether a fire a wreck or whatever, we receive the help that is needed.

  42. Jack on August 27th, 2010 7:31 am

    I think the Century Vol. Fire Chief should ask that fireman to resign until this is resolved.

  43. horrific on August 27th, 2010 6:50 am

    How Shameful

    Hero to Villian within a week!

    He could have reached out to someone on
    Someone would have taken them in.


  44. Carolyn Bramblett on August 27th, 2010 6:14 am

    This is a bizarre story. Please keep the public informed. I love this web site.

  45. me on August 27th, 2010 6:13 am

    To think so many praised this guy, and I was one of them. Those poor animals!!!

  46. unchainyourdog on August 27th, 2010 5:44 am

    OMG!!! I knew it was NOT good for those dogs when I read yesterday they went to a man in Walnut Hill. The suspected firemen NEED to be charged with Pet Abandonment as that is ILLEGAL in Escambia Co. With all the help offered from local animal rescue groups, the dogs were abandoned anyway. Their fates could now be worse than death. How cruel of that man (men) to abandon them to starvation, disease, injuries, etc. in other words: Lingering Death.

    Here is the ORDINANCE regarding pet abandonment:

    Sec.10-16 Cruelty to Animals:

    (b) It shall be unlawful for any owner or person in possession of an animal or who has charge or custody of an animal to suffer injury or malnutrition or to abandon any animal in a street, road, or public place without providing for the care, sustenance, protection and shelter of such animal, ..

    I volunteer with the Jr. Humane Society and will be up in the Pine Barren area looking for those dogs mid morning Fri.. If anyone else would like to join me, please call (850) 384-1490. Thank You!

  47. Character and integretity on August 27th, 2010 5:03 am

    Character and integretity…..doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

    This man failed miserably and even if the name is never published, his friends, family and peers will all know that this man has none.

    Definitely NOT the type individual we want wearing a county uniform, unless it is bright orange or has black and white stripes.

  48. wow!! on August 27th, 2010 2:17 am

    This is a crazy turn out of this story someone who is saving lives is doing this 2 animals!! Wow….hope justice is served!!

  49. shoefits on August 27th, 2010 2:00 am

    Did he put them out Sunday or Wed.? People like this make me sooooo mad! I think God judges us on many things but one thing is how we treat animals. A lot of people are gonna have a lot to answer for when they are called for their day of reckoning! There are sooo many abandoned cats and dogs – people just dump them out somewhere and leave it up to others to deal with the problem of strays, bou-coos of litters from strays, the diseases they get, their starvation, and the danger they can pose to others! If this guy wasn’t going to do as he stated, he should not have taken the animals. I guess he thought he would look like a ‘big shot’. People need to take responsibily and take care of their animals. GET YOU ANIMALS SPAYED OR NEUTORED AND A RABIES VACINATION – AND IF YOU CAN’T, THEN DON’T GET THE ANIMAL!
