Evers Leads Hill By Over Quarter Million Dollars In Contributions

August 1, 2010


In the race for Florida Senate District 2, Greg Evers has received over a quarter million dollars more in campaign contributions than fellow Republican Mike Hill.

Ever’s campaign war chest now boasts $340,310.92 in contributions, while Mike Hill has received $57,100 in contributions. Write-in candidate Margaret M. Smith reported no contributions, while Tea Party candidate Christopher S. Crawford received $1,781.82     .

district2map.jpgDave Murzin, who dropped out of the race to run for the District 2 Escambia County Commission seat currently held by Gene Valentino, reported contributions of $108,551 total for his campaign. Murzin spent $31,918.59 on his campaign. Under state law, he was allowed to transfer the balance of his campaign contributions to his commission campaign; however, contributors to his Senate campaign also have the right to ask for their money back. In all, Murzin transferred about $46,000 into his commission campaign.

Evers has spent $133,530.83 on his campaign. His largest expenditures were for consultants, a campaign manager, a web site and advertising. His single largest expense was $28,836.88 to Marketing Matrics & Media in Pensacola for campaign signs.

Hill’s single largest expenditure has been $3,038 to campaign manager Jim Harris. His other large expenditures have  been on advertising and campaign consultants.

Tea Party candidate Crawford spent all of his $1,781.82  on filing fees to run for the office.

Click the candidate’s name below to see their complete first quarter campaign finance report:

Evers is a House member hoping to move up to the Senate chambers to fill the seat being vacated by Rep. Durell Peaden. With 10 years in the Senate, Peaden is not running again due to term limits. Walter “Mike” Hill is a Pensacola insurance agent.

NorthEscambia.com graphics, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Evers Leads Hill By Over Quarter Million Dollars In Contributions”

  1. Sharon on August 12th, 2010 4:55 pm

    I don’t know if anyone is still following this story. Reading some of the earlier posts I decided to do my own research. This is what I have found so far.

    These are Greg Ever contributors as reported to the State of Florida

    A couple of my questions were why are most of the contribution from out of our district? The majority are $500 and the occupation of political affairs was listed for a great percentage of them. I understand that means lobbyist, please correct me if I am wrong.

    This is Mike Hill’s contributors as reported to the State of Florida

  2. Sharon on August 12th, 2010 8:07 am

    George, curious where you got the info that Mike Hill donated to the “movement for change” . It’s also very important is to find out who donates to to the election funds of the person running for office. Can anyone tell me where to find this info. At this time I believe finding the truth out about a person is more important than the sound bites and billboards. Does being an insurance man make you naturally a sorry person. Does being a farmer make you a well informed person doing the will of the people. It is much more about the character of the person running. Is it right to bad mouth someone without facts to back it up just because you have a candidate you support. I think most of us are tired of the slander and want the truth and a person they can trust. Perhaps all candidates are great and we have the great opportunity to choose between good candidates!

  3. Sharon on August 6th, 2010 10:53 am

    I know Mike Hill, he is a man of high moral values and character, he has my vote. The Big Signs and Big Campaigns of Evers and Crist cannot hide their lack of leadership and slim accomplishments while in Tallahassee. Mike has served our country and continues to serve NW Florida. Mike is a proven leader who will go to Tallahassee to serve, not to make a career out of politics.

  4. Sam Carden on August 2nd, 2010 9:26 pm

    If Craig Crawford is the Tea Party nominee, then Hill must be telling more fables.

  5. Bob Hill on August 1st, 2010 6:58 pm

    Thanks for the info George. Movement
    for change is definitely a red flag
    for me and all the conservatives in this

  6. Bob Hill on August 1st, 2010 6:55 pm

    Now play nice Get Facts.
    I won’t post Mr Hill’s income or net worth. I
    agree with Rosie you should do your own

  7. Annoymous on August 1st, 2010 6:49 pm

    I support for Evers!

  8. Rosie on August 1st, 2010 6:24 pm

    Get Facts. My best friend is a State Farm
    insurance agent and he shared with me the
    income of their agents. Also Mr Hill had to
    report his worth. Perhaps you should
    educate yourself. Atleast do your own

  9. Rosie on August 1st, 2010 6:15 pm

    Bob Hill and George you have a right
    to your opinion and I agree with you.
    I’m sure Mr Hill is aware of his income.
    If I’m not mistaken his children go to
    private school. If that’s true I applaud
    him and his wife but what will he do
    for our county school systems? How can
    we trust him to look out for our kids? He
    must have a problem with local teachers

  10. George on August 1st, 2010 5:47 pm

    Oversight I agree about the money but I will
    not vote for Hill. I question his integrity and
    character. He has given money to “the movement
    for change.” He might as well just admit that
    he supports Obama. Just be honest Mr. Hill.

  11. Get Facts on August 1st, 2010 5:42 pm

    George..how did you come by this information? Ask an independant agent and see if he even agrees with you. They are the ones writing all that homeowners business now!

    Bob Hill…..where do you get your un-educated idea that an agent has controll over that sort of thing….??? Let’s see….politicians and insurance commissioner.

  12. George on August 1st, 2010 3:22 pm

    I’m sure Hill makes alot more annually than Evers’
    contributions. He’s a State Farm Insurance Agent.
    Why would anyone want an insurance
    agent for Senator? I will support Evers.

  13. Oversight on August 1st, 2010 2:42 pm

    Greg Evers the champion and backer of Escambia consolidated government. I don’t care how much money he gets, he still won’t get my vote!

  14. bob hill on August 1st, 2010 1:34 pm

    A vote for Hill is a vote for higher insurance rates !!!!! Enough said for now!!!!

  15. DJSheffield on August 1st, 2010 10:54 am

    Mr. Greg Evers you have my vote and always will!

  16. Me! on August 1st, 2010 10:53 am

    Hey the downtown Pensacola folks have deep pockets. They will finance Mr Evers campaign anytime he runs. They don’t forget who introduced the Consolidation bill to Consolidate Escambia Government.