Driver Now Facing DUI Manslaughter Charges For Pedestrian’s Death

August 26, 2010

Charges have been upgraded to  DUI manslaughter against a Pensacola man for the June death of a pedestrian.

Tyler Neal Wass, 25, was booked into the Escambia County Jail Wednesday night where he is being held on $100,000 bond.

The Florida Highway Patrol says William E. Carlson, 30, of Pensacola was walking west on Wilde Lake Boulevard shortly after 3 a.m. on June 20 when he was struck and killed by a 2002 Saturn driven by Wass (pictured), of Rebel Road, Pensacola.

According to the FHP., Wass saw Carlson at the last second and attempted to avoid him, but struck him with the right front of his Saturn. Wass and a passenger, 25-year old Carissa L. Snipes, 25, of Pensacola, were not injured.

Wass was taken into custody after the accident and charged with a misdemeanor count DUI. Prosecutors upgraded the charge against Wass to vehicular manslaughter on Wednesday.


38 Responses to “Driver Now Facing DUI Manslaughter Charges For Pedestrian’s Death”

  1. IshallAlwaysMissB.C. on September 27th, 2010 3:24 am

    I don’t understand the whole situation.A person hits and kills someone on accident,while drinking and driving.That night the driver was arrested and had bonded out within hours after the accident.Then a few weeks later he was arrested again for vehicle manslaughter and was givin a 100 thousand dollar bond then a few nights later the bond was lowered to 25 thousand.Shortly after he bonded out again.I don’t believe what so ever Wass should spend years and years in prison but I do belive in justice and I just don’t see what lesson has been taught YET for a accident that resulted in the death of a great,caring,and wonderful person who’s name is Billy Carlson.By no means do I think Tyler is a bad person I know he is caring and cared by thousands b/c he’s a all around kinda guy.We all have a court system so that people(Good or Bad)are punished for the laws that we brake,and yes everyone brakes the law by either speeding,robbing,or in this case drinking and driving.But we all don’t wake up everyday and commit a crime of taking someone elses life.There’s no way of asking Billy his side of the story but if we could I guarantee he would’ nt start pointing fingers at anyone and I also believe he has no hate towards Tyler and probably wishes him the best.All we do know about the accident is the night it happened a life was takin by a person who had a alcohol level between the point levels of .115—.112 .which is NOT one point over the alcohol limit in the state of Florida.The alcohol limit is. .008. .I Just don’t want something like this to happen to another family b/c both familys are suffering tremondousIy.I just don’t see what lessons have been taught YET from this disaster to other people who do drink and drive and see that nothing major has been done by the court system for drinking and driving.People that do drink and drive and don’t know the pain both familys are having to go through b/c of the death of Mr.Billy Carlson are most probably thinking that a accident like this can’t happen to them and that is the WORSE and WRONG thing to think BECAUSE IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE…..Please DONT Drink and Drive…… R.I.P. William Carlson

  2. vff on August 28th, 2010 12:47 pm

    Everyone makes dumb choices and decisions that doesn’t make you a dumb person it actually makes you smarter how else is one to learn

  3. Ifish4 on August 28th, 2010 7:30 am

    Drinking and driving is not a MISTAKE, it’s a DUMB choice made by DUMB people, plan and simple.
    Dumb=lacking intelligence or good judgment, stupid, dull witted.
    Now there you have it, like it or not.

  4. vff on August 28th, 2010 12:34 am

    God has a time and place he chooses for his children to leave this world it may not pleasant to others but yet again everything happens for a reason this is the way he chose for this man and to those of you all that think just because tyler gets to have another day to live and and billy didn’t doesn’t mean anything he is suffering a lot worse than billy who is with the lord I’m sure everyday for the rest of his life until its his time to go that there won’t be a moment that passes that he won’t think about this he has to live with the regrets everyone makes mistakes no one is perfect yet it doesn’t make it ok for what happened there are consequences for everything and he will get what is due to him and more just try putting yourself in his shoes then comment on the situation may god be with both families

  5. A friend on August 27th, 2010 5:00 pm

    Regardless of your affiliation or personal beliefs, both parties have responsibilty in this accident. It may not be equal responsibility, but it is shared.

    One person was negligent when they chose to drink and drive and the other was negligent when they chose to drink and walk.

    If you want to bring the law into it, both are guilty of a crime (DUI MANSLAUGHTER and PUBLIC INTOXICATION).

    Its a sad sad circumstance that everyone should learn from and try and prevent going forward.

  6. Purgatory on August 27th, 2010 3:40 pm

    Re: Excuses
    Im not saying Tyler isn’t also partly to blame. You do not see pedestrians walking or riding bikes down that road because everyone knows it is dangerous. And yes there are dead animals all the time on that road. I was not joking when I said I drove that road multiple times a day for nearly a decade. Its not an excuse it is a fact, that road is dangerous, day or night, reflective gear or no.

    Re: Dave
    My point was that Tyler displayed composure in his ability to perform physical and cognitive tasks. Which leads me to believe he had composure over his ability to react as well.

    Re: RUKidding

    Billy is dead because he chose to walk home on a poorly lit road that had no shoulder with no reflective gear on and no way of being seen. Tyler deserves to be punished for blowing over the legal limit to drive. I just don’t believe it was the reason for the death of Billy. I have a feeling any car on the road that night with Billy was a close call.

    I do not know either of these men. I have mutual friends of both. But since Im not directly tied to either of them Im trying to offer an outside unbiased eye. The man I worked for lived in Beulah and I commuted this road for many years.

    I’ve lost family and very close friends to car accidents and drunk driving. I know how it feels and mostly you are looking for someone to blame for something so unthinkable. They both should be blamed in this case.

    This WAS NOT a homicide. It was an accident. Treat it as such.

  7. Horrific on August 27th, 2010 3:39 pm

    I agree with Dave
    25 is not a baby
    He killed someone and he has to do his time.

    You talk about we all make mistakes
    Your right we do, but we don’t all make mistakes that kill someone.
    In fact many of us take great care to abide by the laws so we don’t.

    It’s not the laws place to say Ahh lets give the little fellar a break.
    It is the laws place to have a set rule and implement it.

    That’s it!
    I feel this is fair

  8. Dave on August 27th, 2010 3:03 pm

    Re: Not Telling

    “This child”? The man is 25 years old .He doesn”t fit the child category.

  9. A friend on August 27th, 2010 1:49 pm

    Everyone has made mistakes and thankfully alot of us were lucky enough that we didnt hurt anyone or ourselves in the course of our learning process.

    When we were out driving fast or racing on the streets, we could have easily wrecked into someone else.

    When we left Seville, The Beach, Ropers, etc. last weekend, we were lucky because we could have easily hit a pedestrian or another vehicle.

    When we sent that text while driving down the interstate we were lucky because we could have easily ran into another car.

    We have all done these things….Billy did them. Tyler did them. Ive done them. You have probably done them too. Learn from this. When you head out tonight designate a driver. It sounds so complicated, but it is better than taking a life or spending your’s in jail!!!

  10. Excuses, Excuses on August 27th, 2010 1:40 pm

    If that road is as bad as some of you claim it to be, then many more pedestrians, cyclists and animals would be dead…..Driving Drunk killed Billy. The fact that the road is poorly lit, narrow, and not maintained is just an excuse being used to try to shift blame from Tyler.

  11. no namer on August 27th, 2010 12:48 pm

    I think that this is a terrible thing that BOTH families are having to go through. I too have driven on that same road many times, and it is very narrow and not well lit. I only had the chance to meet Billy once but I do know Tyler and he is a good person. Both parties were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Now there is no way the justify ANYONE driving drunk, but to say things like “he’ll get his” is just mean. He’s having to live with what happened already. (which can’t be easy) My thoughts and prayers go out to Billy’s friends & family, but also to Tylers. This can’t be an easy situation for anyone to go through.

  12. NOT TELLING on August 27th, 2010 10:20 am

    As sad and tragic as I think it is about Billy’s death. I am also sad for the boy who was driving that night. I am sure that Billy had driven in the past .01 over the limit and there is no reason this child should face 15 plus years in prison over this. I can understand him needing to suffer consequences but do you think him having to live with his own conscience forever is a lifetime sentence in itself. I think that there are other ways to react to this and I am sure Billy would not want to see another life loss in this process. As a mother I can empathize with this situation completely and I agree that the Wass boy should have to pay for his decision but to throw another young life away in the process and I think everyone should take that into consideration. Each situation is different but I know that Billy would not want to see that happen.

  13. samer on August 27th, 2010 9:59 am

    May justice be served. We miss you Billy , you always going to be with us brother .

  14. No Name Needed on August 27th, 2010 9:25 am

    As the weekend approaches, please remember that this could have easily been many of us reading this story.

  15. horrific on August 27th, 2010 8:16 am

    I’m usually one of the first to bash a drunk driver.
    His life is over as of that night.
    He was on borrowed time.
    and so will his whole family and everyone who cared about him.

    As for the boy who was killed HE IS IN A FAR BETTER PLACE!

    As for the family you will ALL MEET AGAIN IN THAT FAR BETTER PLACE!


  16. RUKidding on August 26th, 2010 11:27 pm

    Re: Purgatory
    you said ” he only blew .01 over the limit. That wasnt enough to impair his ability to react.” our friend is dead because this guys reaction time was poor, so YES it did impair his ability to react. Dark road, narrow road, keep going with the reasons it’s not this guys fault. The FACT is he was over the limit enough to get a DUI and killed someone.You also said “anyone walking or even riding a bike on that road, at night, with no reflective gear or blinky red light must be contemplating suicide” are you really that stupid, you can’t be, god forbid something like this happens to someone you love, Billy was only trying to get home you heartless ass not trying to get killed. How dare you say something so heartless. The guy that hit Billy must be a good friend. He’ll get his, God always has the last word.

  17. Dave on August 26th, 2010 9:29 pm

    If he passed the field sobriety test, why was he arrested at the scene for DUI? Apparenty that .01 over the limit, which would make it a .09, made a difference.

  18. Purgatory on August 26th, 2010 8:11 pm

    Let’s take a look at this situation from an outside perspective. I’ve driven down that road(Wilde Lake) at least a thousand times. To and from school and work everyday. That might be the narrowest, poorly lit and un-maintained road in the city. Even during the daytime that road is sketchy. I wouldnt ride in anything less than a full-size truck down that road for fear of being crushed like a soda can.

    With that said, anyone walking or even riding a bike on that road, at night, with no reflective gear or blinky red light must be contemplating suicide. Its dangerous, plain and simple.

    Yes, Tyler had been drinking. Yes, he was behind the wheel. But he passed all field sobriety tests and only blew .01 over the limit. That wasnt enough to impair his ability to react. He wasnt belligerently drunk and passing out at the wheel.

    This was an accident. He didnt run him down or act maliciously. Both Tyler and Billy were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s sad, but that’s how life works. It’s an unfortunate event, but Billy would want all his friends to be understanding and to move on.

  19. IshallAlwaysMissB.C. on August 26th, 2010 5:21 pm

    No matter what happens to Wass it will not bring the person back that everyone loved being around b/c of the way he showed everyone how great of a person you are in the inside..I knew billy very well I also know wass..wass has met billy before and I know b/c I intruduces billy to tyler..Tyler in jail won’t bring evryones guardian angel back..I’m not gonna say I never drank and drove but I myself couldn’t go out partying and drinking after I caused soo soo much hurt to people who love him.every sense we were all kids we all got punished for misbehaving or doing something that was not have to take the punishment for what ever we have always done wrong..the punishment wass will be getting might keep him out of the clubs and hopefully he’ll think twice about drinking and driving and make other people…I know for sure me and my friends sure do after loosing the best friend anyone could ask for….NOBODY THINK IN YOUR HEAD THIS CANT HAAPPEN TO YOU..DONT DRINK AND DRIVE PLEASE..everyone remember billy carlson as the great person he is because he still watching over us… I Love ya billy

  20. smr on August 26th, 2010 4:15 pm

    How could anyone blame Billy? The person who posted that needs to clear this up….. So someone drinks and gets behind the wheel of a 3000lb missile vs someone drinks and walks unarmed down the street???? HELLO come on now they were the only ones there that night so who knows what really happen regardless it was no way Billy’s fault and the boy who hit him deserves whatever he gets …”Life is about Choice’s, So live by the decisions you make”

  21. Just An Old Soldier on August 26th, 2010 2:15 pm

    A long time ago I heard a First Sergeant say, “Nothing good ever happens after midnight, so Troops get back to your barracks in time for Taps.” Many’s the times since that I remember those words due to stories like this.

    Tragic all around. Very sad for the families and loved ones.

  22. Bama Boy on August 26th, 2010 1:56 pm

    I see people on here type that both families lost someone. Well…….one boy is alive and one is dead……..So that means the family that has the son who is still alive can still visit, hug and talk to their son….the other family can not. Self explanatory

  23. Wendy on August 26th, 2010 1:53 pm

    YES!! I was soo glad to see this!!! Wass will now be able to take full responsibility for his horrible decision and have time to remember what he did, didnt do, the result and the consequesnces of his actions. Maybe he will be a better man for it down the road, I pray he finds Jesus because of this. Billy is now with Jesus and what a great place to be. Although the pain is unbearable sometimes for his family and friends, he is a PERFECT ANGEL now. Justice has been given for this devastating loss. I have no faith in the Justice system, but this decision gives me alittle hope. Billy was an AMAZING person! He will never be forgotten! He is in heaven with God… I will see him again, because I know Jesus. Hope you all will join me at the reunion in heaven with all of our loved ones. Praise God justice has been served!!!

  24. Jamie on August 26th, 2010 1:45 pm

    Re: to who had a ? about my post:

    Yeah, lets talk about responsibility that the deceased (Billy is his name) had in this tragedy…. are you kidding me, really? What part could he play in the responsibility factor? Oh wait, he was walking home and got hit… period. Maybe if the other guy would have made the smarter choice and walked instead of drove they would both be here and all would be well. So yeah I’m sorry my friend made the better choice and it just so happened to end his life.

  25. just sayin' on August 26th, 2010 12:53 pm

    This is a truly sad case. I know both parties envolved and I must say that it is a truly devistating and sad situation. This needs to be a lesson learned. What is sad is that more than half of you that are speaking of justice being served will go out this weekend and do the same thing Mr. Wass did, have a drink and drive home. Dont throw stones when you live in a glass house. Just sayin.
    God bless Billy and Tylers families. My prayers are with you all.

  26. No Name Needed on August 26th, 2010 12:52 pm

    Re: JAMIE”S post

    You are right. Everyone has to live with their decisions. Do you feel that the deceased may have any responsibility in this tragedy? I know it is sometimes tough to be unbiased, especially when a loved one is lost.

    I offer you, your family, and friends my condolences and hope no one ever has to go through this again.

  27. Nelson Yambo a.k.a Nelly on August 26th, 2010 12:42 pm

    This will only serve as part of the “closing” chapter to this nightmare everyone has endured. Finally, we can say, that we all saw it through, that, as unfortunate as it may be for everyone, it’s the only way this could have ended, since there’s nothing we can do to change the beginning. It won’t bring back the man we all love and miss. It won’t save the life of the man who took our friend/brother/son. But it will all give us the calm, that what was done didn’t go unpunished. We’ll still miss him, but we know that everything tht has happened so far, will forever affect the lives of each and everyone that knew Billy and also those who know the guy that took him from us. Now we can finally start the true road to adjusting and healing.

  28. What a Tragedy on August 26th, 2010 12:30 pm

    That should have read “no consequence will bring….”

  29. What a Tragedy on August 26th, 2010 12:29 pm

    When you end someone’s life as a result of a bad choice you have (intentionally) made, you have to face up to whatever consequences there are. In this man’s case, my consequence will bring the victim back to his family and friends, but hopefully there will be sufficient punishment to let the family know that the community stands with them against this senseless death.

  30. Deluge Man on August 26th, 2010 12:12 pm

    This is a very devastating situation for both families. In essence both families have lost a loved one. I personally didn’t know the Carlson family, but can only give my condolences to your family. I could not imagine the pain of your loss. I am not condoning what Mr. Wass did, however, both families have suffered a tragic loss here. I have personally known the Wass family for over 10 years and this accident has created the loos of a son, brother, and overall wonderful individual. In closing, lets please remember there are 2 sides of suffering to this tragic accident. May God Bless and continue to watch over both families throught this difficult time.

  31. Jamie on August 26th, 2010 12:01 pm

    I’m sure this kid didn’t mean to kill anyone, but he did because he made the choice to drive drunk. Is he sorry? maybe, but, you’d think this would have keep him out of the club or drinking for a long long time and it didn’t. That really hurts the hearts of the ones that lost an amazing son, friend, boyfriend and it doesn’t change the fact that we have all been affected forever because of this kid. I hope this doesn’t go unnoticed, and I hope this is a wake up call for everyone effected by this or not.
    Billy is in the hands of the Lord now and will forever be taken care of. Billy you are and will forever be Loved and Missed and Remembered!!!

  32. The Cranford's on August 26th, 2010 11:39 am

    Thank the lord! Justice will be served! Billy we love & miss you everyday!

  33. Jason Owens on August 26th, 2010 10:38 am

    Every person has free choice. Free to obey or disobey the Natural Laws. Your choice determines the consequences. Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.
    Author: Alfred A. Montapert

  34. Don't Drink And Drive People on August 26th, 2010 10:36 am

    I’m sure this young man would do anything to not have gone out and gotten drunk on this particular day and killed someone. You can’t take the consequences of making bad decisions people! You pay the price if you choose to drink and drive!
    I hope this story will wake up all the buzzed and drunk drivers in the county…you know who you are! This could be your picture up here with your future just thrown away for a few beers! Wake up people, don’t drive after you’ve been drinking!!!!!!!!
    Next time you get behind the wheel, it could be you who kills a pregnant woman or takes the life of someones child! My prayers go out to the family and friends of Billy.

  35. No Name Needed on August 26th, 2010 10:35 am

    It is unfortunate for all parties involved. There are so many family members, friends, and co workers that have lost someone or will soon be losing someone in this tragic accident.

    Hopefully, at least to some, this will be the wake up call that prevents a future tragedy such as this one. Drinking sets the table for unfortunate things to happen whether you have a few and are driving home or you have a couple and are walking down a dark road.

    Most of us (myself included) have driven after drinking and I am just thankful nothing has happenned. So many people who were touched by this horrible tragedy can look in the mirror and be thankful it hasnt been them in one of their shoes and hopefully make the changes needed to prevent that from being the case.

    However, I suspect this weekend will show that so many that are outraged will do the same thing that they are so upset about right now.

  36. Daniel on August 26th, 2010 10:27 am

    About time!!!!!!

  37. Jen on August 26th, 2010 9:47 am

    yyyeaaahhh! the beginning of a little bit of justice!

  38. Christopher Maloney on August 26th, 2010 7:46 am

    May justice be served. We miss you Billy.