Church Seeks Copy Paper Donations For Molino Park

August 21, 2010

Highland  Baptist Church is collecting paper for Molino Park Elementary School.

The church, a Molino Park Elementary Partner in Education, is accepting donations of reams of white copy paper.

“Due to budget cuts, they are in great need of donations,” said Pastor Brian Calhoun. The church will also hold a special worship service at 10:45 a.m., Sunday, August 22 to pray for school staff members and students as they prepare for the new school year.


5 Responses to “Church Seeks Copy Paper Donations For Molino Park”

  1. Bonnie Exner on August 22nd, 2010 10:09 pm

    We have a daughter who teaches at MPE and know how hard it is when students need supplies and the monies have been cut. We donated 6 reems for her kids 1st semester and will do it again 2nd semester. I suggest that those who feeled so inclined “adopt a school or a teacher/classroom” and help anyway possible whether it be to provide needed supplies,volunteer time,mentor students, etc. You will feel good about your donations and the schools and kids will certainly benefit from them!

  2. interested reader on August 21st, 2010 5:27 pm

    Thank You Highland Baptist! I think that is a wonderful thing to do. I know my kiddos will benefit from it. I am glad that there are ones that care enough to donate. We donate all through the year, to me you can not donate enough to education. Once again thank you!!!!

  3. Bama54 on August 21st, 2010 3:06 pm

    This is good example of my tax dollars at work. Miss-management of funds (tax dollars). This is ok, because the people that pay taxes will also help out again. This is just pitiful state our county/country has gotten its citizens in, enough is never enough, as longs as we keep giving they will always want more and use the words (kids/grandkids) to get the extra.

  4. giddy up on August 21st, 2010 9:45 am

    Amen idunno!!

    Help the homeschoolers who pay property tax and taxes for the public schools and do not get a right off on their taxes for their homeschooling.

  5. idunno/ dick tracy on August 21st, 2010 3:51 am

    This is so sad. Kuddos to the church, but, they should be sending Bibles to the school rooms. Our county government is no better than Washington D.C.