Century Correctional Sgt. Sentenced To Federal Prison For Child Porn

August 19, 2010

A former Century Correctional Institution sergeant has been sentenced to federal prison for possession of child pornography.

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/blackpauledward.jpgPaul Edward Black, 43, was sentenced to 40 months in federal prison after being found guilty on one count of possession of child pornography. He was also ordered to receive mental health and sexual offender treatment while in custody.

Black has until noon on September 7 to surrender to federal authorities. The court recommended that he be allowed to serve his sentence as close to Century as possible and further recommended the Federal Prison Camp at Saufley Field in Pensacola once he completes a sexual offender program.

Once his prison sentence is complete, Black will remained under supervised release for a period of eight years. He will also be required to participate in a sexual offender treatment program. He will be required to register as  sex offender. His future computer use will be subject to monitoring, and his house, computer and other property will be subject to search.

Black was arrested while at work at the Century prison in June, 2009. He entered a guilty plea in July, 2009, but sentencing was delayed until this month while Black underwent court ordered evaluations.

Deputies seized a laptop computer, desktop computer and 56 CD’s from Black’s residence while he was at work at the Century Correctional Institution. When sheriff’s investigators later interviewed Black at CCI, he admitted to searching the Internet for child pornography, according to federal court documents, and admitted to specific search terms that he used such as “teen”, “lolita”, “PTHC” and “Bambina”.

“A forensic review of his electronic media located images and videos of child pornography on his laptop and desktop,” federal court documents signed by Black state. “A review of the compact disks (CD’s) revealed the same.”

According to Florida Department of Corrections Spokesperson Gretl Plessinger, Black was first employed at the Century Correctional Institution on March 21, 1991. He was later terminated.

Black faced a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison and a lifetime supervised release.


22 Responses to “Century Correctional Sgt. Sentenced To Federal Prison For Child Porn”

  1. wellll on October 3rd, 2010 2:58 pm

    wellll this is his daughter idc wat ya say ab my dad i stilll love him….ppl make mistakes hes payin for it…. ya made mistakes b4 too im pretty sure so thank u lay off my dad its gettin old…

  2. Replying in IA on August 25th, 2010 5:35 pm

    Does anyone know that he was looking for child porn because he typed in the keywords shown. Legal age porn has teens as well, I wouldn’t know what the others would bring up if I typed them in. Just because the legal systems says he was looking for it does not mean that he was. He may have admitted to typing those words in and that’s what he got. We don’t know the whole story. We don’t even know that he viewed any of what was downloaded. Maybe he looked at the first file and realized what it was. But it doesn’t matter as long as it is on your computer.

    For anyone who calls this person a molester, we don’t know that. There is a huge difference between someone who molests a child and someone who viewed it. He also has not been sentenced for a violent crime. As bad as it sounds he may be a good guy that made a mistake. He deserves a punishment and the judge has decided what that will be. But as everyone can see here, he will have a lifetime of punishment when he gets out and his family will go through hell alongside him.

  3. someone who loves all on August 24th, 2010 6:46 pm

    You know all these people need to look at their own back door and in their closets before judging him or anyone else. First of all, if he was such a bad person he wouldn’t have custody of his daughterthat DHR and the judge gave him custody. Second of all, he has NOT touched a child nor harmed a child and would not. The people that truly knows him would stand up for him and be there if they were not such cowards. What male has not looked at porn in their time? My ex sure did if you truly knew people they all have done some pretty bad things in their time but didnt get caught. What he did yes was wrong and he admits it at least he has the guts to stand up and accept what he did. He could have denied but why do that? People in the world needs to grow up and mind their own business and worry about their own lifestyle they live. GOD is the one to judge not me nor any of you out there that is so easy to point fingers at him or any other criminal. Read your bible and see what it says. I will be praying for each and everyone of you cause you ALL need it. Remember GOD loves you whether your a sinnes or not he WILL NOT turn his bakc and talk about you.

  4. concernedp[arent on August 24th, 2010 12:08 pm

    i feel its took to long, for him to go to jail, he’s been hanging out at appartments. with his dauther. around lots of young childern. i wish the police would have watched him better, he could have done something to any childern there. i hope he has learned, from this. so when he does get out. if he lives in prison because they dont like people that mess with childern.he’s not going to do this again. i’ll pray for his poor mother who is in poor health.

  5. Real Talk on August 24th, 2010 8:15 am

    Should be put under Jail, what type of sick mess is this, what could you get out of looking at children?

  6. Parentwithabrain on August 22nd, 2010 1:21 pm

    OH gee! Rather than someone taking personal responsibility for their actions, let’s blame demons! Seriously?!

  7. GAJAY on August 21st, 2010 9:47 pm

    I have known Paul 15 years as well as served with him in Iraq…I do not intend to defend Paul, but I will say that this is a demonic issue….I have been around Paul in many different settings and would have never thought of him thinking or acting on this disgraceful, demeaning and unthinkable action….I have daughters and as a Dad my flesh would do unspeakable things to anyone who would harm them….Being a Christian I must search deeper and not rely on my own understanding …I must pray for Paul…..I must stand in the gap for Paul and ask my Savior to rid Paul of these demons….Sin is sin and our country has turned its back on God….We must pray and ask our God to heal our nation…Thus more of this demonic unspeakable crimes will continue….Paul I will be praying for you

  8. Parentwithabrain on August 20th, 2010 10:04 pm

    How nice. He gets to stay close to home. Meanwhile if you enter the Florida Department of Corrections as an inmate (for something much less) you are subject to being sent HUNDREDS of miles from your family. Saufley is a BREEZE compared to the Florida DOC. I doubt he’ll be fed the TVP they serve the inmates in state prison. He won’t be subject to the bullying behaviors many of the state prison guards exhibit. His family won’t be put through hell just to be able to sit and visit with him.

    If you want to know why the recidivism rate is so high, look in the mirror Aubrey King. The released are never really let go. Their pictures are posted for all to see on the internet. They must register with the state. Many employers won’t hire them once they check that little box on an application. They are never allowed a clean slate as society won’t let them really begin again. I’m not talking about vicious criminals either. Just your average Joe who made a mistake that happened to be a felony. It could be something as simple as having their license suspended for getting behind on child support and getting caught driving a couple of times. That can net you FIVE YEARS in state prison. Or the person who battles with mental illness who turns to drugs in misguided attempt to self-medicate. There are many ways to become a convicted felon in the state of Florida. Most are surprised when they discover what they are. Many people are incarcerated in this state that should have been given probation at the most. Educate yourself before you speak out of the wrong end. I’m not defending this child pornographer. Or other violent offenders. But state prisons are NOTHING like Federal ones. The reasons people reoffend are many and varied but many can be directly related to how society responds to them once they have supposedly served their time.

  9. Conerned Parent on August 20th, 2010 2:12 pm

    Checkout familywatchdog.us you will be surprised how many of your neighbors have to register on the National Sex Offender’s Register!

  10. A.W. THOMPSON on August 20th, 2010 5:42 am

    I was under the impression that this pervert was arrested by the sherrifs department.Why in the world would he be sent to a “prison” that doesn’t even have a fence around it?People like this know how to play the system so when they do get caught this is the result.Raiford or Stark penitentary would be a better place for his kind.There should be two more pictures right along side that of Mr. Black and that is the ones of the judge and his lawyer.These individuals are the ones that have failed us all as taxpayers and most of all as Americans.A.W THOMPSON MOSQUITO FLATS, FLORIDA

  11. DAWG on August 20th, 2010 3:04 am


  12. DJSheffield on August 19th, 2010 11:02 pm

    Justice has been served so to speak. Why he should get special treatment and be placed at a prison close to home is beyond me. He is no different than any other criminal and should be treated the same. How much you want to make a bet that he fails to turn himself in and what makes him so dang special to be able to turn himself in? As far as I’m concerned he should have been taken straight into custody. I hope he becomes someones catcher while he is on vacation. I will make sure everyone knows about him when he gets out! SICK SICK SICK!

  13. motherof2girls on August 19th, 2010 9:43 pm

    WONDER WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE ARE THAT WERE SAYING HOW INNOCENT HE WAS BEFORE HE WAS PROVEN GUILTY???!!! I bet your hiding your kids from him! I don’t care if it’s a male or female, if your looking at child porn, YOUR SICK! Kids are sooo precious and innocent until adults like this finish with them, MAKES ME SICK!

  14. doesnt matter on August 19th, 2010 3:00 pm

    Maybe he will get better punishment while hes in prison once his fellow big burly men find why hes there. This is a pathetic excuse of our justice system.

  15. sandra on August 19th, 2010 1:34 pm

    Hopefully, paul will find his way in life during his incarceration and become a better citizen. Pray for paul everyone.

  16. [_]\ on August 19th, 2010 10:26 am

    Yea be careful…….you get more time in prison for selling pills than a child molester can get for hurting children

  17. aubrey king on August 19th, 2010 10:14 am

    So he will go the Saufley field Country Club.They eat better than me and my family eat.Big screen tvs.Golf.WOW. real punishment.No wonder criminals repeat.They can live better in prison.

  18. PUNISHMENT TO LIGHT on August 19th, 2010 9:06 am

    I just seen a drug dealer recieve a life sentence and it’s amazing how sex affernders,child molesters,or child porn aholes gets off with just a slap on the back.Childern are precious and shouldn’t have to have an experience like this by these nasty perverts.However a adult that have a choice and make that choice to buy drugs or for that person that sells drugs are punished like I’ve never seen before.The Law is so screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give that child molester Life Without Parole and the drug dealer 8 yrs and drug counseling

  19. horrific on August 19th, 2010 7:36 am

    It’s amazing how they worried about him staying here for his jail time.
    I say some rock in the middle of the ocean and when they release him
    from there he can swim for it.


  20. horrific on August 19th, 2010 7:33 am

    Because men run this world and they don’t care about children
    Thats why.

    It’s up to US….We should have ran this world a long time ago.
    America wouldn’t be bankrupt either

  21. [_]\ on August 19th, 2010 6:48 am

    WOW, it amazes me at how light the punishment is for this type of behavior.

  22. Wondering on August 19th, 2010 6:06 am

    If the maximum was up to 10 years and a liftime of supervision; he plead guilty, even to the extent of saying what he was searching for and he gets only 4o months in nearby prison and only eight years supervision. I can’t imagine why his sentence was so light compared to what the law enforcement found on his computers.