‘Canes Open Season With 35-0 Win Over W.S. Neal

August 27, 2010

The Flomaton Hurricanes won their season opener at home Thursday night, shutting out the W.S. Neal Eagles 35-0.

The Canes took an early 7-0 lead when Ryheem Dixon fought his way through a crowd of defenders into the end zone. On the next play of the game, Dixon handed off to Neiko Robinson who was in for another touchdown. A good point after, the Hurricanes had 14-0 lead heading into the second quarter.

The second brought another Cane’s touchdown. The point after attempt failed, and Flomaton held a 20-0 lead at the half. The Cane’s struck again in the third with a touchdown and a two point conversion to expand their lead to 28-0.  But the Hurricanes were not done, adding another touchdown in the fourth to seal the 35-0 win.

The Hurricanes racked up over 300 yards against the Eagles, with only about 50 yards in the air.

Flomaton will be on the road next week against South Choctaw.


39 Responses to “‘Canes Open Season With 35-0 Win Over W.S. Neal”

  1. CANES on September 7th, 2010 12:45 pm

    For everyone that has a problem with the ACCENT black color now being in uniforms you all need to get a life and stop worrying about the colors and start worrying about your child’s grades and start supporting and having pride in the school. If everything was done like it use to be then it would be old and boring. It really is sad that people have nothing better to do than write rude and mean things about the band, cheerleaders, etc. Way to have Cane Pride. So to the next person who wants to complain about the black I think they need to be the one to buy new uniforms since it’s such a problem for them. This just shows how people are still living in the past for all I care I say go Century Blackcats(If you haven’t notice they’re not a school anymore so no one is trying to be like them!)

  2. fhs student on September 7th, 2010 12:43 pm

    personally i think that having black as an accent color in our uniforms makes us look more polished and professional. our colors are green and white. yes. and nobody here is trying to change that. i dont see anything wrong with the cheerleaders wearing black. and i dont know why anyone else would waste thier time worrying about what we are wearing. they must not have anything better to do.
    as for the band. i am also in band and i can understand completely why we havnt wore uniforms yet. it is too hot and it will look messy and will be unsafe if everyone doesnt have a uniform that fits them properly. and our majorette is amazing. why do we need anymore??? we don’t. i think that all of this is unnecessary and people need to learn to let go of things. we all have pride and maybe you should too. stop talking bad about us and show some support!!!

    thanks so so much :)

  3. P R I D E ! on September 7th, 2010 12:42 pm

    We aren’t trying to be like CHS. Black is an accent color. Some of the stuff doesn’t come in hunter green anymore. If they weren’t paid by you, you shouldn’t worry about it. The band has thick and hot uniforms, so that’s why they didn’t wear them. We have some a lot of new seventh grade members who haven’t gotten their uniforms altered. If you think the student pride has decreased since back in the day when some of you were here, I’m pretty sure the crowd’s pride has too. I’m sorry if some of y’all don’t like the black. GO CANES! :)

  4. CANES PRIDE on September 1st, 2010 9:30 pm

    As a player of the canes are band cheerleaders and everthing done a great job thursday.. and for the people who said tht not seeing everone not playin every one got playin time in tht game tht i can rember it was a good fought game we got to put tht 35 to 0 behind us and ger ready for friday thanks to all the people tht were at the game

  5. Flomaton Fan on August 31st, 2010 2:40 pm

    “So I think everyone needs to cut them a little slack in that area. Just like there are some years that a football team or baseball team is mostly comprised of younger, inexperienced players, that is the case this year with the band. Give them some time and some support and let them grow!”

    The band parents themselves are the only ones who have pointed out any weakness of the band in these comments. Maybe they have heard criticism elsewhere, but on this thread of comments there was not the first negative thing said about the band’s performance until the parents started pointing out their youth and inexperience. Just because the band is young and the school is small does not mean that they are not or cannot be a good band, so why do the parents keep bringing it up??? Support them and do all you can to accept positive feedback and help them become a great band, instead of continuing to point out their weaknesses.

  6. Tara Carter on August 31st, 2010 12:46 pm

    I haven’t had time to read all the responses but I do want to tell you what I KNOW to be the truth. I heard Mr. Lambert say that there are FOURTEEN 7th graders in the band. So I think everyone needs to cut them a little slack in that area. Just like there are some years that a football team or baseball team is mostly comprised of younger, inexperienced players, that is the case this year with the band. Give them some time and some support and let them grow! It hurts my feelings to think that those kids that sweated out in the heat for weeks marching this summer may hear about all this and read it! How would you feel? My daughter is a member of the band and I can tell you that it’s not been easy summer for them.

    As far as there having been only one majorette to try out, that is not the case. My daughter and another girl both “tried out” but weren’t eligible to be majorettes because they’re in the 8th and 9th grades respectively. They’re both good enough to be twirling on the field but it’s been the band director’s decision to allow only 10 th grade girls and older to be majorettes. I’m not sure what the rationale is, but there you go. My hat’s off to the majorette though because there aren’t alot of people that would be willing to go out on the field as a solo twirler.

    That’s just my two cents worth. I know the band will improve with time and I’m very proud to be associated with Flomaton High School! GO CANES!!!!!

  7. Flomaton Fan on August 30th, 2010 7:20 pm

    PLEASE NOTE: Correct me if I am missing something, but THERE IS NOT a single comment on this thread that even mentions Flomaton Band’s halftime show, tmuch less criticizes their performance, marching, playing, or anything other than it would look nicer if they wore their uniforms. No one put them down. We all want them to be the best they can be. So I don’t understand all the comments about “bashing” and putting them down. So please everyone understand the context. I was in the band 8 years, and also marched as a 7th grader, so I fully understand what it is like! Alumni of the band will always feel connected and want the FHS Band to carry on its great tradition of excellence. And the person who commented about there only being one majorette…. I think they were just saying that it is sad that more girls are no longer interested…, they did not criticize the majorette who did do an outstanding job! ALSO, I want to commend the band for an outstanding job on the National Anthem. You can always tell alot about the band from the job they do playing this difficult song, and I’ve never heard a Flomaton Band play it better! Great Job! As for the color black being used, that has nothing to do with the band at all, it is an entire school issue. I for one like the black trim, but I also respect the opinion of those who may not, as they are entitled to their opinion as much as I am to mine, and you are to yours, whatever it might be! I feel that the students who currently wear the uniforms, whether they be football, band, cheerleaders, or whatever, that if they like the black, then more power to them! The main thing is that we all pull for the Big Green! GO CANES! BEAT SOUTHERN CHOCTAW!!!!

  8. FHS Band Parent on August 30th, 2010 6:34 pm

    Regarding FHS band: here’s what I know and what I think: Fact: there are a large amount of 7th graders in the band this year (my daughter is one of them). This is also the largest colorguard that FHS has had in awhile (from what I was told). So imagine being a 12 year old who has never marched in front of a crowd, it can be intimidating so I think that the band as a whole will need time to gain confidence and experience. We; as parents and as an audience have to show patience. Regarding Neal band: (as a former band geek @ CHS and member of colorguard, showguard and winterguard), they were really good. There’s nothing wrong, I think, with giving credit where it is due. They are also an established band. So, bare with your Hurricane Marching Band as they (we, I should say) grow and expect great things. I’m proud that there are kids who still love band and want to participate

  9. Patsy Green on August 30th, 2010 6:20 pm

    Way to go Ryheem, Neiko, and teammates.

  10. ProundBandGeek on August 30th, 2010 5:53 pm

    As a current member of the FHS Band, I would like to say this: we work very hard on our halftime shows. We don’t always get along or like each other but we are a family. We try just as hard at band as we do in English or Algebra or any other subject. Our uniforms are another matter. Most, I shall repeat, MOST bands in the High School level do not wear their uniforms until the third game. The uniforms are very hot, even though they add some class to our show, we simply chose not to wear them. I think we did good, there were a few mistakes, but it was only our second show. We, like wine, get better in time. All we ask for is to be able to play our instruments and have these experiences, just as a football player wishes to get on the field and score a touchdown ,and a cheerleader wants to correctly do a split. We are proud of ourselves and we appreciate the compliments and constructive criticism, however we do not appreciate rude comments or anything that bashes us. We are proud and we are a family, who sticks together even when we make the worst mistakes and fight. To all the members who read this, I love you and think of you in the highest respects, and I mean that to each and every one of you.

  11. Ms K on August 30th, 2010 1:53 pm

    Great job guys. Good game Ryheem on ur first year as QB!

  12. Flomaton Fan on August 30th, 2010 1:32 pm

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion. As far as the uniforms, that was not a rude comment or bashing of the students in the band, it is an opinion. Why would the band and the band parents not want the band to be the best they can be? And continue to improve? Constructive criticism is a part of life and every student will have to learn that it is a wonderful thing, not intended for bad but for good! Band parents of course are proud of their children, and should be. However, they also should realize that building a quality band program for the kids, school, and community requires not only hard work, but constant evaluation and being open to listen to ideas that can help make things better, not getting defensive and carrying around a chip on your shoulder. The colors do not matter, nor the number of majorettes, etc. However, ALWAYS look for areas to improve things and make things better, that is the point! Whether it is the band, football team, church, work, your family, or whatever, set the sky as your limit, and strive to reach your goals. Don’t be satisfied with just getting by, but always evaluate what you do to see how you can do it better! Proud to be a Hurricane! GO CANES!!!

  13. SKM on August 30th, 2010 9:05 am

    And people wonder what is wrong with kids today……..well it is the people who are posting such rude, negative and bashing remarks that are the kids problem. Kids today, more than ever, need encouragement to make it through all the pressures that are placed on them. I applaud any kid who is in the band. It takes a great deal of hard and after school hours work to put on a performance each week. These kids should be encouraged and commended for their efforts. If you have nothing better to do than to bash a child, then you might need to rethink your priorities in life!!!

  14. Brittney- '09-'10 drum major on August 30th, 2010 1:31 am

    this being said, please don’t discourage them. Believe it or not some of them will take your comments to heart.

    about the uniforms- MANY bands these days dont wear unforms until around the third game. Some dont have uniforms at all. Thank you band boosters for getting us new and very nice uniforms a couple of years ago! The band not wearing uniforms has nothing to do with a lack of pride. Many probably dont know that when the band is called to attention, “band ten-hut!”, the members respond with a loud and meaningful “PRIDE”(which isnt very clear sometimes-but thats what happens when 50 people scream :p). Also, before every game and performance the band will say the Lord’s prayer when lead by the drum major. Of course that is entirely vonluntary- It gives the members a sense of being apart of something greater than themselves- they have to work with others, learn a new skill, practice a lot, and provide entertainment. Have you ever been to a football game with no band? It just isnt quite the same. The band works way too hard to have all this negative energy thrown at them. Even though I am In the Sound of the South marching band now I hate to see this happening to my alumni. I appreciate EVERY person in that band. I hope to see their lives be very successfull!

    band members- dont let anything pull you down. If you are doing your best that is all that matters. Try hard, practice, and have fun!! No one expects you to be perfect. I love and miss all of you!!

    God bless! :D ,

    p.s. If your child wants out of band let them get out. No one looks down upon a former band member for not enjoying being in there. You can always sell the instrument back. A person in band who doesnt want to be there will ofter have behavioral and lack of will power for music and that isn’t fun for them or the others who want to be there. :)

  15. Brittney- '09-'10 drum major on August 30th, 2010 1:14 am

    So, I have yet to get a chance to see Flomatons half time show this year because I am off at Troy University working to get a degree in music education. Flomaton band has went through a lot of up and downs. People need to see that this happens with EVERY band…why just a couple of years ago.. TR Miller band had seemed to lost its glory, however last year they blew everyone one out of the water. Neal’s band is also very good. They are both having good years. Flomaton Band is working towards its.
    If you have been to many Flomaton football games you should have noticed that over half the time there is no band for the other team. Leory, J.U. blacksher, and maybe a couple more are about the only bands that come. I am very greatful for the fact that Flomaton still has a band. about 5 years ago when Mr. Caudle left the band the school had a hard time finding a new band director. Mr. Lambert came out of retirement to teach at Flomaton. If it were not for him I wouldn’t have a full ride to Troy University, including a $10,000 oboe scholarship. No one can argue that the band isnt doing any good things. There are so many great people in the band. All the practicing and dedication prepares the students for the hardwork that lies ahead of them for the rest of their lives.
    of course there are there occasional people who are only in the band because their parents are making them or just to go to the football games. However, music for many of these people is an escape, like it was for me. Believe it or not there is stress that goes along with being in the 7th-12th grade. Music helps develope the people into mature young adults.

  16. blahhh on August 29th, 2010 3:59 pm

    and since we gonna talk about how “amazing” neals band was… they were off step!!! jus sayin ;)

  17. proud band kid :P on August 29th, 2010 3:37 pm

    I don’t like how all yall wanna mess with the band. If you got something to say, you should take it up with a band member or Mr. Lambert. It’s embarrassing to see all these rude comments about us on the internet. It was the first game, and for the first few games we wear jeans and our band shirt, just like last year. And don’t EVEN comment about how we did in our halftime show, I wanna see you guys go out there, in front of TONS of people, play music with an instrument and march different routines and stuff to our songs. And what’s up with the whole color issue?! Do you people go up to all these goth kids and ask them why they are wearing black?! NO, you don’t, so don’t talk about our school’s colors. Thank you so much :P

  18. tracy on August 28th, 2010 10:22 pm

    Hey to the ones that say they didn’t like the band not wearing their uniforms…I was in the band 25years ago too and you know we would have loved to not had to wear those hot things every now and then. You should want better for your children. Not worse or the same. Did you notice that everything you said was negative. It was the first game. If you will remember we got better as the year went on and they will too. That is what they practice for. If you are my age as you say… grow up a little and realize that your comments are hurting children. Why do that? They are not dumb. They understand this was only the first game. MOST people are proud of all you kids for all your hard work and effort to entertain a bunch of old folks who don’t appreciate it enough.

  19. happy band member:) on August 28th, 2010 5:21 pm

    okay for all you hatas out there baskin on flomaton band…how bout lets not! thats rude our band is awesome and WE will wear uniforms when WE’RE ready and EVERYBODY has one and if you got a problem with that why dont you become the band director?? youll never do a better job that mr. lambert he is awesome and so what if the colors have changed? maybe we like the color black at least we have pride! thanks to our amazing principal coach hammond he is the best and hes made us what we are today and maybe we do only have one majorette but she is great and atleast she has the guts to go out there and perform infront of all those people. id like to see you try. havent you ever heard the sayin if you dont got anything nice to say dont say anything at all?


  20. smalltownpride on August 28th, 2010 3:31 pm

    LET’S GO BIG GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    when i was in school @ flomaton, the colors were green and white, with yellow as the accent color. it’s a little sad to see the black accent today, but only because i remember it as yellow, and i am sentimental like that, but hey, things change with time, and i will love and have pride for the hurricanes no matter what colors they use!

    i’m glad it’s that friday night light time again, i love the players, the cheerleaders, and the band! i was a cheerleader, and also in the band. we didn’t wear our uniforms right @ the start of the season, mainly because it was so dang hot in those things!

    big green, is here, stand up and cheer! yeah! =-)

  21. c/o '12 baby! on August 28th, 2010 9:49 am

    So wat if our band doesn’t wear uniforms!?does it really matter?!I really like it better when they don’t wear the uniform!n yes we have only one majorette but thts because she is awesome n one else wants to be one or the others just don’t have the skills to do tht kind of thing!so stop bashing our team,cheerleaders,n band!they do an awesome job every friday(well thrusday in this case)nite!n if coach Hammond wants to change the colors then he can!I have CANE PRIDE!do you?–obvisouly not!–great job canes do good at southern choctaw!wish I cud go but a lil bit to far lol:)I love my canes!:)

  22. JW on August 28th, 2010 2:03 am

    In my opinion..there’s not a rivalry around here that comes anywhere close to what FHS vs CHS was.It wasnt just a rivalry on the football field..it was on weekend nights,in grocery stores,ect.Not just the week before the game…but it was anticipated all year for when the cross track rivalry would happen.It was always fun and exciting and good games….

  23. JW on August 28th, 2010 1:49 am

    Flomaton won the last game 13-7 in Century.A classic,nail bitting game that came down to the last play.Awesome memories.

    As for the colors..if the Principle changed them then im fine with it because that guy(the principle) played on one of the best teams Flomaton ever had.Scott was amazing to watch,as was everybody on the team in the late 80’s.The colors were green,white,and grey.The band was always dressed to perfection and awesome..and the fans never sat stlll in their seats.You didnt leave very many games without a hoarse voice.Those were the days.If there is anybody who knows flomaton football and tradition ..its the principle.The guy played his heart out every Friday night for the cane faithful and nearly got a state championship.He would get concussions and come back the next quarter and wow the crowd..with his dazzling option keepers..time after time after time..If he wants to make the third color black then he can ..and rightly deserves to do so if thats what he likes.

  24. wundering2 on August 27th, 2010 11:47 pm

    Good job Cane’s. I don’t think there will ever be another rivalery like FHS vs CHS. What some great memories.

  25. Flomaton Alumni on August 27th, 2010 9:50 pm

    First of all, way to go ‘Canes! Cheerleaders, band & football players, you all did a great job!!!! Secondly, yes, Flomaton has always been green and white, but, we have always had accent colors. When I was younger and in the band, we had gold as an accent color, then as I became a cheerleader, we had grey as an accent color and now they have black. Things change, that’s all there is to it! I guess when the cheerleaders start changing the words to the cheers to say green and black instead of green and white, then you could say our colors have changed…until then, it’s just a little accent color they’ve added. That we’ve done for a LONG time! Go Big Green!!! Oh, and to George…I’m w/ya man! There was and never will be NOTHING like that rivalry between them ‘Canes and the Blackcats…PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. a harsh judge on August 27th, 2010 7:12 pm

    Is the reason FHS has black as a color now is they are gradually going to be black and gold like the Blackcats used to be? I always knew they were jealous of CHS.
    Hey- I’m just kidding.

  27. wildfork on August 27th, 2010 6:57 pm

    way to go hurricans . the only thing i didn’t like is there was a lot of the team that did not play.
    that work hard all summer too. they had a big lead in the 4th to play all of the [team] it’s not fair. its about the kids not the grown up pride.

  28. Samantha C/O 2009 on August 27th, 2010 6:56 pm

    Cane Pride! Just Saying…(:

  29. fhs graduate. '10 babyy! on August 27th, 2010 6:52 pm

    okay, things change. and yes, flomaton does have black now as one of it’s colors. and honestly, i don’t think it really matters. the school still has PRIDE in itself, and the the community should support whatever colors the band, football team, and cheerleaders wear. and all of these people calling coach hammond and giving him a hard time about the football team having black, i think ya’ll really need to stop. he’s done an amazing job as the principal there, and has brought the meaning of pride, tradition, and excellence back to Flomaton! it’s all a matter of opinions, but i think whatever they are doing down there is good.

  30. FHS Band Parent on August 27th, 2010 6:11 pm

    To the people who have nothing better to do than to BASH the Flomaton Band. What is your problem? We have ALOT of new kids that have never been on a football field in that type of situation before and all you want to do is talk about them. I wonder what your kids are doing right now, maybe it is your kids who are running their mouths about OUR kids being in the band and making fun of them! The reason that they were not in uniform last night was because not everyone has a band uniform yet and YES it was hot. Now, we only had one girl go out for majorette so that is why there is only one majorette and I for one think that she did a great job last night atleast she DID NOT drop her battons. As for the colors, if you don’t like them talk to the Principal and to the Coaches because they are the ones who changed the colors about 3 years ago. W.S. Neal has a very good band but Flomaton has a very good band also and it is not right for you or anybody else to be Bashing them and until you know what is going on with the BAND or you start coming to the meetings keep YOUR comments to yourself because MY FHS BAND MEMBER reads what you put on here.
    To the football players, cheerleaders, and band you ALL did a wonderful job last night and I am proud of you ALL!

  31. *flomaton junior. on August 27th, 2010 5:13 pm

    okay, so what if the band didnt wear uniforms, i honestly like it better when they dont, and the one margerate (sp?) is only cause noone else cares to do it. this isnt back in yalls days thanks.

    oh and the colors since ive started school has always had been black green and white, things change, get overr it!.

    i love my flomaton football players, cheerleaders, and band members<3.

  32. TriedKeepingQuiet on August 27th, 2010 2:43 pm

    Great game ‘Canes! Keep it up! The football team was great. The fans were fantastic. The band…….now that’s another story. Why didn’t they have on their uniforms? Was it too hot? It was NEVER too hot when we marched. When I was in the band, we had pride in ourselves & we showed it. It’s been almost 25 years ago but I don’t think that should ever change. And what’s the deal with 1 majorette? It just ain’t what it used to be I guess! And, one more thing, I don’t like all the black that has been introduced in the FHS uniforms. Football, flag corp, & cheerleaders. FHS has always been green, white & gold. Not black & green! Don’t mess with tradition!

  33. DoTellUs on August 27th, 2010 12:43 pm

    Great game Canes!!!!..I do agree with Flomaton Fan: the band should wear their uniforms..Add Class to your Class:)

  34. Flomaton Fan on August 27th, 2010 12:14 pm

    Great game Canes! And great halftime Neal Band, awesome job. Sure wish Flomaton Band would at least wear their uniforms. We always wore our uniforms back when we were in the Flomaton Band, it is so much more classy to take pride in your appearance AND performance.

  35. Shea on August 27th, 2010 11:33 am

    Way to go, Canes (players, cheerleaders and marching band)!!!! So proud of you all!!!

  36. DANA on August 27th, 2010 10:01 am


  37. Flomaton Mom on August 27th, 2010 8:38 am

    WAY TO GO CANES!!!!!!!!
    Maybe the teams will continue to play each other in the future….I feel a new rivalry coming on!!! Since Neal has had Coach Jordan, the team sure has went down a lot. Maybe it’s time for a change? To me Neals football hasn’t been the same since the Fountain boys stopped coaching.

  38. george on August 27th, 2010 7:42 am

    great start. keep it up. won’t ever be the same without a canes vs blackcats shootout in october. sure miss that rivalry.

  39. frances on August 27th, 2010 7:26 am

    Way to go Ryheem! You’re still #1!