By The Numbers: First Day Enrollment At Area Schools

August 24, 2010

Over 65,000 students headed back to class in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties on Monday.

About 25,000 were in class in Santa Rosa County, while reports show 40,702 enrolled in Escambia County.

Bratt Elementary School had 460 in class for the first day. There were 156 students at Byrneville Elementary, 630 at Jim Allen Elementary, and 422 at Molino Park Elementary.

At Ernest Ward Middle School, there were 491 enrolled Monday. There were 1,319 at Ransom Middle School. Northview High School had an enrollment of 549 Monday, and there were 2,020 at Tate High.

Tate is the largest high school in the county, while Northview is the smallest, according to enrollment figures. Ernest Ward is the county’s smallest middle school.

There were 1,352 home school students counted by the Escambia School District on Monday. Fourteen students started the school year in the Escambia County Jail, including six at the middle school level.

Pictured top: This graphic shows the number of students enrolled Monday at each North Escambia area school in Escambia County.


2 Responses to “By The Numbers: First Day Enrollment At Area Schools”

  1. JW on August 25th, 2010 11:39 am

    It’s not “North” enough

  2. ceaser on August 24th, 2010 7:43 pm

    What about West Florida?