Woman Facing Drug Charges After Search Warrant Turns Up Cocaine, Marijuana

July 7, 2010

A Century woman has been arrested after a search warrant was executed at her mobile home last month.

Karen Louise Quinley, 42,  was arrested on an outstanding warrant for cocaine possession and possession of drug paraphernalia.  She was released from the Escambia County Jail on $10,000 bond.

On June 9, members of the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit executed a search warrant at Quinley’s home in the 100 block of West Highway 4, near Century Care Center. No one was home at the time the warrant was executed.

According to a Sheriff’s Office arrest report, deputies found a stem of marijuana in a bedroom, crack cocaine on the kitchen table, a razor blade with cocaine residue, a marijuana cigarette and digital scales during their search.

A warrant was issued for Quinley’s arrest. That warrant was served over the Independence Day weekend.

Pictured inset: Investigator Heath Jackson and other undercover Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit agents at Karen Louise Quimby’s  home on West Highway 4 as they execute a search warrant on June 9 . NorthEscambia.com exclusive file photo, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Woman Facing Drug Charges After Search Warrant Turns Up Cocaine, Marijuana”

  1. horrific on July 10th, 2010 12:12 pm

    The sad thing is everyone knows who the druggies are on their block.
    Their the ones that cause all the trouble for the rest of us.
    They don’t work, and when things get rough they just burn down their
    homes, or they go out and rob someone to get by.
    Even the cop know who they are, but when you tell them, they
    just say, “Have you got any proof?”
    They don’t want to hear it.

    Then they bust some girl in her home with this pultry amount of crap
    that don’t mean a hill of beans to the problems here for the working class.

    Most of the really big dealers here are way to well connected.
    We would also need a lot of new officers that didn’t hunt with the bad guys,
    and didn’t go to school with them, and we would certainly need to get
    rid of the good ole boy system that promotes all the crud in this town and
    then takes kick back and hand shake deals to look the other way/

    Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of good law enforcement.
    But the bad ones out weight them!


  2. Angi♥ on July 9th, 2010 9:48 pm

    Great work guys…

  3. Elmer Fudd on July 8th, 2010 7:31 am

    This sounds strange, large raid for such a small amount of drugs.
    A stem of marijuana you cant smoke that. Maybe she has ties to some Mexican drug cartel and she’s the king pin for the NW Florida region.
    A razor blade with cocaine and some crack on the table.
    This really sounds fishy.

    If I was on the jury I would acquit not guilty thinking the sheriff placed the drugs there

  4. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2010 11:40 pm

    ” just like cancer research more money in research than finding a cure”

    I would think research into cancer would have to be part of finding a cure for cancer. For instance they’ve found certain proteins only produced in cancerous cells. Now they are working on tying killers to those particular proteins.

    If it works out, you may soon be able to go to your family physician and hear him or her say, “You have inoperable killer cancer, but we can cure it with this $10 pill. Have a nice day.”

    Years back Senator William Proxmire mocked scientists for studying the reproductive cycle in various insects. He gave the Golden Fleece award for such a waste of money.

    The only problem was that they were able to show that by understanding their basic drives, they had found ways to rid farmers of pests which had cost them entire crops in years gone by, get rid of pests which killed off entire herds of cattle,

    We are all better off because scientists were nosey about the sex life of bugs.

    It made him look silly, but he kept giving out Golden Fleece Awards because it kept getting him votes and THAT‘S the name of the game in politics.

    David thinking it’s more bang for Buck

  5. pm on July 7th, 2010 11:09 pm

    think about this there is more money to be made by state and federal agencyfighiting drugs than stopping them just like cancer research more money in research than finding a cure

  6. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2010 9:02 pm

    “A good dealer, which they are on every corner can make this bail back in one weekend. ”

    I was just thinking about the term “good dealer” and imagining what one would be, but I know what you mean, one competent at dealing drugs, not necessarily a moral and honest dealer of mind altering drugs.

    That image aside, count me in. If the drugs were legal, the profits from their sale would go down to the point that even a “good dealer” would starve to death trying to provide chemicals the people could buy safer at some legitimate store and of higher quality, lower risk of adulteration with yet other toxic chemicals.

    It’s quite possible Wal-Mart wouldn’t sell them even if they were legal but imagine if addicts were able to buy a month’s supply for $4 or a three month’s supply for $10. The poor pushers couldn’t compete and would have to find some other way to serve mankind. There would be no money in getting more people hooked on the drugs so there should be few additions and as the old users died off, the associated problems would diminish greatly.

    In the mean time, stomp on them with both feet while waiting in vain for our assorted governments to come to the same conclusion and act on it either as a way of saving lives or of saving money.

    If you’re going to have a law, enforce it. If it is a good law, the enforcement will be a good thing. If it is a bad law, the enforcement will eventually convince people to change the law.

    David for not fighting human nature

  7. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2010 8:43 pm

    “. . . . Fema trailers in Century make me sick they should of never been brought into the town of Century behind the Dollar store and behind Crows . . . ”

    Could well be, but please notice this particular lady lives nowhere near there, but rather on West Highway 4 near teh Century Care Center.

  8. Century Resident on July 7th, 2010 2:37 pm

    Yeah, don’t stop now. I have heard there was lot of druggies in those fema trailers, but I don’t know. I just hope these guys don’t give up. Thank you guys for all you do to help us get rid of the drugs.

  9. Robert on July 7th, 2010 12:15 pm

    I agree with the legalization argument. There has been a staggering amount of books written on prohibition in the 1920’s and they all come to the same conclusion: it was a bad idea. Same thing with drugs.. oh I forgot, alcohol is a drug too.. They should just lump all mind altering substances in the same group, tax them like crazy and instead of jail for people that have problems with addiction, get them the help they need. I know people will say it’s not societies responsibility to help people with problems that otherwise could be avoided but regardless problems ARE a fact of life. For example, if you chose to work in a dangerous occupation and get hurt, should people say “you should have known better, that was a dangerous job, you don’t deserve help”? Of course not. People need to help less fortunate people.. Period.

  10. Disgusted on July 7th, 2010 10:37 am

    Legalize drugs and get rid of entitlements. Then they’ll have to work for a living like the rest of us. No more selling drugs for “under the table” money to buy the things that welfare wont cover.

  11. makes me sick on July 7th, 2010 10:18 am

    All of thoses Fema trailers in Century make me sick they should of never been brought into the town of Century behind the Dollar store and behind Crows
    plus all thoses nasty jackasses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Animal control needs to get on the ball with that also !

  12. Sweetie on July 7th, 2010 10:02 am

    That is the same way I feel, Bob. So, I guess I can be crucified with you. I say let the druggies have all they want and the ones that don’t die can contribute to the finances of America. It’s a shame to feel that way, but they are affecting everyone in the community by selling/using drugs. I know some who steal from their own families to get the drug. If they don’t care about their own, they certainly won’t care about you. Anyway, seems like there could be more done, but it is not always an easy task.

  13. Bob on July 7th, 2010 8:35 am

    Bail is set too low in all these drug cases,but otherwise all the jails would be overflowing with these petty criminals. A good dealer, which they are on every corner can make this bail back in one weekend. I probably will be crucified but, legalize drugs and tax them profusely and the desire will go away. It’s like, if you tell me I can’t do something ,I’m probably gonna do it or die trying.

  14. Know your neighbor on July 7th, 2010 6:19 am

    Is that a FEMA trailer? Looks like the ones behind Odoms, a drug haven on that street. How many arrests are made there I wonder. Oh, great job Heath and ECSO!