War Of Words Erupts Over War Hero’s State Senate Campaign Endorsement

July 3, 2010

The State Senate District 2 race between Greg Evers and Mike Hill erupted into war of words Friday over an endorsement by Colonel Bud Day, a retired air force colonel well known for his local and national support of veterans issues.

In January, Evers’ campaign released press release claiming Day’s endorsement, quoting him as saying “I give my endorsement of Greg…”

But on Friday, Hill’s camp issued a press release claiming Day’s endorsement.  The release quotes Day as saying “”Mike Hill is the candidate I endorse in this race because his values are my values…and I believe that they are the values of the majority of patriotic Americans in Northwest Florida.”

“I actually never endorsed Mr. Evers.  I told him that I would consider it.  Although Mr. Evers claims I endorsed him, I never did,” Day is quoted in Hill’s release.

“I am honored and humbled that one of my heroes, Col Bud Day, has so enthusiastically endorsed my campaign” Hill said.  “And as a fellow military veteran, I am equally thrilled that Col Day chose to endorse me on the weekend we celebrate our national independence.”

After Hill’s announcement, Evers fired back, issuing the following statement:

“While I greatly respect Colonel Day, I did meet with him personally in January 2010, and obtained his written endorsement before releasing or representing any support by him of my campaign. I also asked for, and secured, his express approval by telephone of his quote in my January 9, 2010, press release.

“One of the great things about this country is that people can change their minds and are free to support whomever the want – just like Mr. Hill who has been endorsed by prominent Democrats, while heralding himself a conservative Republican.

“As we all celebrate our independence this coming Sunday and thank our soldiers, I continue to thank Colonel Day for his service to our great country and our beloved military and thank him for participating in the elections process. I greatly respect and admire Colonel Day’s principles, philosophies and accomplishments. In this case, I respectfully disagree with his choice of candidates. But that is what democracy is all about.”

Evers’ campaign spokesperson, Sarah Bascom provided the media with a copy of Day’s signed endorsement dated January 9, 2010, and said “Greg Evers respects Colonel Day and his decision to change his support, but maintains and submits the attached as proof, that he did indeed receive this endorsement and would never mislead this community. A statement, Mr. Hill certainly cannot make as his negative, false and nasty campaign for Senate District 2 spirals out of control and continues to hinge on name calling and undignified behavior.”

(Click image to enlarge Evers’ endorsement letter.)


30 Responses to “War Of Words Erupts Over War Hero’s State Senate Campaign Endorsement”

  1. Elmer Fudd on July 6th, 2010 6:30 pm

    Just to be safe I consider and treat all politicians like crooks, regardless of what party they belong to.

  2. Clear as Cristal on July 5th, 2010 6:33 pm

    Mike cannot be a statesman and a political slime thrower. To send out blast emails (presumably since I got it and I have never asked to get anything from Mike Hill) within one week of each other that calls Evers a “gentleman farmer” and his word “clearly false” – which came right from the Mike Hill for Senate Campaign – is throwing slime. A “statesman” he certainly ain’t. He is campaigning in the gutter. Hope he gets out of it and I sure hope Evers doesn’t join him. Doesn’t sound like he will. I live here in Molino and my husband and I farm. We are working people who put in 15 hours a day, at least 7 days a week – sometimes more hours and more days – barely getting by because of NAFTA, CAFTA and getting undercut and underpriced by foreign countries. That “gentleman farmer” slime throw really offended me for myself and my family. I don’t know what the State Farm insurance business is like, Mr. Hill, because I have never been in it. But I can tell you farming is hard, hard work for a family. I can tell you that because my family has been doing it for years and generations and I we are just fighting – like every farm family I know – to hold on. There is nothing “GENTLE” about it. Like I said, get out of the gutter. It is offensive to all of us.

  3. The Tea Lady on July 5th, 2010 12:04 pm

    Mr. Hill,
    As I have researched the candidates over the last several months, I was hopeful that your campaign as a statesman would provide us with the change we have been looking for. I came to see you speak to a local tea party, and was very impressed by your words. We are ALL sick of politicans, but your recent statements and exploitation of Col. Day’s endoserment for political purposes has proved that you are not above politics and it causes me to question your true sincerity as a statesman. We deserve a straight shooter….God Bless

  4. Digusted on July 5th, 2010 9:41 am

    Post from: Mike Hill on July 4th, 2010 10:45 pm
    I am submitting this for clarification purposes only. I did not request an endorsement from Colonel Bud Day. I was at a fundraising event and Col Day was in attendance. After Col Day heard me speak he approached me, and while handing me a campaign contribution, stated that he was endorsing my campaign. I so respect Col Day and would never do anything to diminish his stature in this community and around the US.
    Get to know the candidates then make up your mind
    Excerpt from article above – quote from Col. Day–
    “I actually never endorsed Mr. Evers. I told him that I would consider it. Although Mr. Evers claims I endorsed him, I never did,” Day is quoted in Hill’s release.

    My questions are simple. Did he give you a signed endorsement or did he just tell you? When did he make the statement above for the press release? Did you not realize it was incorrect? There are to many questions that you did not clarify in your post for me. It seems as though in your post you are putting this situation back on to Col. Day and blaming him for this mix up.

    I saw Col. Day’s endorsement of Mr. Evers a couple of weeks ago on his Campaign site when researching both of you, I went back yesterday to check it, but it had been taken down. All you had to do was click on the link on his site to see the endorsement.

    In fact in my opinion you waited till the 4th of July weekend to try and make a splash with it, using Col Day as a prop for political maneuvers. I see this as a backdoor political stunt, and that is why I am disgusted. Please tell us how you could have taken an absolutely wonderful, well respected man who served his country so well, who put his life on the line for all of us and used him in this manner.

    It doesn’t really matter to me who endorses who in campaigns as I said before, I research each candidate before voting. Thanks for coming on here to try and clarify this matter but your post just seems to try and throw Col. Day under the bus.

    At the end of your post you say “Get to know the candidates and make up your mind”. I have not seen anything from Mr. Evers representing any false claims against anyone. You are responsible for anything put out with your name on it.

  5. Mike Hill on July 4th, 2010 10:45 pm

    I am submitting this for clarification purposes only. I did not request an endorsement from Colonel Bud Day. I was at a fundraising event and Col Day was in attendance. After Col Day heard me speak he approached me, and while handing me a campaign contribution, stated that he was endorsing my campaign. I so respect Col Day and would never do anything to diminish his stature in this community and around the US.

    Get to know the candidates then make up your mind.

  6. a harsh judge on July 4th, 2010 10:05 pm

    To Me!

    I’m sorry, but I chuckled at your remark. You must believe everything you hear – but you are right, Evers sposored the bill to give the people of this county an opportunity to VOTE whether they wanted the silly consolidation or not. Thank goodness it fell apart before the money was wasted on a vote.

  7. David Huie Green on July 4th, 2010 5:57 pm

    “The liberals throw false things to the media and it takes months to prove that it was a lie. By then the damage is done.”

    I thought Republicans were supposed to be conservatives, generally speaking.

    Had you substituted “politicians” for “liberals” it would have been to argue with you, though.

    It just seems to me politicians sometimes say or do whatever they must to get into office. That’s why SOME of them have bad reputations.

    David thinking it’s not a liberal/conservative thing

  8. lol on July 4th, 2010 12:27 pm

    At first glance I thought this said ” war of the worlds”


  9. John Payne on July 4th, 2010 9:08 am

    Well a letter in hand from Mr. Day and signed by him, what else is needed for people to see what is going on. The liberals throw false things to the media and it takes months to prove that it was a lie. Buy then the damage is done.

  10. John Bryan on July 4th, 2010 8:34 am


    Veterans and active service. This day is for you. Celebrate and enjoy.


    Oh yeah,….Thank GOD for the NRA.

    John Bryan

  11. Capt.Carden on July 4th, 2010 3:51 am

    For Mr. Hill to misuse an American hero’s name and reputation to attempt to shore up his own lagging record is despicable and outreageous.
    It is disgusting.
    I was leaning his way but not now.
    I’ll be voting for Evers, whose record is above reproach.

  12. David Huie Green on July 4th, 2010 2:54 am

    “. . . the statement “I AM THE NRA”. Can someone please tell me what this means?. . . ”

    People who believe only the government should be able to decide who should be allowed to own and carry weapons have long tried to label the NRA as an organization of nutty people who love guns more than they care for the safety of those shot by people wielding guns.

    In response, the NRA has shown high profile people who are not considered nutty saying, “I’m the NRA.” The message is, “He’s not nutty. He’s the NRA. The NRA isn’t nutty.”

    (Actually, there’s nutty people in all organizations but that’s neither here nor there.)

    In return for Evers it sends a message to the voters, “I’m one of you and I care about all of your Constitutionally protected rights, or at the very least the Second Amendment one. I will never vote to disarm you and leave you helpless before outlaws who don‘t care what is legal or illegal anyway.”

    David explaining an ad campaign

  13. Joe on July 3rd, 2010 11:08 pm

    “Bud” day is one of my heroes, and always has been. I have known some of the POW’s he served with and they are all good men. The issues and character of canidates are what matters most, not who indorses them. I am glad mr. evers released his documents so we know he is telling the truth. we can wait for mr. hill to do the same. either way this will not decide the election, it justs add to the character of each canidate. I am not for special interest canidates nor do I support liars. lets see what the next few weeks bring. Thank you to all of Americas finest Veterans on this Holiday weekend. we would not have all we do with out the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines! I thank you all for your service and sacrifice.

  14. TeaPartyPatriot on July 3rd, 2010 8:24 pm

    Hill is aparently not a patriot but a liar.
    Thanks to this reporter for actually putting the written endorsement of Evers by Hill in Hill’s own handwriting.
    Thanks also to Greg Evers for being a great representative and a great leader for family and patriotic values in the legislature.
    Hill is out to line his own pockets and he will lie to do it.
    He could’t have been “honorably discharged.”

  15. me on July 3rd, 2010 8:16 pm

    I have seen billboards with Mr. Evers photo on them and the statement “I AM THE NRA”. Can someone please tell me what this means? I am sure being a hunter, farmer, and/or gun owner Mr. Evers is a member and supporter of the NRA, which is not a problem for me as my family has always supported the NRA. But, shouldn’t the signs read “I AM IN THE NRA” or ‘I SUPPORT THE NRA” or “I AM A MEMBER OF THE NRA” – but instead it says “I AM THE NRA” – Sorry, I just don’t get it. I actually thought they made a mistake at first and left a word out. Is this a new advertising technique?? Maybe someone can explain. Thanks.

  16. David Huie Green on July 3rd, 2010 3:49 pm

    and yes, it looks like he was endorsing when supporting his candidacy but I’ve heard politicians say, “It doesn’t even mean you will vote for me, just that you support me becoming a candidate. That way I won’t have to pay thousands of dollars to enter the race.”

    Definitely has a date and signature, though.

  17. David Huie Green on July 3rd, 2010 3:45 pm

    It would appear that when getting an endorsement, it is best to get it in writing, signed and dated. It should clear up some confusion. People can withdraw an endorsement or even endorse more than one person as fit for and good for a given position.

    The problem here seems to be that a man claimed he never actually endorsed another man and if that was not true, it would make him less of a hero.

    Remember the movie HERO in which Dustin Hoffman’s character did an heroic thing but was not hero material, so the other guy fell into the slot. Later Hoffman had to do the heroic thing again to get the fellow from killing himself over the confusion.

    I liked that movie. One of the good things about it was that it showed the idea that a person could do a good thing without being totally good. Looked at the other way, a person could do a bad thing without being totally bad.

    Read up on Bud Day at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bud_Day

    It says he was the only American to escape from North Vietnam as POW, but recaptured by Viet Cong and taken again. He survived an ejection in WW2 without a parachute (!?!?); even if he hadn’t done anything else, that alone would impress me. But he did many more things. Medal of honor, most decorated this side of Douglas McArthur. If you do enough, you’re bound to get tied up in messy things like politics eventually.

    At least Hill or Evers likely won’t break his arm like the North Vietnamese did.

  18. Butterfly on July 3rd, 2010 2:16 pm

    Wow, here we go again… who do you believe? Has anyone asked Colonal Day?

  19. huh on July 3rd, 2010 2:08 pm

    Who cares if some guy endorses someone, vote for who will best serve the community by holding people accountable

  20. Digusted on July 3rd, 2010 11:21 am

    I am sorry for the rambling post, but this has totally ticked me off.
    I checked other local news papers and cannot find anything on this story.
    I guess showing someone’s true colors is not their forte.

    Thank you NorthEscambia.com for getting this story out to the public, so we that want to make a truly informed decision have all the facts.

    I blame myself for my lapse in judgment concerning Mr. Hill.
    I am calling and emailing everyone I know and asking them to please read this article.

    It is not an endorsement that draws my vote but it is the statue of the person running and if their platform is closest to my beliefs. This little backdoor political stunt shows me everything I need to know. I have gone to various venues and listened to both of them speak, I have gone to Mr. Evers and Mr. Hill’s websites several times while trying to make my decision on who to vote for in this race. Mr. Hill ask on his site do you want a Statesman or a Politician in Tallahassee. I want someone who puts the needs of the people first and politics second! Which is not what he just did.

    Again thank you NorthEscambia.com for helping keep us informed, you truly are an asset to our area.

  21. Me! on July 3rd, 2010 10:33 am

    TO Harsh Judge: I guess Evers is taking the high road on the campaing trail, just like he took the high road, when he introduced the consolidation bill to cosolidate the government in Escambia County. The only people Greg Evers worked for in Northwest Florida where the special interest groups from Pensacola. Hill gets my vote.

  22. Steve on July 3rd, 2010 10:24 am

    I could care less if a candidate was endorsed by Thomas Jefferson himself. I will vote for the man, not the endorsement or party connections. Colonel Day is a fine fellow and he is entitled to his opinion, but it has no effect on my vote either way. Don’t be a lazy voter, think for yourself!

  23. Digusted on July 3rd, 2010 9:45 am

    Quote from: Oversight on July 3rd, 2010 5:32 am

    Is Evers a veteran? Probably not… and besides he has those BP look-a-like colors all over his campaign stuff which makes me want to remain well clear of him.
    I don’t know if Mr. Evers is veteran or not. Is being a veteran a prerequisite to running for office? Who cares about colors, that is your reason for not voting for him? This is what is wrong with our area and entire country now is how people choose who represents us. I have heard reasons such as – I don’t like his hair, I don’t like his shoes, I don’t like his car and now I don’t like his colors. I was voting for Mr. Hill because I thought he was a fresh face with new ideas not a politician but someone who really cared about our area. I have heard him speak at different locations, Political Groups. Tea Party events, on T.V. and radio. But this little act of backdoor politics has proven me wrong. For God’s sake if you are going to vote for someone just because of their colors – stay home.

  24. a harsh judge on July 3rd, 2010 9:43 am

    I am glad you are taking the high road, Mr. Evers. More power to you and kudos for your work for the people of Northwest Florida.

  25. Digusted on July 3rd, 2010 9:13 am

    I am so sick of dirty politics.
    To be so desperate to win a race that you would take a National Hero and use him as a pawn in a political act of desperation is sickening. Mr. Hill would have had my vote but not now. To embarrass a National Hero and break down his credibility is beyond reprehensible. Why would you ask someone that you knew had already endorsed someone else to endorse you. A political game is all this is about. This is backdoor dirty politics at it’s best. This in my opinion shows a total like of respect and morals. I am so tired of people running for office caring more about the game of politics than the people they are asking to serve. I do not blame Mr. Evers for clearing his name, I blame Mr. Hill for using Mr. Day for his political game.

  26. Bob Hill on July 3rd, 2010 8:59 am

    The Hill campaign has been slinging mud for a while now. I recently got an email stating that Mike Hill was a better candidate because he was a State Farm Insurance agent and not a gentleman farmer. Well “Bless his heart.” I hate to inform him that being a farmer is a very gratifying job that requires tremendous amounts of manual labor and management. It not only helps the country but also the local small business owners. While State Farm drops people just because they can. This guy doesn’t have a clue about the northern end of the county. I have and will continue to support Greg Evers. At least he works for a living and cares about the rural areas of his district. By the way Evers’ colors remind me of a John Deere tractor. You would understand that if you lived in the northern part of the district.

  27. Rosie on July 3rd, 2010 8:35 am

    If he can’t remember why would someone want his endorsement? I commend
    Colonel Day for his service to our country but Evers has proof he has the endorsement. So who is lying? Is it Mike Hill or Colonel Bud Day? Oh by the way “The Notebook” is an awesome movie.

  28. Come On, Now on July 3rd, 2010 5:50 am

    If someone had called you a liar, wouldn’t you want to prove you were telling the truth? I seriously believe that is all Mr. Evers is trying to do. And as far as the silly comment about Mr. Evers campaign colors, I believe if you read the article you would note that at least this document is dated in January. Long before all the BP trouble.

  29. Oversight on July 3rd, 2010 5:32 am

    Is Evers a veteran? Probably not… and besides he has those BP look-a-like colors all over his campaign stuff which makes me want to remain well clear of him.

  30. Sandra Evans on July 3rd, 2010 3:47 am

    How sad… To use for political purposes an elderly war hero who cannot remember very well anymore. I thought Colonel Day is Charlie Crist’s guy. Please let the hero rest, guys. No need to use him like that. It is becoming belittling and sad. Almost like The Notebook.