Suspected Murderer Jailed

July 30, 2010

A suspect in Escambia County’s 13th murder of the year is behind bars.

Jermain Cook, 24, is facing murder and grand theft charges in connection with the early Sunday morning murder at the Mayfair Motel on Mobile Highway.  The victim has been identified by Escambia County Sheriff’s Department investigators as 44-year old Son Tu.

“Tu was found unresponsive in one of the motel rooms with obvious trauma,” according Melissa Aiken Rawson, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office. Further details about Tu’s death have not been released.

Cook is currently in the Santa Rosa County Jail on unrelated traffic offenses. He will face extradition back to Escambia County.


4 Responses to “Suspected Murderer Jailed”

  1. Horrific on July 31st, 2010 7:39 am

    another loser bites the dust!

  2. Oversight on July 31st, 2010 7:18 am

    I wonder if the sheriff will have to get the governer’s blessing for the “extradation?” Sounds like the new release used the wrong term for transfering a suspect from one jail to another in the same judical circuit.

  3. aubrey king on July 30th, 2010 1:25 pm

    paper said he is to be extradited from santa rosa to escambia county.I did not know extradition was required from county to county in the state the crime took place.

  4. David Huie Green on July 30th, 2010 10:14 am

    “Cook is currently in the Santa Rosa County Jail on unrelated traffic offenses. ”

    Leading to the thought those who will ignore major laws like no murdering may get caught breaking minor laws or that those who break minor laws and get away with it may think they can break major laws and get away with it.

    Or maybe not.

    Regardless, if he is the killer, it is good that he is no longer free to kill.