One Transported By LifeFlight Following Early Morning Walnut Hill Wreck

July 3, 2010

One person was transported to a Pensacola hospital by helicopter following an early Saturday morning accident near Walnut Hill.

The accident happened about 5 a.m.  on Pine Forest Road near Garrett Road. The driver of a Saturn lost control in curve, struck a brick mailbox and continued south on Pine Forest Road about 500 feet before coming to rest next to the road.

Firefighters were forced to extricate a  female passenger in the vehicle. She was transported to Baptist Hospital in Pensacola by LifeFlight with an arm injury that was not considered life threatening. The driver of the vehicle was not injured.

The Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire Rescue, Atmore Ambulance and the Florida Highway Patrol responded to the crash. The accident is still under investigation by the FHP.

Pictured above: A passenger in this vehicle was injured in an early Saturday morning crash near Walnut Hill. Pictured inset: The driver hit this mailbox before continuing about 500 feet down Pine Forest Road. Pictured below: A passenger in the vehicle was transported by LifeFlight. photos, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “One Transported By LifeFlight Following Early Morning Walnut Hill Wreck”

  1. David Huie Green on July 7th, 2010 9:08 pm

    “An astronomical amount !!!”

    Could be what they mean when they say, “The sky’s the limit.”

  2. Donna on July 5th, 2010 9:21 pm

    Something like 14K for lifeflight from ACH to Baptist in P’cola, if I remember correctly. An astronomical amount !!!

  3. David Huie Green on July 5th, 2010 1:42 pm

    “It has become apparent to me that most of this stuff up here
    is THEIR OWN FAULT! Not the home owner, not the
    road, and not the cars fault.”

    When you’re right, you’re right and you are right.

    It’s a dangerous world.

    We have machines which can kill in an instant unless we are constantly diligent in their operation and then we party in them while driving down the road. (not saying she did, please don’t jump on me for this, just saying it happens, other people do it)

    We’ve made our cars as safe mechanically as we can, we’ve made our roads as safe as we can. We fall down on mail box safety but I’m pretty sure the only reason people put up brick enclosures for mail boxes is because of kids destroying them, thinking it’s a harmless prank, but leading to people putting up what amounts to a large rock right on the edge of the road. The chain of events stretches back decades and no telling how far into the future.

    We sold a man a chain link fence one time. A week later he told us it was down and he wanted another just like it. He didn’t seem mad at us.

    What was wrong with it?

    “Come and see.”

    We did. The fence was stretched out tremendously all the way to his house. He explained a speeding drunk had left the road and hit the fence. The fence barely stopped him just before he hit the side of the house right where his daughter was still sleeping.

    He figured it had saved her life and wanted another one just like it because he also figured there are other drunks and careless drivers out there.

    Come to think of it, I should be more forgiving; we wouldn’t have sold anywhere near as many fences had it not been for drunks, young drivers and bad neighbors and dogs.

    David for gratitude

  4. oh good grief on July 5th, 2010 12:11 pm

    David, no I don’t think going off the road deserves a death sentence.
    But I am wondering just how much we the peoplel who don’t go out at 5
    and speed and get into these kinds of problems should change
    our lives so that they may be reckless..
    Your right, it probably is the part of the yard where your county
    has control and not you…..but still we have to put up a mail box
    in that area, it’s not the counties responsibility, and we put
    it up according to the post office requirements, and then
    we have to confine our box to the laws of the county also, so
    some idiot doesn’t kill themselves in the middle of the night.
    It has become apparent to me that most of this stuff up here
    is THEIR OWN FAULT! Not the home owner, not the
    road, and not the cars fault.

    Don’t get me wrong I have sympathy, because accidents happen.
    However, most of these could have certainly been avoided and
    I don’t like hearing that the home owner could be sued, when
    they were probably in bed asleep, or on their way to work,
    and they did nothing wrong IN MY OPINION.

    It is obvious to me that the primary person at fault here was the
    driver, she is suppose to stay on the road. If it were me, I
    would know that I screwed up, and a friend got
    hurt! The mailbox did not jump into the road! If this person
    can sue the home owner, then maybe the home owner should
    be able to sue the driver for malicious intent to do bodily harm
    to their mailbox. lol

  5. David Huie Green on July 4th, 2010 5:49 pm

    “i’m sorry but I really don’t understand why a person can’t put any mailbox
    they want on their property.

    The cars are supposed to stay on the road, are they not!”

    Methinks county or state right-of-way isn’t your property. Every deed I’ve come in contact with seemed to think so.

    Yes, drivers should stay on the road. Do you really think not doing so deserves a death sentence, though?

    David just wondering

  6. Ridiculous on July 4th, 2010 4:05 pm

    Amy Caum, That’s the dumbest thing ever!! LifeFlight does not need to log a certain amount of hrs. They are sent on request of the Ambulance Service enroute to the call. And this is no cost to the county since the helicopter is a private owned helicopter and not a county service.

  7. LaVerne Baglio on July 4th, 2010 2:09 pm

    if all the people would put the trash in bags and tie it up you wouldn’t have that trash flying out……how long does it take to tie the bag?

  8. Chumuckla proud on July 4th, 2010 1:57 pm

    Samantha, that IS the very first thing I said on my original comment. I HOPE SHE IS OKAY!

  9. positive! on July 4th, 2010 12:23 pm


    Well said! Hope this lady is alright!

  10. JUDY MASEK on July 4th, 2010 11:43 am

    amy, thats very good to know (sounds like you have some reliable inside knowledge)….but, God forbid, if i should ever get a ride in the helicopter for a non-emergent injury, verses a ground ambulance ride just for the sake of airheart or lifeflight needing their necessary hours, you can bet that i will contest/dispute any significant difference in the charges….i had a patient or family member tell me once just how expensive the helicopter ride was, but i cannot remember exactly…i just remember how shocked i was to hear the amount of the cost….maybe someone out there has encountered the bill recieved after a local air-transport event and could shed some light….

  11. oh good grief on July 4th, 2010 7:28 am

    and by the way, if this person was just avoiding a deer, sorry but thats to pe expected
    up here, so slow down next time.
    I hope the passenger will be ok, and not scarred up.

  12. oh good grief on July 4th, 2010 7:23 am

    i’m sorry but I really don’t understand why a person can’t put any mailbox
    they want on their property.

    The cars are supposed to stay on the road, are they not!

    Why don’t we make ppl live in tents, then when some nut job thats
    either on dope or not paying attention speeding down the road at 5 in a.m.
    loses control they don’t hit the ppl who own the properties house and kill

    The mailboxes around our neighborhood are taken out all the time,
    and who pays, the home owner, because the cowards do it in the
    middle of the night drunk or drugged up and they call daddy and
    they come get them and drag the vehicle home, and no one
    knows in the morning why the mailbox is all over the yard and
    big ruts in the yard.

    It’s because the drugs are so bad up here, and mommy and
    daddy just cover up for the little hoodlums.
    Then they go out and help them get another vehicle.

    That will teach them!

  13. Amy Caum on July 4th, 2010 5:42 am

    Life flight has to log so many hours in a month. If they do not have their hours,
    they respond to “way out” calls just to add to their hours regardless of the
    severity of injuries.

  14. Samantha on July 3rd, 2010 11:57 pm

    Well, since no one else has said it….prayers for the lady that was injured.
    I think that’s what this story was really about.
    I hope she is ok.

  15. Chumuckla proud on July 3rd, 2010 6:20 pm

    PS: Oh, and William, I am sorry if I offended you.

  16. Chumuckla proud on July 3rd, 2010 6:19 pm

    North Escambia prouder..First of all before you go calling out the lynching party, let me state that I NEVER said that I don’t enjoy William’s writing….indeed I do! keeps me well informed on the news happening in the north end of the county which seems to be neglected by other new sources. So, no.., I am not “out to get William or critize his work…I simply read it and understood it to sound like that all she had was an arm injury and that it was not life threatening.
    I am aware that in most cases, there is communication between the EMS people and the ER doctors and usually it is the doctor who makes the determination on how the injured party should be transported. I just couldn’t see past the “arm injury ..not life threatening thing” is all…… sue me.

  17. the realistic one on July 3rd, 2010 5:32 pm

    First of all William does a great job ,so thumbs up william ,,2nd of all the point of the story was by far missed ,by some people ,and who cares what kind of mail box it was ,,,most accidents could be avoided anyway ,the driver was surely not paying attention or to hopped up to realize where she was ,and yes to many people drive way to fast on that road and there is alot of other stuff that goes on ,on that road needs to be addressed ,,,,,

  18. Mary Ann Spence on July 3rd, 2010 3:57 pm

    Barry, a lot of the litter you see flies off the garbage trucks as they make their rounds. Something does need to be done about it, but I don’t think a lot of people are throwing trash out their vehicle windows.

  19. Come On, Now on July 3rd, 2010 12:44 pm

    In William’s defense, stating that the person had an arm injury does not “detail” the injury. Had he said that it was compound fracture, amputation, or other severe injury, to me would have been “detailing”. Also, as stated in my examples an arm injury could very well constitute a life flight call, especially if the person lost a lot of blood. It appears to me that William was not over dramatizing the article like so many other news reporting venues do.

  20. JUDY MASEK on July 3rd, 2010 11:48 am

    chumulka brings up a valid querry, actually….of course, not being on scene to fully assess the “potentially” severe life-threatening injuries to the victim, it would be somewhat presumptuous to say that the paramedics or baptist ER physicians made the wrong call on transporting via lifeflight vs ground transport…i do know that the cost for a lifeflight ride (and advanced care) is VERY expensive…….in addition to williams comments, i feel certain that most cost would be passed on to the victim, their insurance company, or…..the tax payers, should the victim NOT have insurance….if im not mistaken, the ER physician makes the call, based on the paremedics initial on-scene assessment… would not surprise me, in the least, if the homeowners insurance company (of the mailbox) got sued, along w/the county for not enforcing their county ordinance…watch and see.

  21. north escambia prouder on July 3rd, 2010 11:35 am

    Chumuckla proud, get off of William. If you don’t like the way he does this site, go to on your computer and hit delet. Me and thousands of others really like it so hush. Great job William stay at it.

  22. Chumuckla proud on July 3rd, 2010 11:11 am

    William – It was the way it was written.

    If you do not “detail” a person’s injuries then why was “an arm injury that was not life threatening” mentioned? That is what prompted my question in the first place!

  23. William on July 3rd, 2010 10:13 am

    Chumuckla proud — we don’t detail a person’s injuries in our stories. But the decision to call LifeFlight would usually be made by the ambulance paramedic based upon the treatment the victim needed most using established protocols.

    LifeFlight does not cost the county anything. The person or their insurance gets the bill. It is operated by Baptist Hospital and, as far as I know, receives no county funding.

  24. Chumuckla proud on July 3rd, 2010 10:01 am

    I hope she is okay…although I am still wondering who made the decision to call LifeFlight for an arm injury?? Did she complain of chest pains or was she unconscious? A little costly to the county….why not an ambulance? Just saying.

  25. Barry Phillips on July 3rd, 2010 9:54 am

    I own property Pine Forest Rd. and drive up and down it almost every day. The amount of traffic from people taking the shortest route to Atmore has really increased over the past few years. I’m surprised there are not more accidents because of the curves and the over the limit speed people drive. Secondly, the litter, It’s terrible. Are some people so lazy, or the just don’t care, that they can’t dispose of their trash when they get home. Grow Up People! KEEP WALNUT HILL BEAUTIFUL! I would like to see more police patrol when available on Pine Forest Rd.

  26. dnutjob on July 3rd, 2010 9:43 am

    If you will notice your state roads have no brick mailboxes, just for this reason. They have an ordinance against them being put up on a road that has a 25 mile or higher speed limit, the county has a similar ordinance but it is not inforced. I relize it is still upon the driver to stay between the lines but a breakaway mail box does not do this kind of damage.

  27. Janice Parker on July 3rd, 2010 7:21 am

    There are several small children who live in 3 houses by a stiff curve just north of Garrett Rd. The speed limit through here I think is 35 mph. People speed through here all the time. It’s bad for everyone when people aren’t observant enough to see all the toys in the yards.