Motorcyclist Flown To Hospital Following Crash

July 25, 2010

On person was injured in a motorcycle accident Sunday afternoon in Bratt.

The accident happened shortly after 5 p.m. in the “S-curve” on North Highway 99 just south of Breastworks Road. The male driver of a Harley Davidson motorcycle apparently lost control in the curve, slid off the highway and into an electric fence.

The motorcyclist, who was reported to be in his 60’s,was transported by LifeFlight helicopter to a Pensacola Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The accident is still under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. The Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire Rescue and Atmore Ambulance also responded to the call.

Pictured above and below: A Florida Highway Patrol Trooper looks at a wrecked motorcycle Sunday evening in Bratt as LifeFlight lifts off with the driver. Pictured below: The driver apparently lost control in a curve before hitting the electric fence. photos, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Motorcyclist Flown To Hospital Following Crash”

  1. Horrific on July 29th, 2010 8:24 am

    I got everything you said and I have rode a motorcycle and thought
    it was the stupidest thing I ever did and would never ever do it again.

    I have been passenger on one, and I have driven one.
    Just asking for trouble as far as I’m concerned!

  2. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2010 2:01 pm

    “I hate you are afraid of dying because it is coming to you also if you live long enough ”

    I’m not all that scared of dying, just don’t see any reason to hurry things along (unless what I write gets me killed). Actually I’m surprised to still be here. I just don’t live for thrills. If I wanted thrills, I’ve had a few.

    I can remember looking down the barrels of three AK-47s in the hands of nervous Angolan soldiers after wandering into a restricted area–a week after Reagan invaded another Communist country, being in a plane in Benin trying to stop before reaching the jungle at the end of the runway, getting stuck in mud and leaves after diving into Canoe Creek, being chased by an unhappy wild sow while running with one of her pigs, being chased by wild boars and angry bulls, a chimney collapsing and hitting behind me while fighting a structure fire (never turn your back on a chimney in a structure fire), dragged out to sea by humongous waves miles from civilization–such as it was. To name a few.

    I never really sought out those little adventures, just didn’t realize they were the natural consequence of my actions. I tried to never have the same adventure twice.

    “You must never have been on a motorcycle to start with.”

    900 cc Honda, 1977. and yep, I was terrified. Not of the machine but of the driver’s race with the train for the intersection. (We won, somehow.) I never did that again.

    You might notice I haven’t faulted motorcyclist’s driving habits (despite how Sherwin Klemp rode that day). He’s still alive and living in Houston according to an internet search and still flying although I don’t know if he includes motorcycles in his flights.

  3. Bill2 on July 28th, 2010 10:11 am

    By the way I don’t want to die ether,

  4. Bill2 on July 28th, 2010 10:08 am

    I know David Green and know he is a fair minded person (all though prone to playing the devils advocate to keep a good debate going ) I don’t think he would wish harm on anyone ..By the way I ride first because I enjoy it ,but all so to save money on gas

  5. joshua on July 28th, 2010 8:06 am

    I agree we all need to watch out for bikers,but on the flip side of that coin i have seen many,many times a biker speed in and out of traffic,tail gate me and others,and never use a turn signal.So lets ALL use a little more common sense,because sense doesnt seem to be that common any more.

  6. sktmax on July 27th, 2010 10:08 pm

    The reason why it’s so important to watch for motorcycles, is because many (not all) of the drivers have no idea how to operate one. If I’m not mistaken the motorcycle exam in Alabama does not even require a safety course of driving test. I say heck yeah WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES!

  7. Ronnie on July 27th, 2010 4:15 pm

    David Huie Green my comments on bikers I believe is true and that you have no idea what you are talking about. You must never have been on a motorcycle to start with. I hate you are afraid of dying because it is coming to you also if you live long enough ( little humor for you).How many of the bikers in your stats were killed in wrecks with cars that never saw them? You must not have had to many thrills of certain pleasures in your lifetime the way you you write about it. I really hate to see a day go by that I don’t have a great thrill of pleasure of some kind. I am thrilled every morning when I get up and kiss my wife good morning. When I watch my grandsons fish or play ball and have a good time with their Paw Paw. There are to many for me to even think about putting on here. My life is very very full and I enjoy every minute of it and riding my bike is one of those pleasures. Sorry you don’t understand but, you are not alone in this world with your way of thinking. Peace and pleasures of thrill to you David.

  8. Bill2 on July 27th, 2010 10:02 am

    If bikers were killing people at that rate there would be a bounty on our heads ,but since its the other way around people just shrug their shoulders and” say oh well another biker bites the dust “

  9. David Huie Green on July 27th, 2010 8:33 am

    and most of us do.

    however if only one in a hundred does not notice they are driving over a cyclist, that means after a hundred encounters, there’s a good chance of a bad end

  10. Bill2 on July 27th, 2010 7:21 am

    If you are worried about bikers ,look for us ..most biker fatalities are caused by drivers on four wheels not seeing us.

  11. David Huie Green on July 27th, 2010 1:31 am

    nobody spoke bad about bikers

    we just worry about them, for them

  12. Dawn Watson on July 26th, 2010 9:13 pm

    Well im just happy to announce that the motorcyclist was not seriously injured. His foot was messed up in the accident but yes he did have a helmet on and he is the one who called 911 for himself so for everyone talking bad about bikers just know that alot of bikers are more careful than most of the people who drive automobiles!

  13. molino jim on July 26th, 2010 8:20 pm

    It looks like the “SHOES” are not shoes, but are sandal’s. Any one who will ride a bike with out shoe or boots is not very smart.

  14. Laine on July 26th, 2010 3:49 pm

    From one rider to another… I hope the rider is okay. Has a name been released yet?

  15. Huh? on July 26th, 2010 2:35 pm

    I’ve just got to say it. That’s a pretty impressive picture at the top. The photographer did a good job catching “the moment”.

  16. David Huie Green on July 26th, 2010 1:00 pm

    “When your time comes you are going to go and nothing can stop that. Bikers know this and most of us are not afraid of it. Don’t get me wrong we want to live as long as we can just like you.”

    In 2003, motorcycles, the fatality rate was 38.38 per 100 million miles traveled.
    In 2002, that figure was 34.23. Understand, that is only motorcycles

    By contrast, the fatality rate for all highway drivers in 2004 was 1.46 per 100 million miles traveled. Understand that includes motorcycles too.

    So a motorcyclist is about 23.5 times as likely to die every time on the road as drivers in general are. Another way of putting it, “your time comes” 23.5 times as often on a motorcycle as in general. The Lord must really love motorcyclists and want them with Him.

    I’m not griping. I figure people should be able to kill themselves if they have their hearts set on it. I understand the idea that some lives aren’t worth living to some people without the thrill of certain pleasures. I just miss the ones who are killed or loose limbs and appreciate the organs they donate.

    David wanting a moped
    and a crash-proof T-shirt
    and more careful drivers around me

  17. Ronnie on July 26th, 2010 11:43 am

    Thanks Me I am sure he does. Please if you are riding on 2 wheels wear a helmet it saved my life 2 weeks after Ivan came to visit us. I started not to wear mine that trip but, I sure am glad I did. Comfort will just have to go out the window when riding but, it might save your life and I know it is important to someone that loves you.


  18. me on July 26th, 2010 11:27 am

    Ronnie, I love your response. I don’t ride bikes, but my husband does. I know he feels the same way you do.

  19. mary on July 26th, 2010 11:27 am

    by the pics..did he get hit out of his shoes??? I hope he is OK..I use to love to ride on the back w/some1..didnt wear a helmet…but sure glad I survived..the guy i was seeing & riding with ..didnt have the same luck w/in 2 mths after we broke up..he ended up in a wreck & did not survive..People need to pay more attention to what is going on around them.

  20. mama5 on July 26th, 2010 11:11 am

    He was wearing a helmet. I hope all you bikers wear one.

  21. Ronnie on July 26th, 2010 8:44 am

    Horiffic, The answer to your question about why we ride is that we enjoy riding bikes. Everyone of us knows that every time we get in the saddle that it may be our last time to ride. But, that is something we are willing to face to make our lives complete and happy. If you have never ridden a bike then you can’t know the feeling I am talking about. It is a feeling of pure freedom that I have never had riding anything else in my life. The whole world comes alive when you are on a bike riding down the roads. Your senses and all of your body is so in tune with everything around you that you can see and smell the real worl out there and enjoy the beauty you just can’t get from riding in a car or truck. You can get killed doing just about anything from sitting on your front porch to riding in a Hummer, to flying in a plane. When your time comes you are going to go and nothing can stop that. Bikers know this and most of us are not afraid of it. Don’t get me wrong we want to live as long as we can just like you. I am 59 and I ride everyday I can summer or winter to work. I have grandsons that love to ride with me and God knows that I would never want anything to happen to them. Maybe some of this will explain why we like to ride to you. It is not that we are macho bikers that think noting can kill us we just love to ride and that feeling of complete freedom it gives us. Hope this guy gets ok quick and I am sure he will be back riding as soon as he can. I have wrecked 2 and I still ride and enjoy it all the time.

    Ronnie Faulk
    Walnut Hill

  22. Horrific on July 26th, 2010 8:11 am

    By the way I am very happy that this guys injuries are not life threatening
    or I would have sounded like that.

  23. Horrific on July 26th, 2010 8:07 am

    I don’t know why anyone would ride one.

    So many times you see them fly between cars and tailgate at
    high rates of speed and it’s just plain scarey.

    Other times you see that people just are not looking for bikes,,
    and they just don’t see them.

    Also bikes have no protection when there is a problem,


  24. David Huie Green on July 26th, 2010 12:42 am

    every time I read one of these headlines, I check to see if one of my friends was the victim. It’s just a matter of time.

  25. William on July 25th, 2010 7:52 pm

    To tategrad — I do not know for certain that he was wearing the helmet or not, but it was on the ground in the path where he slid. It was placed on the bike later. (It’s not on the bike in photo with the trooper.)

  26. tategrad on July 25th, 2010 7:44 pm

    I hope he was wearing that helmet, doesn’t do a lot of good strapped to the bike….

  27. anydaynow on July 25th, 2010 7:22 pm
