Man With Multiple Alcohol-Related Convictions Charged With DUI After Highway 97 Incident

July 18, 2010

A McDavid man with a long history of alcoh0l-related driving convictions was arrested and charged with DUI after an early Sunday morning incident on Highway 97 in Molino.

Michael Aaron Killam, 30, was charged with DUI fourth or subsequent offense, refusal to submit to a DUI test an driving with a suspended license. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on $12,000 bond.

Several stations of Escambia Fire Rescue were dispatched to a possible accident on Highway 97 near Molino Park Elementary School about 5:40 a.m. Sunday. Rather than an accident, they found Killam, apparently passed out or asleep behind the wheel of a Nissan Frontier truck in the ditch alongside the roadway.

Killam  was taken into custody by the Florida Highway Patrol after he failed a field sobriety test.

Killam was arrested in late May, 2009 for driving under the influence, driving while his license was suspended, resisting arrest without violence and for threatening a deputy and his family. He was also issued  traffic citations for an open container of alcohol and failure to drive in a single lane.

Escambia County deputy James Gilman was on Pine Barren Road the morning of May 20, 2009, at a brush fire when Killam made a u-turn in the roadway to avoid approaching Gilman’s patrol car and fire trucks. He sped away, prompting Gilman to follow. After observing Killam cross the yellow center and side white lines of the highway several times, Gilman initiated a traffic stop on Highway 164, according to Sheriff’s Office records.

That’s when Gilman said Killam headed for the passenger seat, reaching into the floorboard. After Killam was removed from the vehicle, he refused a field sobriety test and stated that his license was already suspended for DUI.

Killam was found guilty and sentenced to community control for 12 months, 24 months probation, 90 days in jail and community service. He was also ordered to avoid the possession or consumption of alcohol, ordered to use an ignition interlock system to test for the presence of alcohol before driving, and his driver’s license was revoked for 10 years.

Escambia County Court records show the following convictions for Killam:

  • DUI, third conviction within 10 years after prior conviction
  • Driving with license suspended
  • Threatening a public servant
  • Resisting arrest without violence
  • Driving with license suspended, third or subsequent conviction
  • Open container of alcohol in vehicle
  • Failure to drive in a single lane
  • Open container of alcohol in vehicle
  • Trespassing
  • DUI, third conviction within 10 years
  • Refusal to submit to DUI test
  • Driving with license suspended, second conviction
  • DUI property damage, second offense
  • Refusal to submit to DUI test
  • Driving with license suspended
  • Open container of alcohol in vehicle
  • Failure to display registration
  • Careless driving
  • DUI property damage
  • failure to leave info at accident
  • Unlawful speed
  • Careless driving

Pictured top: Michael Aaron Killam of McDavid is given a field sobriety test early Sunday morning along Highway 97 in Molino. Pictured below: Killam is taken into custody. Pictured inset: A Florida Highway Patrol trooper pours out an apparent container of beer found in the driver’s truck. photos, click to enlarge.


44 Responses to “Man With Multiple Alcohol-Related Convictions Charged With DUI After Highway 97 Incident”

  1. Wondering when it will end on July 22nd, 2010 7:07 pm

    ■just askin’ on July 20th, 2010 8:50 am
    why do they need an interlock ignition system to test for the presence of alcohol before driving, if a license has been revoked for 10 years?

    Umm, because idiots such as these will continue to drive WITHOUT the benefit of a license? If they’re going to drive drunk, do you really think they care whether they have a valid license?

    I just don’t understand a system that will allow this to continue this way. The first time, I can see giving him probation and putting him into a treatment program, but if it happens a second time, as far as I am concerned, there should be NO mercy whatsoever shown for someone who has no mercy for the other innocent people he/she may kill by acting so stupidly.

  2. DJ on July 22nd, 2010 11:59 am

    they just keep arresting him and then letting him out so he can eventually kill someone and maybe even his self. This is so wrong. He needs to do some time. I am a correctional officer at a State prison. Prison time is just what he needs. He also needs to be comfronted by families who have lost a loved one due to his kind of behavior.

  3. mary on July 20th, 2010 9:55 pm

    Everyone keeps saying that he may/will kill a loved one of someone’s when he’s out drinking and driving….and his family will bail him out, just to continue doing it. WHAT IF…the person he kills is himself…..what will HIS family do then? They won’t be bailing him out, they will be planning a funeral …and this folks, is a harsh, but true reality. The family that is helping, may bury him someday, someday soon, and they will have no one else to blame, but themselves…..and possible a lawyer and a judge. Heck, Lindsey Lohan is going to jail, why can’t this guy?

  4. T on July 20th, 2010 8:55 pm

    Arrested AGAIN today 7-20 VOP

  5. TM on July 20th, 2010 7:19 pm

    OK…to start off what is going to be a long comment. I know Aaron very well. To see that he is on DUI #5 does not surprise me at all. I am disqusted to know that the attorney he hired is friends with the judge and thats a pretty good guess of why he gets away with this. I know someone who got 2 DUI’s in 10 years and spend 180 days in jail and 5 yrs of probabtion with 5 years with no drivers license. Aaron is now on #5 since March of 2003. 5 DUI’s in 7 years and he is still able to be out on the road. It seems like not only are the courts responsible but also the family. I know he is a grown 30 year old man but who is supplying the vehicles for him to drive to get pulled over in?? That definitely goes further than the courts. Maybe with this incident happening near and Elementry School it will wake someone up. What if it had been during school hours and he didn’t pass out in the ditch but rather drove through the bus loading zone…would the courts put him away then?? Will it take someone losing their life before a man with a SERIOUS problem is locked away for a very long time. He does not need community control, probabtion, community service or any of that garbage. He needs to be locked up and then after the 3-5 years in jail that he was told the second time he would get if he ever came back into the courtroom..he might be ready for some other type of help. (As I said…I know him and this situation VERY WELL) If Escambia County allows him to get away with this, than the community needs to bind together and take it further than the county that obviously doesn’t care about its residents. This situation is absolutely ridiculous. It just shows that money does talk and his family is willing to front the money to get him out of this. It’s a crying shame.

  6. Concerned Big Time on July 20th, 2010 9:57 am

    I only have one question……. Why is this idiot out and about driving a vehicle after all of his history with alchohol????? Are they just waiting for him to get drunk, get behind the wheel and kill someone????
    Oh and his Bail is nice and low, what is going on?? I don’t know maybe its just me, but I think since he hasn’t learned anything, and definetly has a problem with alchohol , maybe going to jail, straight to jail, with a much higher BAIL , and get him some help while hes in there. Seems alot better to me then letting him out, to drive around drunk and killing someone’s loved one. Don’t we already have enough of these idiots out there already.
    Sorry I did intend to only ask one question, got carried away.

  7. nudo on July 20th, 2010 9:50 am

    Know your neighbor is exactly right…it is a business that needs and wants criminals money…they don’t care how many times he comes before the court or jail. Now if he doesn’t pay up then they will do something. Money makes the world go round…how many times have we seen more than ten or fifteen arrest on this news sight in the last year or so…Our justice system simply doesn’t care..

  8. just askin' on July 20th, 2010 8:50 am

    why do they need an interlock ignition system to test for the presence of alcohol before driving, if a license has been revoked for 10 years?

  9. AL on July 19th, 2010 11:51 pm

    Brad on July 19th, 2010 7:58 am Sorry buddy, go back to school. Ten percent of 12,000 is not 120, thats 1 percent. Ten percent of 12,000 is 1200. LOL. People sieze to amaze me everyday !!!

    LOL at least their mistake was an honest one…. as opposed to people having “seizures” to amaze you.
    It is “people NEVER CEASE to amaze me”

    and this drunk is a good person to put in that category – as is any individual who would post bail for him.

  10. Mikelkey on July 19th, 2010 9:07 pm

    Good point Know your neighbor. That would be sad if it is true.

    I’ve known Aaron for a few years now as an acquaintance. We started off on the wrong foot but he has been pleasant to me ever since. I truly hope that he can get it together. He has a good mind but sometimes the body is stronger than the mind. It takes an addictive mindset to understand what he is dealing with. And I do. Still, there is no good excuse for what he has done and a second chance should have been enough. I hope he can understand how lucky he has been to not have seriously injured another person or himself, but if he cannnot, it is time for him to have some serious intervention.

    Aaron, your mind should be stronger than your body. That is what separates us humans from other creatures. It is difficult but doable. Please let this be the last time.

  11. Know your neighbor on July 19th, 2010 5:09 pm

    Reading these remarks about repeat offenses makes me question why it’s happening to this young man. Do you understand the law is not setup to help him but to make money off him and his family. Lawyers charge thousands to defend him and allow him to drive after each violation. The Courts will charge him thousands in fines and place devices in his car that allow him to continue to drive. The insurance companies will up his rates but allows him to drive again. Do you understand it’s about money, not helping? So many people are making money off this young man. Those people hate to see him loose the right to get back in the bar and do it all over again. They don’t care about you and your family members that could be killed by neglect.

  12. interested reader on July 19th, 2010 4:07 pm

    To date I count 22 convictions. Where does it end? Someone will be killed or he will manage to kill himself. It becomes obvious in this case that nothing short of incarceration is going to stop him from doing whatever he wants. It’s past time common sense stepped in and saved him from himself.

  13. Me on July 19th, 2010 4:04 pm

    OMG !!!!! And he is out !! I would like for whoever bonded him out to come stand guard at my driveway ( since we live on the same road) ! To make sure “YOUR DRUNK” does not hit my kids when they leave for work and school !!

  14. David Huie Green on July 19th, 2010 1:06 pm

    According to Wikianswers alcohol be blamed for 100,000 deaths each year.

    (Consider that means more than a million per decade. Osama bin Laden can’t hold a candle to what we do to ourselves.)

    5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system are attributed to alcohol.
    15% of all deaths from diseases of the respiratory system are attributed to alcohol.
    30% of all accidental drownings are attributed to alcohol.
    30% of all suicides are attributed to alcohol.
    40% of all deaths due to accidental falls are attributed to alcohol.
    All these are self-inflicted and I don’t begrudge people killing themselves this way other than the fact that our government means others have to pay the monetary price. I would prefer they understand they are doing so, but if they don’t, it is because they aren’t listening. Everybody here knows how common THAT is. Even at that, I would let them drink to their livers’ content if they would just kill THEMSELVES not others.

    30% of all deaths from accidents caused by fire and flames are attributed to alcohol.
    These aren’t completely self-inflicted because sometimes people who aren’t drinking are killed by the fires. I do begrudge those cases.

    45% of all deaths in automobile accidents are attributed to alcohol–over 25,000 deaths a year (and people worry about guns?)

    60% of all homicides are attributed to alcohol (so even when guns are involved, alcohol usually precedes them).

    I begrudge all these which kill other people, hence Bob’s idea of giving them their own roads to drive on so they only kill each other.. You’d still have to fence it well to keep them from driving off the road and killing your loved ones, though.

    David for reality

  15. Maxed out on July 19th, 2010 12:44 pm

    12000 is the maximum bond for the offenses he was arrested for.

  16. Teresa on July 19th, 2010 11:53 am

    I know it would be expensive but I feel like every vehicle should come equiped with breathalizer(bad spelling I know). It would definitly cut down on alcohol related accidents..

  17. Nicole on July 19th, 2010 11:29 am

    The saying don’t throw stones… applies here. Brad, I believe the correct term is cease – meaning to stop, not seize – meaning to take. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I really don’t think it was relevant to be so rude to someone, when it did not benefit the story. I knew Aaron and I am devastated about this situation. I pray he gets the help he needs to straighten up, and I pray he does it before he harms himself or someone else! He used to be such a kind person, and I know he could not live with himself if he does harm someone.

  18. Butterfly on July 19th, 2010 10:57 am

    It is an illness people…..he needs help.
    Slapping his wrist and letting him bond out is not help…!!!
    Maybe those ankle bracelets should have a short strong CHAIN attached to them. If they won’t get them help, then keep them away from innocent people.

  19. horrific on July 19th, 2010 10:14 am

    I have never been to jail and had to be bonded out.
    I didn’t even know the percentage for sure, that’s why I asked.
    It doesn’t have anything to do with school.

    Grow up!
    If you just want to disrespect someone tho you go ahead
    maybe it makes you feel like a big man to disrespect a
    law abiding citizen who doesn’t like criminals.
    Makes me wonder why! Seem’s I must have hit a nerve somehow!

  20. Mary on July 19th, 2010 8:13 am

    That is the same spot I got my 3rd DUI/that was 5 yrs ago..I havent had a drop of alcohol since..or have I been behind a wheel of a car. Yes I said 3rd..i can blame it on what was going on in my life but the fact is I made very stupid decisions.. yet I dont remember leaving my house / i remember the red truck i hit when it backed out of the driveway & I will never forget Judge Ackerman!! I have straightened out & w/the help of my son, I have made it this far & pray that I can keep fighting that addiction!!!

  21. Brad on July 19th, 2010 7:58 am

    Sorry buddy, go back to school. Ten percent of 12,000 is not 120, thats 1 percent. Ten percent of 12,000 is 1200. LOL. People sieze to amaze me everyday !!!

  22. mark on July 19th, 2010 7:33 am

    what happened to the 3 times and your out deal? This guy is wayyyyy past the 3 times. His folks must either know the judge or are paying his way out. Hopefully he won’t harm anyone, especially a loved one of any of the court system that is letting him out……….

  23. horrific on July 19th, 2010 7:05 am

    i’ m so mad about this guy i’m just spitting nails.
    This is sooooo close to my home.

    my family drives 97 all the time.

    12,000.00 bond
    Who are they kidding.
    Isn’t that $120.00 actually for him to pay to get out.
    What was that judge thinking

    We should all call him and read him the riot act!

  24. horrific on July 19th, 2010 6:59 am

    he may have been a sweet kid 14 years ago, but now he is a
    detriment to society.

    He is going to kill someone if WE don’t STOP HIM!

    Ppl like this should have their address and a picture of their vehicle
    posted all over the web and newspapers so locals can report him
    every time they see him.
    Even his neighbors should be notified by local authorities to call
    them when he gets into a drivers seat and they see it.

    This guy needs stopped.
    I can’t believe he is out on bail.

    Do they really think he is not going to just drive again.

    Nothing has stopped him yet.


  25. Carolyn Bramblett on July 19th, 2010 6:04 am

    Too bad the law doesn’t allow for executions for people who are a deadly menace to society which is what drunk drivers are and he has total disregard for the law. Why was he given bond?

  26. me on July 19th, 2010 5:27 am

    Once again our system has shown us how broken it is DUI is just as serious as a story I read her awhile back a girl I went to school with got like 10years for selling some pills. And this man has no regard for someones loved ones that are headed to or from work. Who’s the judge that keeps letting him off and who keeps bonding him out. I know plenty of better ways for you to throw your money at that won’t kill others. Maybe whoever keeps inabling him needs to be held accountable when he kills someone. Has everyonr gone crazy. Our teenagers are in real trouble I hear of so many of them drinkinand driven it scares me. Shame on those helping to get these people drunk.

  27. wonder on July 18th, 2010 11:33 pm

    He was always a sweet kid in school. He never gave me a problem. I hope he gets all the help he needs. I will pray for him and his family.

  28. big d on July 18th, 2010 11:12 pm

    He is a good person just has a very sercious problem he does need to stay out of behind the wheel wish he would wake up and he comes from a good family

  29. nudo on July 18th, 2010 9:52 pm

    This is Aaron’s 4th, 5th, or 6 the DUI..I forget he’s had many..Many recks too.

  30. Are you serious on July 18th, 2010 8:41 pm

    Obviously, this man doesn’t care who he kills. They need to Baker act him or something before he drives headon into someone. I hope his family cares enough about him to let him sit in jail for awhile and think about sobering up and getting some help.

  31. Walnut Hill Resident on July 18th, 2010 6:19 pm

    Alcohol is so easy to get and one of the worst drugs out there. Teenagers get hooked on it and the feeling they get from being drunk. It makes weak people think they are so powerful when they get drunk. It makes the lives of the families of the alcoholic completely hell to live in. They hurt everyone that cares about them and wants to help them. They lie to anyone to get another chance to get a drink. They really don’t care what you think about them and what they do. Men and women both are more likely to cheat on their spouses when they are drunk. To an alcoholic when you feel sorry for them they have you right where they need you. You enable them to get away with their drinking and hurting other people with it. They will use any and everyone that they can to manipulate the situation to get drunk. They never intend to get drunk BUT, when they start with “1″ a “100″ is not enough. They will drink until they are falling down drunk. Even if they tell you they are going to quit this time they are lying to you. Alcohlics are the best liars in the world and some of the best manipulators of family and friends that you will ever meet in your life. They will never quit until they have reached a low in their lives that they can’t get any lower. They don’t really care about anyone or anything in their lives people but themselves. By the Grace Of God and the Prayers of my Wife that I Love with all my Heart and Soul I never had to sink to that level of low. Not all are as lucky as I am. 20 years this October without drinking or even wanting to drink. The 20 best years of my life have come without wanting or needing alcohol to make it.. I now have the Love of a Family that I really know Loves me. I would not take anything in this world for the feeling I have ever morning when I wake up and say Thank You Lord and Liz for the Love you have shown this alcoholic almost 20. I only wish that every alcoholic had my life as it is now. I thank God that my Grandsons that I Love so much never had to see their Paw Paw take a drink of beer in their lifetime. I hope and pray that all of you find this in your life before it is to late.


  32. Chumuckla proud on July 18th, 2010 5:55 pm

    Sadly the ratio has increased in impaired drivers over the years…every Friday evening (4:300 p.m.-8:00 p.m.) I think it is now 1 in 4 (or was one in four the last time I looked) and Saturday nights are the very worst at 1/3….at any rate, not good ratio…think about it.. every four cars that pass you on your way home from work could be an intoxicated person or on drugs. Sheesh!

  33. (Angelz) on July 18th, 2010 5:08 pm

    his family can try all year to get him some help and it will not work HE has to want help… but i do pray that he gets help and until he is helped he needs to stay in jail…I mean my God he was near a school where my children go

  34. interested reader on July 18th, 2010 2:42 pm

    Please keep this young man in jail, not only for his safety but for the safety of unsuspecting victims who may be in his path. Sad that a person has chosen this way of life. Hopefully the courts or his family can get him some help.

  35. Retired PoPo on July 18th, 2010 1:33 pm

    I hope the parents do not bond him out. He comes from a good family, he has a problem that the court needs to address and take action. With numerous charges of this nature, the justice system has failed. I would like to see
    MADD get involved and be present in court. Apparently the impact programs are not working and the interlock device when you are able to drive another vehicle and escape the device. Get help young man !!!! do not take an innocent life due to your actions.

  36. countrygal on July 18th, 2010 1:27 pm

    haha Allen, now THAT would be an aMAZing field sobriety test

  37. Allen on July 18th, 2010 12:37 pm

    Does the field sobriety test have anything to do withe the corn in the background.

  38. bmr on July 18th, 2010 12:05 pm

    thanks for waking all of us up your a selfish person.

  39. Retired PoPo on July 18th, 2010 12:04 pm

    You can check the Clerks website and see the history of this individual, it is all public record. The officers are doing their jobs, The court system is to blame in this instance. What will it take to get help for the individual and save a life. The life saved could be an innocent person or the subject himself. Everyone should be thankful that an innocent life was not taken and this subject is in jail until bond is made, then a Vop will be issued and he will be back in jail with no bond until Attorneys get involved.

  40. wow on July 18th, 2010 10:45 am

    Makes you wonder who you see driving by you every day!!!!

  41. David Huie Green on July 18th, 2010 9:26 am

    “It would really be good for us to live in a world where the intoxicated uses one set of roads ”

    I try to let them have it to themselves between eleven in the evening and five in the morning. They’re going to be there and I usually don’t have to be.

    David for sharing
    by getting out of their way

  42. TJ on July 18th, 2010 8:59 am

    If this is who I think it is he has a record that is long as highway 97!!! So he needs to say in jail More then a few hours or days so don’t get him out!!!!

  43. Bob on July 18th, 2010 7:58 am

    It would really be good for us to live in a world where the intoxicated uses one set of roads and the rest of us use another. Just let them kill each other til they are all gone. This is one reason the north end has so many accidents,they tank up in Pensacola and head north where law enforcement is spread so thin. There is no logical reason for a DUI, and it puts so many lives in jeopardy.

  44. dnutjob on July 18th, 2010 7:49 am

    Will they ever learn……………………………………..