McDavid Man Accused In Sexual Battery Of 14-Year Old Female Runaway

July 21, 2010

A 19-year old McDavid man has been charged with the sexual battery a 14-year old girl.

Nathan Arron Mack, 19, of Railroad Street, McDavid, remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $55,000.  He is charged with lewd and lascivious battery on a person 12-16 and interference with custody.

The victim’s stepfather told Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies that the 14-year old, who had been reported as a runaway, was at Mack’s residence on Railroad Street. When deputies arrived at the residence, they found Mack and the teen girl.

According to the Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Mack admitted to having intercourse multiple times with the 14-year old. He admitted that he had picked up the Pensacola girl at the Winn Dixie on Nine Mile Road because he knew the victim’s mother would not allow the two to be together. The young girl corroborated Mack’s story, according to the report.

When deputies contacted the victim’s mother, she advised that she wanted to pursue criminal charges against Mack. The mother stated that she had retrieved her daughter from Mack at the McDavid Mini Mart the week prior and had forbidden him from having any contact with her daughter.


41 Responses to “McDavid Man Accused In Sexual Battery Of 14-Year Old Female Runaway”

  1. Chris on July 25th, 2010 12:18 am

    I just wanted to say that I have been in this same situation I am 19 and I was found with a 15 year old.. The thing about it is that I didn’t know she was 15 because she told me that she was 17… Does that make me a criminal?? Well to me God knows the truth & he knows I have a good heart so it doesn’t matter what a blog labels me… But to let you parents know I wasn’t having sex with her we were just found at a park at nighttime & wasn’t charged for anything… I know you parents probably won’t respect my input on this situation but if I was lied to what could I do?? All I ask for is a little understanding… But if this guy knew she was 14 was having sex with her then yes he should be labeled as a sex offender but I think that instead of messing up his life (even though he deserves it) you should try to educate him because everyone is not the same person & don’t have the same upbringing…

  2. Big B little ill on July 24th, 2010 7:02 am

    To Thinkabout it. I know what your saying and most everyone else does to. But lets face it, moral value has different values depending on how you have been raised and what you believe in. Not everyone on here speaks of the same God. Some don’t believe in the God of the Bible.

  3. Thinkabout it on July 23rd, 2010 12:44 pm

    Green earth or brown dirt, God made it all. Sorry you have missed my point.

  4. whitepunknotondope on July 23rd, 2010 10:00 am

    “…then why on God’s green earth are we buying them clothes that leave nothing to the imagination”

    I wonder whether people who live in desert areas use the phrase “God’s green earth”? Would they say “God’s brown dirt”?

  5. Thinkabout it on July 23rd, 2010 9:30 am

    Parents, if we don’t want our young ladies to become sexual active at a very young age, then why on God’s green earth are we buying them clothes that leave nothing to the imagination. This is an open invitation to sex. Go to town and see how young ladies dress these days. We as parents are giving our blessings to being sexually active and we don’t even realize it. Moms and dads wake up.

  6. shae on July 22nd, 2010 2:29 pm

    I think the consenting 14 year old in this case should be punished as well. I’ve seen too many hot to trot teenage females pushing their wares just to see what attention they can get.

  7. David Huie Green on July 22nd, 2010 11:45 am

    “Here is a couple with about the same age difference:”

    Same age difference but the lady in that one is 18, the gentleman 24 and the crimes were drug trafficking and murder (by driving a truck over the sheriff–leaving behind a wife, three children, seven grandchildren). I’m reasonably sure the age difference was not causative.

    David for thought before action

  8. joshua on July 22nd, 2010 8:51 am

    AS a father of a 14 year old girl this scare’s the hell out of me.By the standard of the law HE is a man,a leagle adult,she is not.Keep his butt locked up as long as possible.

  9. Cheated Tax Payer on July 22nd, 2010 1:37 am
  10. Cheated Tax Payer on July 22nd, 2010 1:30 am

    That is why they call it “Jail Bait”!

  11. David Huie Green on July 22nd, 2010 12:35 am

    “. . . that there should be (maybe there is) a separate distinct law, for this offense…not a charge of rape, but of consensual sex w/a minor. . . ”


    “I still don’t understand why its not the party that’s involved who decides if it was rape or not. He shouldn’t be in jail. In my opinion its only rape if the person INVOLVED in intercourse doesn’t want it.”

    To make it easier to understand, consider the example of an adult offering a little girl candy to give him sexual access. If she consents because she likes candy, would you still want to call it consensual intercourse? After all “she wanted it” by your definition.

    There’s an age of legal consent. Below that age our elected officials have decided consent simply can not be given. I’m not sure where the top of the cut-off is, but tend to believe it is definitely above 14 years, no matter if the child has a “smoking hot bod” or not. Physical maturity isn’t the yardstick to use.

    Please remember Romeo and Juliet were dead at the end of the play. Even there, they were much closer in age. Age wasn’t even the question, but rather family squabbles. The fact that they killed themselves shows they weren’t mature enough to face the consequences.

    Also, sex has been known to lead to children. If children have children, it messes up the children–both of them. She usually depends on welfare to pay for the child. Later, it’s not uncommon for the older child to dump it all and decide she wants a life. She abandons her child–usually children by this point. This costs everybody and does further harm to the younger children.

    Discouraging going down this road this seems wise.

    Love waits.
    Lust doesn’t.

  12. Steve on July 22nd, 2010 12:06 am

    I met my wife when she was 15 and married her when she was 18 and I was 23. We’ve been married 33 years and have two grown children.

    My grandmother married my grandfather at 15 (he was a young Marine) and had four kids by the time she was 20. They were married over 50 years when she passed away.

    In both case, the mother-in-law initially disapproved. This is nothing new, except now you can be arrested for it and be labeled a criminal for life, even when you marry other party. Life is stranger than fiction.

  13. me on July 21st, 2010 8:49 pm

    wow i just recently moved to mcdavid and seen him the other day weird guy i might say and i watched the idiot cross the main higway and about get smashed by a car

  14. Parentwithabrain on July 21st, 2010 8:45 pm

    A fourteen year old cannot legally give consent. The body may be mature, but the mind not so much. It is a shame this 19 year old young man is facing life labeled as a sexual offender. Even if the mother of the child chose to drop charges most likely the state will pick them up. We need to educate our young men to beware of these pitfalls. He made a choice and, unfortunately, he’s going to be paying for it years into the future.

  15. Been a teenager on July 21st, 2010 6:18 pm

    I also have a nephew who is permanently labeled as a “sex offender” because he had sex with his girlfriend, who he later married, when she was 15 and he was 18. Ten years later, they are still happily married. Such a shame.

    My husband’s cousin is in the same boat. Permanent sex offender status for sleeping with the woman he married and has three children with……kinda stupid.

  16. gawnhawm on July 21st, 2010 5:10 pm

    I am glad I am not a teenager anymore…the world is too much to deal with . I imagine there is more of this going on than we know. Young and full of hormones…..strong hormones..and of course the devil was in it too !

  17. getreal on July 21st, 2010 5:00 pm

    I agree with Been a Teenager and was about to say the same thing. Girls mature much faster than boys. As a mother who reared both boys and girls – I can see both sides of this issue. Yes he shouldn’t have, but yes she shouldn’t have either. No he should not be labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life. He could indeed become her husband in the future. Donna, I also question what kind of homelife she has that caused her to run away; what is she running from.

  18. Oversight on July 21st, 2010 4:56 pm

    Chapter 800.04 of Florida Statutes is very clear about this type of crime and the law is constantly reviewed and updated, most recently in 2008. It is not antediluvian and it need not be abolished so that older teens (18-19 year olds that are classified as adults) can have “consensual” sexual relationships with young minors (under 16). Our society has changed and we don’t live in the dark ages of child labor and forced marriage anymore. My advice: Romeo needs to date Juliet who is nearer or older than his own age and stay away from children.>2009->Ch0800->Section%2004#0800.04

  19. Been a teenager on July 21st, 2010 4:03 pm

    While I do agree that 14 is too young and she should not be having sex with ANYBODY, but I have to wonder if you would all think it was so bad if the boy was 14 also?
    Just a century ago, most girls were married at that same age and possibly even had children.
    Girls mature much faster than boys do, so at her age, she’s closer to his mentally. They’re probably about the same age emotionally and mentally.

    Those things being said, if my 14 year old daughter (and I have one who is 14 and 2 who are older) were “messing around” with someone of that age, it wouldn’t be an issue for the law until they came to get me for what I did to him! If parents were parents and didn’t allow their kids to roam all over with whomever, things such as this wouldn’t happen.

  20. Northender43 on July 21st, 2010 3:55 pm

    If we would as a society stop letting our children scare us and start acting as parents instead of their friends then maybe we will see a change in the way they act. (I know that there are responsible parents out there and I’m not talking to you) We have let our children scare us into to thinking that we can’t discipline them the way that our parents did. We have let HRS scare into to thinking that we have no rights about discipline. To a certain aspect they are right BUT we have let them. It is time for ALL parents to stand up and tell HRS and other government agencies to SHUT UP and LOOK AROUND at what the children are doing to themselves and everyone around them.

    This 14 year old GIRL has NO idea of what she is getting into. The MAN should know better. The mother is correct in pressing charges against him.


    What ever happened to: It takes a village to raise a child!! where have our villages(neighbors, relatives, friends) gone?

  21. horrific on July 21st, 2010 1:30 pm

    sure she can sign for her now,
    and in year when her daughter comes crying home about this
    guy not being educated, not being a good provider, or going
    fishing and drinking with his buddies all the the time and leaving
    her home with the kid and she is just sooooo unhappy, her
    mother can just also take her and the kid in and pay for
    them for the next 20 years or so, because the past says that
    more than likely this little punk won’t support them.

    The heck with you,

    Mother of the girl…..fight this with everything you got.
    It’s your job to keep her safe, when she is to young to know
    whats good for her.

  22. horrific on July 21st, 2010 1:20 pm

    whitepunknotondope is correct all the way.

    At her age there is no such thing as consent.
    She doesn’t have enough brains to know that maybe if this older
    man had not made advances on her maybe she would have gotten
    old enough to see that maybe she wanted to go to college or
    do something else with her life, other than throw it away with
    this loser.

    Elmer Fudd,
    maybe your one of the lucky ones and your marriage worked,
    but you don’t know the statistics on the beatings, abuse,
    and divorces of these types of things.

    There is a reason this is not allowed, altho I realize there is a
    lot of neanderthal thinking going on here.

    My gosh ppl, where have you been.
    Do you know the national average of divorce in this country?
    If adults can’t make it, how the heck are 14 year olds going
    to hold up to the stress.

    Just because the world has gone crazy and these kids know
    about sex, doesn’t mean you just let them do any stupid thing
    that comes into their heads.

    They would get in your car and take a drive with no license either,
    if there were no rules.

    Get out from under the rock you live under.

    This kid needs to go to jail, and be listed as someone who
    doesn’t care about the rules that society has made to keep
    our female children safe from predators
    From the sound of it, that exactly what this girls mother is going
    to make sure happens.

    This girl is 14, where is this young mans line, do you know?
    Next time it could be a 12 year old.
    Is that ok with all of you??

  23. Donna on July 21st, 2010 1:01 pm

    Please do not label this as just rape. It should be considered STATUTORY RAPE. This man knew that the girl is underage and decided to break the law and be with her. He should face charges but not rape. (Statutory Rape) is what fits this crime. I think that fines, community service, and whatever fits the punishment for his crime is the right option. The girl should be punished also.

    Another thing to remember is that if these two people love each other and want to be together, nothing will stop them. She will just run away again and possibly get with someone or a group of people where her family will never be able to find her.

    Note to the mother:
    Please consider the maturity level of your daughter before pressing charges on this guy. He may end up being her husband later. You could sign for her now and let her marry him if she insists. This way you could maintain a decent relationship with her and possibly not have to worry about her running away again and possibly risking her life by getting involved with the wrong people. You were lucky this time, you knew where to find her. You may not be so lucky next time. Yes, there is a 5 year age difference but in 2 years it won’t matter.

    It sounds like she may be going through a rebellious stage and it makes me wonder what is going on at her home that she wants to get away from so badly. Sometimes, children run away if they are sexually, mentally, or physically abused. I’m not saying that this is happening but, the more you push her, she might say something like this to someone and have charges brought against you and your man or whoever.

    Note to child:
    If things are so bad at home, check on “emancipated minor” status in the state of Florida.

  24. AL on July 21st, 2010 12:46 pm

    If it is against the law than it doesn’t matter if it is consensual. He is old enough to know the law, he is old enough to pay the price for breaking it. He is the “adult” and the one who is supposed to make the decisions. 14yr olds are not responsible for making the decision to have sex with an adult . There is definite counseling in order for this girl though – consensual or not she obviously needs help with making good decisions and picking her friends.

  25. EMD on July 21st, 2010 11:59 am

    When someone is fornicating, it is not an error. They do it on purpose. An error is like when one thinks they are on the last step, and step off two steps too soon. Good grief. The former is a sin. The latter is an error. The good thing is that we can sincerely repent of sin, and receive forgiveness. Errors sometimes cut skin and break bones.

    Just as whitepunknotondope said, the 19 year old should know better. So should the girl, for that matter.

    We really do need to be much kinder about sin and call it what it is, and quit calling it error. Calling a sin an error may sound like license to some. It is written, “To know to do right, and do it not, is sin.” Resisting temptation may be difficult at times, but not impossible.

  26. JUDY MASEK on July 21st, 2010 11:56 am

    seems to me, that there should be (maybe there is) a separate distinct law, for this offense…not a charge of rape, but of consensual sex w/a minor….it still would remain a deterent (i believe) for underage sex (adult w/minor) but, it would describe the nature of the “crime” more accurately…i truely dont believe that people, men or women, should be labelled a “rapist”, under these circumstances….not in these days and times….i dont view this fellow as “pathetic”…just very, very foolish, in light of the fact that he had to have known the legal consequences and was apparently warned by the girls mom just the week before…dumb.

  27. lola on July 21st, 2010 11:56 am

    I know she was not old enough to make a commmittment like this but she enjoyed the pleasure of love making and so did he but he is the one that goes to jail. not fair, not fair at all. yes he was old enough to say hay this is not right but when it is throwed in your face any man would take it from a young girl that probably is body wise mature as a 25 year old lay. These girls now days body wise are mature enough. That is why things like this happen. Did he know that she was that age???? Back again the body probably looked 20 or more. Give him the justice he deserves not jail time not a sex offender for the rest of his life. Her will she be marked as a jessybelle for her life. no just everyone will probably call her easy alto of young girls like that term.

  28. Thinker on July 21st, 2010 11:13 am

    These laws are way overdue for revision. What constitutes maturity is variable by individual. Some females are too young at 14 for relationships and some are not. The fact remains that biologically it is a borderline age. There is wrong-doing here, but the consequences for the futures of this guy and the girl can be far greater than what is appropriate for the error they made. Serious counseling is needed, and education regarding life consequences. What attracts people to each other isn’t something that you can legislate. Errors are made by many of us. “Elmer Fudd” and “getreal” are two of thousands of people who got past this kind of mistake and went on. They aren’t criminals. The laws need to be revisited and revised, but until then, the courts and the parents have the power to show some compassion after considering ALL the contributing factors in this case.

  29. Glad I have boys... on July 21st, 2010 10:54 am

    whitepunknotondope – I am totally with you today!

  30. aam on July 21st, 2010 10:06 am

    Look at it this way, if Mr. Mack and the girl were so in love why didn’t he wait for it to be legal. Really is such a short time of pleasure worth a life time of shame?

  31. Bill2 on July 21st, 2010 10:02 am

    It is rape ,14 is too young to give consent .My daughter is 14 and she will not be allowed to date till she is 16 and then only with adult supervision .

  32. Janice Parker on July 21st, 2010 9:57 am

    I’m thinking of the mother of this 14 yr. old girl. She’s the one having to fight to keep her child, and I do mean child, home. She’s trying to do what she thinks is best. The girl doesn’t realize that some of this is her fault because of immature actions. Some of our children want to be treated as adults but they don’t have the maturity to act like one. Having him locked up is a way to keep them apart but on the other hand it’s going to cause a lot of problems between her and her daughter. It’s also going to ruin his life. On the other hand, he hasn’t shown much maturity either. Our children don’t have any patience with life. One rash decision and he has broken the law. I hope this can be worked out without too much collateral damage to any of the parties.

  33. Angi♥ on July 21st, 2010 9:47 am

    Well in my opinion, this is a 19 year old man which is considered an adult; even though the girl a minor at age 14 decided she might have wanted to have sexual relations with this man, I do hold the 19 year old man responsible; because he should have known better. And you are darn right, if that would have been my daughter; I would have been pressing charges on him as well! Yes, he deserves to be in jail, and maybe next time he will find an adult to have sexual relations with instead of a minor!!!

  34. Elmer Fudd on July 21st, 2010 9:21 am

    By today’s standards I would be a sex offender too. my wife of 37 years and I started a relationship when she was 15 and I was 19. Since there is no statute of limitation on sex crimes.

    I should turn myself in for this and make the state prosecute me to full extent of the law

  35. getreal on July 21st, 2010 9:05 am

    The man should not be in jail. It was not rape – while the law says she can’t give consent at that age, this is clearly a case of Romeo and Juliet. They are quite clearly in love. He was in his home and she came to him. 14 years old may seem young to some but it’s plenty old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I am speaking from experience, having married many years ago at age 14 to an 18 year old man. Neither of our parents could have stopped us. With all of the exposure to everything imaginable on television nowadays, today’s kids are far more aware of what is going on in the world than I was then.

  36. whitepunknotondope on July 21st, 2010 8:09 am

    Welcome to the world of registered sex offenders and a LIFETIME of hardship finding a job, Mr. Mack! You oughta be scowling!

  37. whitepunknotondope on July 21st, 2010 8:07 am

    All three of the comments above mine are unbelievable!!! Are THESE the kind of men that are raised in this part of the county?

    “Our children aren’t children anymore” – Stupid comment! You are enabling children to act anyway they want with this attitude!

    “I still don’t understand why its not the party that’s involved who decides if it was rape or not. He shouldn’t be in jail.” – What are you, his brother?

    The word RAPE is nowhere in this story or in my comment. I’m talking about a 14 year old immature girl and a 19 year old man who should know better! What’s the matter with him? Couldn’t get a woman his age to consent so he preyed upon a 14 year old!

  38. Bob on July 21st, 2010 7:59 am

    For the comment made”14 is not old enough to have sex”. You might bone up on your reading material. I agree 100% but national statistics will tell you that 78% of the females in this country has had some sort of sexual relations by age 14.

  39. Erin on July 21st, 2010 7:23 am

    I still don’t understand why its not the party that’s involved who decides if it was rape or not. He shouldn’t be in jail. In my opinion its only rape if the person INVOLVED in intercourse doesn’t want it. They both even SAID that they had sex.

  40. Wondering on July 21st, 2010 6:47 am

    I realize it’s against the law for anyone having sexually relations with a person under the age of 16. There was a five year difference in this case but to be accused of sexual abuse seems to be strong words for something that was concensual between them. Our children aren’t children anymore and I don’t see the girl “paying the price” for her adventures as her mate will. Maybe there should be stricter laws for the female counterparts in situations such as this one.

  41. whitepunknotondope on July 21st, 2010 6:24 am

    What a pathetic excuse for a man! 19 years old and he’s having sex with a 14 year old? Not only is he a loser,. he’s a VIOLATOR!!! In no way is 14 old enough to be having sex.

    The ultimate insult is hauling him down for his mugshot without letting him put a shirt on. Good job LEO!