Man, 19, Found Passed Out In Jeep With A Beer In His Lap, Wet Pants

July 8, 2010

A 19-year old was arrested after he was  found passed out behind the wheel of his Jeep in Cottage Hill with a beer in his lap and wet pants.

Early Saturday morning, Escambia County deputies and emergency medical personnel were dispatched to the area of Williams Ditch Road and Highway 95A to a reported man down. When they arrived, they found a Jeep Cherokee sitting at the intersection with driver Brett Derrel McDonald, 19, passed out in the driver’s seat, engine running, and an open can of Budweiser in his lap, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

According to Deputy John Zabelle’s arrest report:

“I asked McDonald for his driver’s license and he pointed to my patrol car which was parked across the street and said ‘there is the game warden right there’. McDonald’s speech was very slurred and I could smell the odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath. I asked McDonald again for his driver’s license and he proceeded to dig through loose change in the center console. I asked him again for his driver’s license and he removed his wallet, opened it, and looked through, passing by his driver’s license two times. He then then placed his wallet into his back pocket and stared at me. I asked him once again for his driver’s license and he stated that he doesn’t know where it is. I told him it was in his wallet, he laughed and pulled it out and handed it to me.”

McDonald told Deputy Zabelle that he had consumed five beers in about five hours.

“I asked him to step out of the vehicle where I observed he urinated in his pants and he was very unsteady on his feet. Due to his condition,  I did not conduct a field sobriety exercise for his safety,” the arrest report states.

McDonald was taken into custody, at which time a Lortab was found on his person.

McDonald was charged with driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage,  possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, refusal to submit to a blood alcohol test and possession of an alcoholic beverage by a person less than 21 years of age. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on $3,750 bond. He is due to appear in court July 23.


59 Responses to “Man, 19, Found Passed Out In Jeep With A Beer In His Lap, Wet Pants”

  1. David Huie Green on July 15th, 2010 6:49 pm

    Yep, I realized after thinking and checking general attitude, but had already posted and couldn’t change the first writting

    Emily dickinson was on to me:

    A WORD is dead
    When it is said,
    Some say.
    I say it just
    Begins to live
    That day.

    Wishing you well, dhg

  2. horrific on July 15th, 2010 6:52 am

    Yes David
    Thats exactly what I meant.
    Confiscate his liberty for long enough he knows it wasn’t worth it!

  3. David Huie Green on July 14th, 2010 2:20 pm

    “The internet is a good way to get out information but it lacks one major component needed for the instruction of teens and young adults….basic human compassion. People don’t think about what they say when on the internet, they can’t see the hurt they cause, the tears or anguish. It even has a name ” Internet Bullying”. This site is full of it.”

    True that the Internet has no compassion. It is a morally neutral means of communication. People can use it for good things or otherwise.

    It is also true that many people do not consider the fact that other people are out there other than themselves and their own friends–or just don‘t care. You can consider it the source of “Internet Bullying” but I have seen many bullies who bully in the presence of the victim. They know they are hurting others but either don’t care or most likely, enjoy hurting them.

    Please note that the Internet is not to blame, but rather the person using it to carry out his–or even her–wishes.

    I wonder if some bullies realize they are being bullies. I notice several who keep telling others to shut up because they don’t like what they are saying. I personally tend to deal with concepts rather than personalities even though I personalize those concepts with anecdotes, illustrations and gentle irony (what some misjudge as sarcasm). Others attack the person, call him names for daring to openly have a different opinion or a different viewpoint. If they could, they would force others to keep their different thoughts to themselves, rather than honestly discussing them.

    I am realizing people are out there. I like those people, even if I don’t agree with them, even if they mistakenly disagree with me.

    David against grade inflation

  4. David Huie Green on July 14th, 2010 2:22 am

    and congratulations on making nothing but A’s

  5. David Huie Green on July 14th, 2010 2:16 am

    “I have yet to see you give ANY true advice only scorn and unpleasantness,”

    Scorn for a drunk driver? Me? I try to be pleasant. I regret you think otherwise.

    “It’s too late to undo what is done but if you love your parents or yourself or anyone at all, please don’t do this again in the future. Please. PLEASE don’t do it again. You have another chance, please don’t blow it, don’t excuse it, don’t waste it. You may not get another.”

    A reminder of the harm done by such actions and a call to change. Actions and attitudes.

    “those who drive heavy machines at high rates of speed down roads which carry our loved ones.”

    A reminder to all that this is not just about his sensitive feelings but about protecting those we love.

    “Regrettably many think getting drunk is sign of manliness.”

    This advice may have been too subtle, but it means: Please don’t teach your children that drinking is a sign they are adults and don’t believe it even if your parents DID teach you that. It isn’t.

    “now that you have seen how so many ridicule people who drink and drive, does that make you more likely to face such withering scorn?”

    Message: You may face public humiliation if you drink and drive. Please seriously consider not drinking and driving.

    “It just seems to me that when people go to shooting at random into crowds, confiscation would be in order and that driving while drunk is essentially the same thing other than the fact that a car can kill way more people.”

    This points out that driving is a large responsibility and doing it carelessly is equivalent to shooting randomly into a crowd.
    Please don’t do such things.

    David reaching out

  6. Maggie on July 13th, 2010 9:00 pm

    Mr. David Huie Green,
    I happen to be an “A” student and the way you make “A” students is NOT through humiliation and ridicule. I have yet to see you give ANY true advice only scorn and unpleasantness, though I have to admit you are getting better… even if it is laced with scarcasim. I have not read anything in your responses that teach anyone how to become a better person or to better themselves. I am sure that you are quite capable of being a good teacher, if you only stopped and thought about what you were saying and how to say it in a positive manner.
    The internet is a good way to get out information but it lacks one major component needed for the instruction of teens and young adults….basic human compassion. People don’t think about what they say when on the internet, they can’t see the hurt they cause, the tears or anguish. It even has a name ” Internet Bullying”. This site is full of it.
    Maybe in this case the “Teacher” Could learn from the Student!

  7. David Huie Green on July 13th, 2010 1:18 pm

    or you may have meant confiscating liberty by locking him up.

    If so, my apologies

  8. David Huie Green on July 13th, 2010 1:14 pm

    So you think he should be at liberty to drink and drive?

    It just seems to me that when people go to shooting at random into crowds, confiscation would be in order and that driving while drunk is essentially the same thing other than the fact that a car can kill way more people.

    It also seems to me that a real loss of an actual, physical thing might convince some to reconsider endangering the lives of others. And if it didn’t, at least they would be weaponless until such time as they managed to replace it.

    David for convincing killers not to kill

  9. horrific on July 13th, 2010 12:00 pm

    Confiscating liberty comes to my mind.

  10. David Huie Green on July 12th, 2010 12:56 am

    confiscation of vehicles comes to mind

  11. John on July 11th, 2010 6:50 am

    Woogeroo, read the Florida Statutes……
    Sitting in the driver’s seat, engine running, in the middle of the road, passed out, beer in lap, etc……. I don’t think “proving” he was DUI will be too hard.

  12. Woogeroo on July 10th, 2010 2:12 pm

    If he was stopped and passed out, how do they figure to prove “driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage” ?

    He coulda been sitting there drinking.

  13. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2010 12:03 pm

    “I don’t think ridiculing one teen is going to fix the problem in our area.”

    You are right, just ridiculing ONE person won’t do much good. On the other hand, now that you have seen how so many ridicule people who drink and drive, does that make you more likely to face such withering scorn?

    One thing is certain, just laughing it off and saying, “Boys will be boys,” isn’t going to make it less likely to happen again.

    “If the adults spent as much time working with teens and young adults teaching critical life skills inside of criticizing and gossiping on the net, Century and the surrounding area, might become a better place. I challenging you, all of you, especially David Green to get off the internet start a program …you seem like you like to talk and know so much …. ”

    Dear child, THIS is my program. See me working with teens and young adults, trying to teach critical life skills in my regular non-judgmental way. The Internet reaches way more people than my simple physical contacts do.

    YOU are one of my students (B+ so far). When you see me giving bad information, jump on me and correct me. Saving lives is more important than my sensitive feelings.

    David for dry pants
    and living people

  14. Maggie on July 10th, 2010 8:21 am

    I am a 17 year old who has just finished my required student driving course so here are some facts to think about……..More than half (58%) of 12th graders report having been drunk at least once In 2005, 24% of the young male drivers involved in fatal crashes had been drinking alcohol. Half of teens (50%) have tried an illicit drug by the time they finish high school. … SADD statistics for the year 2005, I am sure they have increased dramatically. The statistics have been much higher for young men in the past but teen girls are steadly catching up.
    This young man just happened to get caught…..look in your household half is 1 out of every 2,,, could yours be next?
    This article and the jokes made about it might not be quite so funny when it’s your son or daughters face on the page! I dont think ridiculing one teen is going to fix the problem in our area . If the adults spent as much time working with teens and young adults teaching critial life skills inside of critizing and gossiping on the net, Century and the surrounding area, might become a better place. I challenging you, all of you, especially David Green to get off the internet start a program …you seem like you like to talk and know so much …. lets start to help our community instead of tearing it apart! Mr WIlliam how bout a change….you can make a difference …how bout a teen report with stories that show what can be and is being done in our community to make things better???
    I challenge you!

  15. lil bit on July 10th, 2010 3:58 am

    Thanks Judy…….for looking at summers myspace…… you will always be loved and missed summer!!

  16. JUDY MASEK on July 9th, 2010 10:41 pm

    i encourage everyone to go to that link from lil bit….oh my gosh…moving beyond words….

  17. Angi♥ on July 9th, 2010 9:42 pm

    Yet another, with very poor judgement!!!

  18. Chumuckla proud on July 9th, 2010 5:52 pm

    Lortab and alcohol. He is due to appear in court on July 23rd, 2010…that is if he doesn’t kill himself or someone else by then. Do you really think this single incident will keep him off the road?

  19. brewtongirl1 on July 9th, 2010 3:30 pm


  20. lil bit on July 9th, 2010 2:41 pm

    Thanks…T for taking time 2 look at summers myspace!! That means a lot 2 me!

  21. not funny on July 9th, 2010 12:57 pm

    he spilled his beer, for the records. THe police just decided he would try to make this 19 look like a horses behind in the public eye, but not just a spilled beer not hot coffee. The dui not funny but whats the punishment, a little fine. Mom and Dad will take care of that and back out by the weekend.

  22. horrific on July 9th, 2010 10:56 am

    By the way elmer thanks to you for all you did for us when you were this age.

  23. Elmer Fudd on July 9th, 2010 8:48 am

    Well, most of us know why insurance companies do the things they do, any honest insurance agent will tell you his job is to make the company money, not see to your insurance needs. What my grandmother always said is certainly true. “Some boys grow up to be men, and some boys grow up to be big old boys.”

  24. T on July 9th, 2010 5:59 am

    After looking at this I say NO EXCUSE!!!

  25. David Huie Green on July 8th, 2010 10:42 pm

    ” . . . he is a MAN, not a kid. He is 19 years old, it’s time for him to take responsibility for what he does. . . ”

    Man is as man does.

    Regrettably many think getting drunk is sign of manliness.

    We restrict what we allow adults to do: 18 to vote, 21 to drink, 25 to serve in the House of Representatives, 30 to serve as Senator, 35 to serve as President. (other restrictions apply too, but I’m just talking about age)

    For insurance purposes, a man isn’t really considered adult and worthy of lower insurance rates until 25 if married, 30 if single.

    And, of course, some kids never grow up. (But at least my mommy still loves me) Others have shouldered the burden of an adult much earlier. It depends on what you have to do and are able to do.

    I read about a drug some years back whose users slacked off their drinking. Epidemiologists noticed the change and asked if it took away the enjoyment of alcohol. They responded, no but it made them remember what fools they acted like when drunk and they didn’t enjoy the memories. It’s a shame it isn’t more commonly used. On the other hand, I also don’t remember what the drug was used to treat or if it had any other side effects, so maybe not such a shame.

    It would be nice if we could see ourselves as others see us (not just the subtle looks of horror, disgust, pity or approval we sometimes get).

    David for clear thinking

  26. B on July 8th, 2010 9:50 pm

    Having a DUI is not an embarrassment anymore…. but peeing in your pants is. Maybe if family values were not thrown out the window so much these days a DUI would be enough. I think this article is great. Maybe young people will say “oh no I don’t want people to know I peed my pants”, but probably not. I am glad no one was hurt, but a bruised ego heals a lot faster than a dead person.

  27. Elmer Fudd on July 8th, 2010 7:57 pm

    First of all, he is a MAN, not a kid. He is 19 years old, it’s time for him to take responsibility for what he does. The day I turned 18 I had 5 days to sign up for the draft or go to jail, and we were in the middle of a war in a place called Vietnam.

  28. lil bit on July 8th, 2010 6:50 pm

    Bahaha I have nothing for people who drink and drive!!! Go 2. and I bet you will change your mind!!

  29. shae on July 8th, 2010 4:32 pm

    Go ahead and add everything you can to the story journalists! The more embarrassed he gets the better. Maybe he’ll think about his actions and what the costs are next time he even thinks about taking drugs, drinking and driving.

  30. just peachy on July 8th, 2010 4:06 pm

    Drunk persons do things that are embarrassing quite frequently. They are just too drunk to know, and it doesn’t get reported in the news. If you are 21 or older….DRINK AT HOME… if you must drink, and Stay Away from the Vehicle.
    Thank GOD he was parked when he passed out, or we might be reading about another fatal crash.

  31. The Real Florida on July 8th, 2010 1:49 pm

    I don’t know what is more funny, the actions reported in the story, or the blathering going on between you all about the story… Peeing in the pants or spilled beer is still funny, fumbling around incoherently is still funny, being caught @ 19 passed out on scripts and booze behind the wheel is not funny.

    Wet pants —–> funny
    fumbling —–> funny
    game warden comment ——> funny
    out on booze and scripts —–> not funny
    behind wheel —-> not funny
    you all on here blathering ——> classic

    ——> just for clarity.

  32. AL on July 8th, 2010 1:40 pm

    LOL really??? Poor little punkin is gonna be embarassed because the police report (public record) was posted? He should be the new poster child for not driving drunk “Don’t be caught with your peed pants – get a cab or don’t drink and drive”.
    And he was just a little sweet 19yr old? Then his daddy needs to take him out back and make him scared enough to wet his pants again.

    When you have a friend / relative killed or maimed by a drunk driver, you can flame me . Until then, you have no idea what sweet justice this is.

  33. Splat on July 8th, 2010 1:15 pm

    ouch – I wonder how long he will be made fun of for urinating in his pants? He will probably never live this down.

  34. David Huie Green on July 8th, 2010 1:02 pm

    careful there, I went to Auburn

    David the sensitive

  35. Bama Boy on July 8th, 2010 12:57 pm

    whitepunknotondope you continue to amaze how intelligent you are……..Where did you get you college degree Auburn? War Eagle Whitepunknotondope!!!!

  36. David Huie Green on July 8th, 2010 12:33 pm

    “Not funny David!!!”

    Actually, yes, it is funny since nobody was killed, maimed or otherwise injured–other than perhaps his pride.

    Regrettable the officer didn’t report sniffing the kid’s crotch to identify the liquid coming from there, but other than that, the report seems to have done a fine job of getting across his state of mind to those of us who weren’t there and might otherwise assume the officer made it all up because he is just a big ol’ meanie.

    This way we can see he was in such a mental state as to mock an armed man
    who may not have been as sympathetic as we are to those who drive heavy machines at high rates of speed down roads which carry our loved ones. We can read about slurred speech, motor running, unsteady movement, incoherent inability to recognize a deputy’s cruiser, illegal drugs (including alcohol for him which is illegal–including their consumption), admission of illegal activity.

    Yep, it’s funny and it would be nice if it were embarrassing enough that he doesn’t do it again until such time as he kills someone. That’s worth a lot of embarrassment.

    David hoping this is the worst thing Brett ever has to face in life
    rather than killing those who just got in his way
    while in a high state

  37. Lady in FL on July 8th, 2010 12:33 pm

    I say it is excellent reporting…all the details make the story. If you don’t want details ~ just read the headlines! I pray that this is the wake up call for this young man. Most of us have been incapacitated at some point in our lives. Thankfully most of us mature enough to stop before someone gets killed. He needs our prayers. Keep up the good work!!

  38. EscambiaDude on July 8th, 2010 12:04 pm

    Jay Resident — you want to complain they told you the whole story? What if they left out the part about the open beer? Or that he was 19? Where do you want the censorship to stop?

    Who? What? When? Where? How? — Basic journalism and this story tells it. It’s unfortunate the incident happened. But if the cop is right that he urinated in his pants, that paints much greater picture of how drunk he was (remember — he did not do a blood alcohol test, he refused). If you are losing bodily functions while drunk, you aren’t going to blow a .08 on the breathalizer.

    If he had killed one of your love ones, you better believe that you would think his wet pants were important.

    Some of you people have nothing better to do than complain.

  39. Jay Resident on July 8th, 2010 11:57 am

    Wrong or not……bad journalism. I mean really, does the fact that his pants were wet have ANYTHING to do with the story? I think we got the message loud and clear when he couldn’t function while finding his license and the way he was acting. Grow up journalists.

  40. Escambia Resident on July 8th, 2010 11:55 am

    And one more thing. Everyone seems to be ignoring the fact he was just 19. I pray this was the wake up call he needs.

  41. YELLARHAMMER on July 8th, 2010 11:55 am

    Stuped is as stuped does a real loser, who cares if he is imbarresed by wet pants by eather beer or urin.

  42. Escambia Resident on July 8th, 2010 11:54 am

    have to say it was not necessary to include the transcript

    I disagree. Tells the story accurately. It’s so funny it’s hard to believe, and hearing it in the cop’s words really paints the picture of the danger he put himself and those around him in. I could have been driving home on that road.

    I’ve see the cops quoted in other stories on here. If they don’t quote the cops, people accuse them of not telling the whole story. Maybe they should just post the whole arrest report for us to read next time.

  43. whitepunknotondope on July 8th, 2010 11:35 am

    I have to say it was not necessary to include the transcript of all the fumbling for the license et al.

    First time I’ve seen that kind of detail in a story on this website.

  44. JUDY MASEK on July 8th, 2010 11:00 am

    just to be fair to mcdonald: based on the accounts of this story and the reported accounts of the arresting officer “i observed that he urinated in his pants”, it is an assumption that his pants were wet from urination…the officer didnt say it “smelled” of urination….he didnt say, “i observed him urinating in his pants as he stepped out of the vehicle”…..furthermore, the article reports that he “was FOUND passed out behind the wheel of his jeep in cottage hill with a beer in his lap and wet pants”….the guy was as drunk as a skunk and had been driving…is it so far-fetched to conceive that his pants were found “wet” from BEER that spilled from the open beer container in his lap?….unless there is further explicit documentation from the arresting officer that has not been reported, i believe that the subtle attempt to embarrass this stupid young man in this manner is questionable…hes done a fine job of embarrassing himself with just the FACTS alone…..however, on the other hand, im sure that some will feel that (true or not) he deserves any and all embarrassment that stems from his immature and potentially deadly actions that early saturday morning…hhmm..maybe.

  45. NEresident on July 8th, 2010 10:47 am

    Not funny David!!!

  46. luv my 3 boys on July 8th, 2010 10:36 am

    I know it’s wrong and it’s a very bad thing that he done but I did LOL!!!!!

  47. Frank on July 8th, 2010 10:18 am

    My daughter and grandson live on Williams ditch there is NO EXCUSES, keep my family safe. Way to go ECSD…Possibly someone slipped him some Meth? give me a break he was drunk with Lortab in his system… a good Lawyer will get him a suspended license and community service… but money can’t buy the empact this articles embarrassment will have…

  48. 2 Cents on July 8th, 2010 9:49 am

    Yeah u are right…I dont agree with what he was doin at all and thank the Good Lord no one was injured. I guess I just feel for the kid and the embarrassment I’m sure he’s goin through.

  49. Know your neighbor on July 8th, 2010 9:29 am

    2 cents….your comment is pathetic ! They should have stripped his rear with his wet pants around his ankles. If he had killed one of your family members how embarrassed would you have been ?

  50. Dan on July 8th, 2010 9:27 am

    Jail time and diapers for this lad !

  51. T on July 8th, 2010 9:25 am

    Also sounds like someone could have given him something that he hasn’t had before.
    NO I am not a realative making excuses, I just know there is many “Meth” bust going on right now in Cantonment and Molino and so many people are on that stuff, but not to worry, they are getting busted one by one.
    It could be that someone gave some to him.

  52. LULU on July 8th, 2010 9:25 am

    Maybe the embarassment will make him THINK next time he starts to have a few beers!

  53. Close one on July 8th, 2010 9:19 am

    He may be a kid, but he could have killed someone driving in that condition. Thank God that didn’t happen – for his sake and everyone elses.

  54. 2 Cents on July 8th, 2010 9:18 am

    Poor kid…. Yes he is in the wrong, but is it nesessary to embaress him so bad. Geez….

  55. whitepunknotondope on July 8th, 2010 7:47 am

    Don’t know if he has a record, but he’s just a kid. He did a stupid thing, and he’s guilty beyond all doubt.
    I don’t see a hardened criminal here. Get him some intervention, community service and a second chance.

  56. North resident on July 8th, 2010 7:10 am

    To dumb to comment on!

  57. aam on July 8th, 2010 6:12 am

    The real tragedy is that his parents will sooooo embarassed

  58. mary on July 8th, 2010 5:08 am

    you just cant fix STUPID!!!

  59. David Huie Green on July 8th, 2010 2:01 am

    but the important thing is that nobody was hurt this time and that he wasn’t charged with bedwetting