Lister Found Guilty Of Stealing $1.43 Million From Sheriff’s Office

July 21, 2010

A former Escambia County Sheriff’s Office employee has been found guilty of stealing $1.43 million from the department.

listercathy.jpgCathy Lister, 58, a former accountant  who allegedly stole the funds over a long career with the Sheriff’s Office, was found guilty Tuesday afternoon of one count of aggravated white collar crime and 11 counts of money laundering.

She is schedule to be sentenced in August; she faces at least 30 years in prison under state sentencing guidelines.

Lister was first charged in February with stealing $130,000 from the sheriff’s office, but further investigation determined that well over $1 million more was missing. The money was taken over a 10 year period from monies seized as part of investigations that was placed in the department’s Evidence Trust Fund. She testified in court that she paid bills and sometimes supported other family members with the money.

Lister was a 32-year employee of the department who retired from the finance division just six days before her arrest.


6 Responses to “Lister Found Guilty Of Stealing $1.43 Million From Sheriff’s Office”

  1. me on July 23rd, 2010 7:36 am

    Well the way I see it sheriffs office isn’t so saintly. I was arrested for something that had nothing to do with my vehicle and they impounded my car when I went to get it they make you sign saying the 500 is a gift of some sorts just another way to get money.Our system is very messed up any how.

  2. Bob on July 21st, 2010 7:48 pm

    If she could possibly have a change of venue and be sentenced by the bleeding heart liberal Judge Kristi Dubose in Mobile she could probably get off With 90 days in the slammer with 90days house arrest.

  3. Sheriff David Morgan on July 21st, 2010 5:39 pm

    To ’shoefits’,

    Her assets, to include retirement benefits, were frozen by the court immediately after the crime was identified. These benefits are now forfeit.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  4. Chumuckla proud on July 21st, 2010 12:43 pm

    Found guilty…time to pay for the crime.

  5. whitepunknotondope on July 21st, 2010 8:13 am

    Are they going to go after the family members to recoup the money? That’s the Government’s way. If I were them I’d be getting my financial records in order.

  6. shoefits on July 21st, 2010 3:36 am

    Wonder if she will get her retirement…..?