Man Accused Of Indecent Exposure In North Escambia, Atmore

July 10, 2010

A Flomaton man is facing indecent exposure charges after allegedly exposing himself on two different occasions in the parking lot of a North Escambia business. And, authorities believe he committed a similar crime in Atmore.

Desjhaun Demetris Walker, 24, of 311 Dixon Road, Flomaton, was charged with two counts of indecent exposure. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail late Thursday night and released Friday on a $2,000 bond.

His arrest stemmed from two incidents reported in the parking lot of the CVS Pharmacy in Century on June 2 and June 4 in which he allegedly exposed his genitals and performed a sexual act in front of adult female victims.

In the June 4 incident, an adult female victim told Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies that she saw a black male in the CVS parking lot about noon, sitting in a light blue Oldsmobile with no tag. She said he had his windows rolled up and the engine was not running. When she approached her vehicle which was parked next to the suspect’s, he allegedly exited his vehicle with his shirt pulled, his pants pulled down, and he proceeded to commit an illegal act.

The victim jumped into her car, locked the doors and called 911 for help. When the suspect saw the victim on the phone, he reportedly fled northbound on North Century Boulevard. Responding deputies were unable to locate the vehicle.

A similar incident was reported by another adult female in the same parking lot two days prior, on June 2.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office was notified by the Atmore Police Department that a similar incident had occurred in the parking lot of a business in that city on June 2. The victim and the suspect information matched, according to the Sheriff’s Office report.

When questions by deputies, Walker admitted that he was the person that committed the illegal acts in front of two different victims at the CVS in Century on
June 2 and June 4, according to his arrest report.


37 Responses to “Man Accused Of Indecent Exposure In North Escambia, Atmore”

  1. whitepunknotondope on July 14th, 2010 3:31 pm

    “oH yA, gLaD tHeY CaUgHt ThIs mAn bEfOrE hE CoUlD StRiKe AgAiN!”

    Do the world a favor and step AWAY from the keyboard!!! Or at least learn to type like a normal person.

  2. shawn beans on July 14th, 2010 7:31 am

    Well if there’s something wrong with him, then what would be said about the NC State Trooper in NC. We are putting people out here, and their self-control has gone out the door. Now what needs to be said about that. That’s our leadership at work.

  3. David Huie Green on July 14th, 2010 1:43 am

    ” . . . instead of talking about people offer him some help because he needs it.”

    This is obviously true, but we are left with the question as to how to help the poor thing. We need to think and talk about it.

    I’m sure he will need a place to stay when he gets out. Perhaps you could spare him a spot?

    It appears he also needs an audience. Perhaps you can watch him entertain?

    He may need more viewers. Perhaps some other gentle soul will volunteer or perhaps family members can be enticed?

    I wish we could help him. I really wish we KNEW how to help him. And by we, I mean all of Mankind. The last I heard, there is no help available. If there were, sex offenders wouldn’t offend again at the first opportunity–as they usually seem to do.

    Did you see in the paper yesterday where some sex offender who was released last month sexually assaulted a woman at a Pensacola hospital? That he tried to assault another but failed (this poor baby, needs help too)?

    We are told that many women blame themselves when sexually assaulted and never report the crime. How many others did he contact during his latest run?

    That’s not this person, but it may be soon if we don’t get him some help or else protect his future prey. Until we know how to help the predators quit preying on the unsuspecting and powerless, we should not forget we DO know how to protect the people they would destroy–except for protecting them while in prison from each other, of course. (I’m told prison wouldn’t be all that bad if it weren’t for the neighbors.)

    David for all doing what we can

  4. David Huie Green on July 14th, 2010 1:22 am

    that’s okay, you can do it too

    David thinking
    or at least trying
    very trying

  5. horrific on July 13th, 2010 11:35 am

    you know another thing.

    a little humor in a bad situation never hurt anyone!

    If we don’t laugh sometimes we would cry!

    Horrific for thinking humor is sensible.
    oops sorry david!
    Just kidding.

  6. Chumuckla proud on July 12th, 2010 2:18 pm

    You are right. Sex offenders are never rehabilitated..they will continue to do what they are doing for the rest of their lives….and usually the nature of the crime worsens as years pass by. That is why this man should be incarcerated and remain incarcerated. If he is let out because some fool on a parole board thinks that he has been “rehabilitated’…the next time it could be and probably will be a lot worse. These people BELONG in prison for life for a good reason….to keep our children and ou loved ones safe!

  7. David Huie Green on July 12th, 2010 12:53 am

    “People who laugh at men like this and think things of this nature are funny are disturbed”

    Look at it this way, to the best of our knowledge, nobody was physically hurt yet and with a bit of luck, he will be on the sex offender register for the rest of his life.

    David considering the bright side
    of captured criminals

  8. JOHN on July 11th, 2010 7:27 pm


  9. Beth on July 11th, 2010 5:13 pm

    I just have to say that I think it is really sad and very alarming that so many people find this funny. To make a joke out of such lewdness. People who laugh at men like this and think things of this nature are funny are disturbed. Anyone who knows a little about psychology knows that if a person like this is not stopped it will slowly escalate into more tragic scenarios. And yes, I do think something like this can be tragic, if you don’t see how, think of any young girl you know and how she would feel if a man did this to her. So next time you want to make fun of something like this think about the women in your lives and if you would laugh if it happened to them. Women are usually the victims of these crimes, and if men would stand up and say not my wife, daughter , mother etc. maybe things like this would be taken more seriously.

  10. David Huie Green on July 11th, 2010 4:07 pm

    “Cutting off his pride and joy will do little or no good.”

    I’m sure you’re right, but I bet he never looked at a can of baked beans the same way afterward

    David for doing what we can
    (HEY, I accidentally made a pun!)

  11. indatms on July 11th, 2010 3:27 pm

    oH yA, gLaD tHeY CaUgHt ThIs mAn bEfOrE hE CoUlD StRiKe AgAiN!

  12. indatms on July 11th, 2010 3:25 pm

    It’S tHe EnD oF TiMeS fOlKs! AHHHHHHHH!


  13. Christine on July 11th, 2010 2:56 pm

    I also agree with gawnhawm and Y. Why was this incident not reported to the police? Why would two grown adults willingly let this man get away with this? Was it because you knew him? This doesn’t sit right with me, and I am willing to be it doesn’t sit right with others.

    On the other hand, I am glad no harm came to you and your mother in law. If this happens again, no matter who does it, please report it to the authorities! You might prevent something from happening to someone like it did in this case! Just think, if it had been reported, the incident @ CVS might not of happened! We are a small community, we have to look out for each other! Think of the children! Keep our town safe!

    Perhaps its time for everyone in our community to invest in self defense classes. The times we live in are so sad now.

  14. molino jim on July 11th, 2010 10:22 am

    Cutting off his pride and joy will do little or no good. These type can also find other ways to shock others and get a charge themselves. They resort to objects to harm their victims if they have “it” cut off.

  15. horrific on July 11th, 2010 8:36 am

    next door neighbor,

    don’t you know anything.

    There is no help for sex offenders, they offend, offend, and offend.

    Yes I would offer him help alright!

    With a butcher knife!

  16. Michelle on July 11th, 2010 8:33 am

    Put your clothes on you sad man. No one wants to see that mess!!
    No one is impressed with the last chicken in the shop look.

  17. Next door neighbor on July 11th, 2010 7:36 am

    People love to jugde others but we are not here to jugde instead of talking about people offer him some help because he need it.

  18. gawnhawm on July 11th, 2010 6:40 am

    Flomaton girl….he did it to you a month ago ?…you went school with him ?..why didnt you turn him in if you knew him? …could have saved someone else from having to bear this happening…what if he had raped someone…Piggly Wiggly had a phone ….call the cops girl…my god !!

  19. flomaton girl on July 10th, 2010 11:08 pm

    im so happy they got him..about a month ago he did it to me & my mother-in-law at he piggly wiggly in century then he took off to flomaton..we had no cell so we couldnt call the cops..then i talked to my friend who lives in atmore and she was telling me the same thing happen to her but she ran back in to winn dixie and called the cops but they couldnt find him…im VERY happy they got this guy!!!! he should go to prison for life because next time he might get a little girl that cant get away….he is sick!!!!! and to think i went to school w\ him….you never know about people!!!!!

  20. pm on July 10th, 2010 9:50 pm

    The last story may have been amusing tosome but this guy won’t go to prison for his first offenses. The young lady in Morgan City was fortunate to have a weapon with which to punish the thug. Maybe a 7 or 8 year girl won’t be that lucky. I see nothing funny about this guy – he is another one who will get probation and have to go to “counseling” – That will not help him, It will only introduce him to other sex offenders in the group and make him worse. Unfortunately, some woman or little girl will have to suffer before this guy gets what is coming to him. What he needs to know is that many women (my girls) are armed and will not hesitate to hurt him before he can hurt them or their daughters. NOT FUNNY

  21. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2010 8:38 pm

    You old people are just too judgmental, weren’t you ever young and stupid?

    Sorry, couldn’t help myself. This fellow needs help. Fellow inmates can help him. I suspect he just needs the right kind of lovin’.

    Off on another tangent:

    A few years back a similar situation arose–so to speak–in a grocery store in Morgan City, Louisiana. The gentleman at the checkout counter of a grocery store was so proud of his manhood that he had to put it on display while a young lady was just minding her own business as the cashier.

    The young lady did not understand she was supposed to admire and be impressed. She studied the situation briefly–as it deserved–and reacted in a most unladylike manner.

    Looking back on the situation, he might have shown more wisdom to not put himself on display while she was holding a large can of baked beans.

    She set the can down . . . FORCEFULLY.

    I suspect he never repeated the display. Not even sure he had the capability of displaying after the doctors were finished with him. He was probably traumatized by all the hard-hearted people laughing at him. People can be SO cruel!

    I am, of course, ashamed of myself that I was amused when I heard the tale and that I am still amused all these long years later.

    David for sharp implements
    and can edges

  22. Big Daddy on July 10th, 2010 8:00 pm

    Sounds like to me he needs a couple good old boys to spend a little quality time with him!!!!

  23. armed and dangerous on July 10th, 2010 7:45 pm

    I’ve got something better than a big stick for this sicko…he’d better hope he never does this around me! ;o)

  24. ewms Student on July 10th, 2010 5:07 pm

    he should be in prsion for life

  25. horrific on July 10th, 2010 3:14 pm

    The really horrible thing is that people who suffer sexually related fetishes
    never get over them, they usually just move up to bigger and more horrible
    sex crimes.

    Watch out for this guy out there ladies, and maybe you should carry
    a big stick!

  26. Say no to pervs on July 10th, 2010 2:11 pm

    Desjhaun Demetris Walker will finally get what he was asking for all along, the very first time he performs this “little act of his” while incarcerated. He may actually like prison!

  27. Jerry on July 10th, 2010 2:06 pm

    No argument there SW.

  28. SW on July 10th, 2010 1:16 pm

    You’re right, Jerry. The blame is not all on the judges; what about the legislators who write the laws and penalties.

    Criminal laws, including bonds, and penalties are written first by legislators, enforced by law enforcement, and tried by the judiciary.

    I still say, this guy is dangerous.

  29. Jerry on July 10th, 2010 12:48 pm

    I do not necessarily agree, but the judge is bound by law to allow the suspect out on bail. His hands are tied.

    United States Code, Title 18, Sections 3140 – 3150. Of this Section 3142(f) states that only persons that fit into certain categories are subject to detention without bail.

    So blame cannot be placed solely on the shoulders of the judge who released this perrvert.

  30. me on July 10th, 2010 12:38 pm

    This guy done the same to me in Atmore! He will be getting a charge in AL 2.

  31. pm on July 10th, 2010 12:32 pm

    It would be interesting to see the arrest report on this incident – Usually on charges like this it is the arresting officer that sets the initial bond. You are right horrific – society does not place a lot of value on women. But, we are your mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, nurses and many other things that enhance lives. Check out the FDLE sex offender website and see how many more men there are than women. Not all victims are female but the great majority of them are.
    I checked the Clerk of Court record on this guy and it is extensive but all related to his driving record. As of today, the Clerk has not posted when his initial appearance in court was for this charge.

  32. Elmer Fudd on July 10th, 2010 12:22 pm

    Don’t worry about finding out what judge it is, do like I do, vote against all of them. For 40 years now I’ve voted against every judge that has come up for election or reelection simply because once they are elected, they normally have the job for life. Usually you see, Shall Judge XYZ be retained in office, this is one thing I can say I’ve voted no on every single time.

  33. SW on July 10th, 2010 12:03 pm

    This individual could be dangerous.

  34. horrific on July 10th, 2010 11:46 am

    ladies guess you just don’t rate very high with our judges and they think
    this is petty I guess and this guy should be out on bail.

    What are You going to do about that the next time you vote.
    If I were you I would be finding out who the judge was that thought
    this is so harmless!

  35. pm on July 10th, 2010 11:00 am

    This is how the beginning of a long and disturbing career as a sex offender starts. If he is guilty, one has to wonder how many times he has done this before (to young family members or neighborhood children) before he was finally caught. Be careful and keep a watchful eye – we have not probably the the end of his story. Of course, he is innocent until proved guilty and I hope he did not commit these crimes – but if he did – he won’t stop and the offenses will become more and more frequent and very possibly violent.

  36. Heather on July 10th, 2010 8:18 am

    OMG What is the world coming to?That is disgusting!!I have a child and i go to that store what if he had done that while i was there with my lil girl??He should be punished more thatn a night in jail and petty 2,000 dollar bond….

  37. gawnhawm on July 10th, 2010 6:53 am

    Well for sure he needs help…he was near the drug store…needed a prescription I guess. There is a good joke in this somewhere…I better leave it alone. The dude is sick… embarrassed I hope ….but you never know…he looks good in his prison blue shirt dont he ?