Hawkins First Candidate To Qualify For Century Elections

July 27, 2010

Monday, Henry Hawkins became the first candidate to qualify for the upcoming Century elections.

Hawkins filed his qualification papers late Monday afternoon for the Century Town Council Seat 3 position he has held since 2006.

Council seats three, four and five are on the ballot in Century this year — the positions are currently held by  Hawkins, Gary Riley and Sharon Scott. This is the official qualifying  week for Century’s elections with qualifying papers due by noon Friday.

The primary election for Century’s council is scheduled for October 5. The charter states that the primary election should be 30 days prior to the November election, but that date falls on Sunday, October 10. As a result, the date was  moved to October 5. Per Florida statute, registration books will close on September 7 because September 6th is Labor Day.

The general election/runoff is scheduled for November 9, the second Tuesday in November. Registration books will close on October 11.

There will be one change for candidates this year for Century’s council. The Council has approved an ordinance that will require candidates to file their campaign finance disclosure statements electronically on the Internet as is done in other races in the county — as opposed to filling out a paper form.

Pictured: Incumbent Henry Hawkins at a recent Century Town Council meeting. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Hawkins First Candidate To Qualify For Century Elections”

  1. Angela on July 28th, 2010 10:16 pm

    OK, this person needs TO BE VOTED OUT!!!! ~~~~~~Who will run against him! If we only had the option to get one out–THIS IS THE ONE WE NEED GONE….. Then Gary Riley……Ms. Scott has had questionable voting habits, but not like these two clowns…..If ANYONE wants to run, it should be an EASY win to run again Hawkins, he is an idiot when it comes to making council decisions!

    Who are YOU going to encourage to run? WHO really loves the town and WANTS THE BEST for our town? Talk with them and ask them to run for his seat

  2. goforit on July 28th, 2010 8:54 pm

    Careful what you wish for. Why ruin good people with politics when you already have this one ruined and ready for more.

    Alright you do need some new blood.

    GOOD LUCK !!

  3. The sad truth on July 28th, 2010 6:15 pm

    Nobody will step up and run against Hawkins. Everyone wants somebody else to run against him? How about you run against him. If I were a Century resident I would do it. Good lord folks, how hard is it to make a few meetings and vote no on everything cuz thats all he does.

  4. Know your neighbor on July 28th, 2010 9:43 am

    When good citizens refuse to stand up for what is right, the bad ones will be glad to take over for you. I agree with Concerned, someone has to step forward with the belief he can make a difference in other citizens lives.

  5. aam on July 28th, 2010 7:10 am

    I believe if you vote for them you deserve them. If you don’t like what you have change it. If you want someone else get them to run. Lot of good people up in Century but I sure wouldn’t want to live within that councils reach.

  6. concerned on July 27th, 2010 9:10 pm

    I am from Century and I believe that the people of Century should be on their knees praying that God will have mercy on our Town and send some people to qualify for these seats on the council that are wanting to be a part of the Town government in order to do things that will make life for all of us better, not someone that will be there only to make themselves look important. There is to much of this going on already. Please be in prayer for our Town.

  7. Concerned Century Citizen on July 27th, 2010 8:28 pm

    Is their anyone out there that loves Century? If so, please step up to the plate. Century needs to be saved and not by someone that’s really an outsider. Not by someone who constantly tells the other councilmembers that they’re wrong at every turn. Is he from Century? Does he loves the people of this small town. You know sometimes people come to Century and find fault with everything that has ever happened. But, what about the town he’s from? Didn’t they have problems also?

  8. just a thought on July 27th, 2010 10:46 am

    Get the trouble maker OUT!

  9. Oversight on July 27th, 2010 9:05 am

    Now the question is will someone run against Hawkins? If not, Century Town Council will be in for another four years of like “Big Al” said… “entertainment.”

  10. Bob on July 27th, 2010 7:54 am

    Fool me once,Shame on you,Fool me twice Shame on me.

  11. YELLARHAMMER on July 27th, 2010 7:38 am

    Vote the bum out.

  12. Big Al on July 27th, 2010 4:49 am

    We could save a bunch of money and time if he is reelected…. Just find out how the other council members are voting, and vote this guy the other way. he does make for lots of funny reading on this site and in the Tri-City Paper. On second thought, I think I will vote for him… Just for the entertainment…..