Florida House Adjourns With No Vote On Drilling Amendment

July 20, 2010

The House gaveled in for a special session just after 11 a.m. central time, but will adjourn sine die without taking up Gov. Charlie Crist’s proposed constitutional amendment on drilling, House Speaker Larry Cretul says.

He called Crist’s special session call “a terrible way to propose constitutional changes.” Cretul said he was setting up working groups to look at the effects of the spill and come up with solutions. “We were called here today because of politics,” Cretul said. He said lawmakers could consider next year a proposal to put the drilling ban before voters in the 2012 election. “We are instituting a serious approach,” Cretul said.

“We have fulfilled our constitutional obligation.”

from The News Service Florida


4 Responses to “Florida House Adjourns With No Vote On Drilling Amendment”

  1. Jim Reynolds on July 21st, 2010 6:38 am

    Shame On Charlie Crist for trying to use the tactics of Rham Immanuel “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” ….

    No need for the ban “there is already a ban”

    Crist is just Grandstanding and wasting the money of the state to do so

  2. David Huie Green on July 21st, 2010 5:04 am

    they had to meet, so they met, then they got

  3. huh on July 20th, 2010 6:55 pm

    They should ban drilling until the mess is cleaned up and oil leak is stopped.

  4. Oversight on July 20th, 2010 4:00 pm

    What did this cost the taxpayers? Doesn’t the state senate and house owe us a fiduciary responsibility for being good stewards of our tax dollars? Shame on the incumbents for “quitting”! Vote the rascals OUT this November!