Rep. Greg Evers Files Arizona-Like Immigration Bill

July 20, 2010

Rep Greg Evers today filed legislation Monday for this week’s special session that mirrors the Arizona law on immigration

While the Governor’s call of the special session is solely for consideration of a proposed constitutional amendment banning offshore drilling, Evers filed this legislation should the call of the Special Session be expanded.

Evers said he believes that immigration, job growth and job preservation are intertwined in Florida, and especially in Northwest Florida where many workers are searching for employment as a result of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy. He said protecting and creating Northwest Florida jobs for Northwest Floridians is of the utmost importance and is of the utmost urgency.

“Our area has taken an unprecedented economic hit because of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy, and I believe that we need to make recovery and economic revival a number one priority. The Arizona law, which I have followed directly in drafting this Florida legislation, accomplishes not only a crackdown on illegal immigration but also stimulation of the economy by making sure that American jobs go to American workers,” said Evers. “While this Special Session may not be expanded to other issues, I am committed to making sure that this critical issue remains our high priority and is addressed at the earliest opportunity possible. I will keep filing this legislation until we can pass it. It’s just that important to me personally and to the future of all Floridians.”

The 33-page bill, among other things, creates Chapter 820 in Florida Statutes entitled “Illegal Immigration,” prohibits state or local government policies that limit or restrict the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law; requires that when lawful contact is made with a person by a law enforcement officer and reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made to determine the person’s immigration status; requires transfer of unlawfully present persons convicted of offenses to custody of the United States upon discharge from imprisonment or assessment of fine; and permits warrantless arrests of certain aliens.


11 Responses to “Rep. Greg Evers Files Arizona-Like Immigration Bill”

  1. Molested on July 20th, 2010 5:42 pm

    Outstanding. Great for Greg Evers! The Mexican goverment has the same law as Arizona and they enforce it. It is time we defend our country and what few jobs are left. That said it doesn’t give the lazies a right to screw employers Americans need to take pride and work as hard as the rest of the world. Maybe harder.
    I travel the world in my work and I can tell you the Americana, Yankee, Gringo better have his passport, work visa with him at all times. Why in Gods name do we want to hold immigrants to a lower standard than we have to live by? I have had to use my passport to buy groceries in Venezuela when you can get them. Peru the same thing. Keep you passport in Seoul South Korea. You will need it. We are drowning in debt in the US. We are ruining our future and our kids future and grandkids future. There are many, many legitimate immigrants out there work for their citizenship. Ironically they agree with the conservatives that you should have work and study to get you citizenship. 20 million is a conservative number of Mexicans in the US. They have been pouring across the border since the seventies. They are all over America. In the Northeast and mid west they are the only people who can work with out belonging to a labor union.
    What about Mexico is suing Arizona. Give me a break. The Liberals and the Leftist in Washington and the rest of the Federal Goverment need message loud and clear.
    If a Mexican works to become a citizen that right way I salute them. I know how difficult it is to learn a second language.
    Our Goverenor is just another politican. He needs to be replaced too.
    This law has nothing to do with the bible or scripture. If you want to adopt immigrants by all means do it, but do NOT try to impose that on the country at our expense.
    Again THANKS Greg Evers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Way to go.

    John Bryan

  2. anydaynow on July 20th, 2010 3:57 pm

    The Doer – I misread your post initially, thought you wrote “Where is Christ in all of this…”
    Christianity in the U.S. used to teach little children to love their neighbor as they love themselves with the little song, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.” Has Jesus changed his mind about the children of the world?

    The Chamber of Commerce isn’t going to like Mr. Evers’ bill. Illegal immigrants overpopulate the workforce and keep wages low, and the Chamber loves that.

    I think that Border Patrol should have a law that allows them to monitor the newspapers in Mexico and the other countries where U.S. businesses advertise their jobs and shut those businesses and farms down and seize their business property and amenities. These foreign workers don’t just come here out of the blue, they come with a destination on their itinerary because they are responding to a JOB OFFER, people! Employers ARE required to use E-Verify, they just don’t do it, and they should lose their businesses.

  3. Oversight on July 20th, 2010 3:45 pm

    This is nothing more than grand standing by Greg Evers and company, which is dead on arrival at the state house (special session adjourned today without taking any action, what a hoot!). We do not have Arizona’s border issue and I see no need for this… Besides in the long run, we’ll get screwed with holding the bill because the local taxpayers will have to foot the jail time until if or when the feds show up to deport them. On the other hand, go after those who employ illegals by taking away business licenses and imposing super fines, say $10,000 fines for each violation.

  4. JohnMolino on July 20th, 2010 1:38 pm

    Let’s all hope Mr Evers is doing the right thing by proposing this Bill,because it IS the right thing to do… and not just joining the huge Bandwagon that has swept up this Nation. Folks in Arizona have it right. I wish more States were as politically incorrect as Arizona.

    I’m an old guy, and have seen many a politician wait until public opinion favors a certain movement before joining in. It’s safe. Had Mr Evers done this a couple months ago when it was politically incorrect, like in the case of the Arizona Governor, he’d be heroic in his actions. . .

    Secure the Border Now. Send the Illegals packing or swimming back across the border now.

  5. just peachy on July 20th, 2010 12:26 pm

    If the Federal Government would step up and do its job to enforce federal laws regarding immigration, that are already in place, this would not be necessary. But for the past 10 or 20 years, they have not. They could simply REQUIRE ALL employers to use the E-Verify System. If the illegals cannot make a living here, they will go back home. Lets see……20 million ILLEGAL immigrants working in the U.S……..20 million Unemployed U.S. CITIZENS. Do the math!

  6. EMD on July 20th, 2010 10:48 am


    In case you haven’t noticed, our rights have already “slipped away,” if you can call break-neck speed, “slipping.”

  7. EMD on July 20th, 2010 10:45 am

    Way to go Greg Evers. I am going to email Gov. Crist and tell him I’m with you on this. Thank God for some sanity in government for a change.

  8. huh on July 20th, 2010 10:34 am

    This isn’t good, here is why

    “reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made to determine the person’s immigration status; requires transfer of unlawfully present persons convicted of offenses to custody of the United States upon discharge from imprisonment or assessment of fine; and permits warrantless arrests of certain aliens”

    Sure it sounds good , but this will lead to profiling people which isn’t legal. Now police will have an excuse to stop and detain anyone by just saying ” oh we thought they weren’t legal to be here” watch and see, this will be more of your rights slipping away

  9. xpeecee on July 20th, 2010 8:23 am

    Good for you, Greg Evers!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Chumuckla proud on July 20th, 2010 7:20 am

    In answer to Doer’s question: He is probably working on his tan or just too busy out shopping for Armani suits or Guicci shoes somewhere.

  11. The Doer on July 20th, 2010 6:10 am

    Where is Crist in all of this, or should I ask? Good job, Evers and Bill McCollum!