Escambia Sheriff’s Office Investigates 13th Murder Of The Year

July 27, 2010

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the 13th murder of the year in the county.

A man was found dead at the Mayfair Motel on Mobile Highway about 11 a.m. The man’s identity has not been released.

The Sheriff’s Office has released few details, other than to say the death has been ruled a homicide.


5 Responses to “Escambia Sheriff’s Office Investigates 13th Murder Of The Year”

  1. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2010 1:04 am

    “Way to go ECSO. Everyone else’s crime is dropping but ours.”

    The sheriff’s office isn’t to blame for crime unless the criminals are out on the streets because of bungled investigations. (Their psychic IS doing a poor job of predicting and preventing crime in advance, though.)

    What’s a bit irritating is when killers are caught and we find all the crimes they committed before the killing and were released back on the unsuspecting populace. (Think Newton and hold your breath.)

    Sometimes the attorney’s office does a poor job of prosecuting criminals. This may be because they are overloaded, have too low a budget or are not in a field lawyers wish to enter.

    The judges may mess up conducting trials. They are sometimes shackled by higher court rulings limiting use of real evidence because it was obtained illegally. Higher courts figured the only way to stop law enforcement from breaking the law to enforce the law was to disallow the fruit of their illegal efforts.

    And then we have the juries who simply don’t want to convict so they release folks they know are guilty, The un convicted criminals figure they can literally get away with murder and proceed to test the theory.

    Many of our crimes are tied to the natural result of the fact we decided to outlaw assorted harmful but addictive chemicals which affect the brains of their users–rather than just punish them when they harm others. Addicts will commit any crime to get more of the chemicals. Sorry people go into the illegal chemicals industry because it pays well. It pays well because it’s illegal. The widespread disrespect for law leads to general lawlessness.

    Nothing excuses those who decide to kill others for any reason whatsoever.

  2. ughh on July 27th, 2010 10:05 pm

    Have any of you been to may fair that area is swamped with activity

  3. Big B little ill on July 27th, 2010 8:07 pm

    How many of those have been solved?

  4. Mark on July 27th, 2010 5:46 pm

    Way to go ECSO. Everyone else’s crime is dropping but ours.

  5. wow on July 27th, 2010 12:03 pm

    so sad = ( hope they can crack this one.