Century To Promote Employees, Name Deputy Clerk

July 22, 2010

The recent resignation of Century’s deputy clerk will lead to the promotion of two employees.

Christina Wood, a nine-year town employee, will be promoted to deputy clerk to replace Karen Hughes. Denice Wiggins will be promoted into the office position vacated by Wood’s advancement. Both will receive a $1 per hour raise.

Mayor Freddie McCall said that the town will not immediately hire another employee to fill the vacancy created by Wiggins’ promotion. Instead, he said he will monitor the town office’s efficiency to see if it can operate with one less employee.

McCall also said Wiggins will be cross-trained in the duties of the town clerk while training is underway for recently hired Clerk Darlene Peters.


7 Responses to “Century To Promote Employees, Name Deputy Clerk”

  1. Darlene Peters on July 24th, 2010 12:01 am

    Hi David,

    I like your commentary about this whole situation. You have been objective and try to see things from everyone’s perspective. For some of these queries I do have some input. First of all from what I understand everyone was “allowed” to apply for the Town Clerk’s position and I’m sure out of courtesy, although I can’t be certain because I wasn’t there at the time, was asked personally to fill it.

    Since I’ve been there I have been told ‘first hand’ by the former deputy clerk, and at least one person who applied, that they did not ‘want’ this position. I am sure they have their reasons.

    I guess, also, the idea of cross training has been talked about before for the office, but never implemented. I am a strong advocate for cross training, teamwork, and the promotion of others. With being an educator at heart and having experience in developing procedures, job aids, and a master level education in human performance technology I jumped at the chance to instill this at Century City Hall when the opportunity arose and with Mayor McCall’s support.

    I think there is a misconception of who is being trained because of how the article is written, but Denise is not being trained in the duties of the Town Clerk. She is being trained for Christina’s duties. Yes, Christina did know much of the Clerk’s duties, but there were some things that had to be dealt with which needed some additional accounting and technological knowledge to get things to the next level.

    That’s why I was hired, because Mr. McCall knew I could fill in that gap and in the process elevate the other employees to meet their potential as well. I would not be able to have accomplished this without my educational background and his support.

    This part of the job has been the most rewarding and fulfilling for me.

  2. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2010 4:16 pm

    “. . . she was not even allowed to apply for the position when it was available . . ”

    True, she wasn’t allowed to apply the second go round without an associates’ degree.
    False, she was allowed to apply the second go round with an associates’ degree.

    No excuse given so far for those who didn’t bother to apply the first time the town looked for applicants when an associates degree was not required. If they didn’t know they were accepting applications, that’s an excuse even if hard to understand since they worked there. If they thought they would get it by not applying, I fail to see the reasoning.

    If they want to refuse the promotion with greater responsibilities and dollar per hour raise, I imagine they can do so. If they accept but remain irritated at doing more, knowing more and being paid more, they can be on the look out for other opportunities their enhanced skill sets bring them.

    By the way, I have no idea if Freddy Wayne chose wisely in accepting one and rejecting another. Right or wrong, that is part of his duties. Once he has made his decision, it is up to the council to accept or reject his decision. Once they do accept a decision, it’s up to those affected to see if they can live with it.

    David thinking
    life is filled with opportunities

  3. just tired on July 23rd, 2010 3:22 pm

    To Mr. Green:
    My point is this, if she was not even allowed to apply for the position when it was available and mind you, this was only a few short weeks ago, then what has happened that makes her worthy of being cross-trained all of a sudden. And to make matters worse, if your story about the truck driver was to make a point, then this is my point; there was someone already working at city hall who was cross-trained in the town clerk duties, but that didn’t help them get the job. And yes, it was one of those with the associate degree!!

  4. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2010 3:00 pm

    “Now all of a sudden, she is being trained in the duties of the clerk, why? If the town clerk has to have an associate degree in order to hold that position, then why are they bothering to even train her, she will never be able to become the clerk without a degree.”

    I knew a fellow who was a truck driver for the county. When there was no driving to do, rather than just sit around making time, he practiced running a road grader so he would be qualified if an opening came up.

    The other truck drivers sneered at him, accused him of brown-nosing and said they wouldn’t work as a grader operator unless they paid them grader operator pay rate.

    In time an opening came up and the one who knew the higher job was hired.

    The others threw the usual fits because they had seniority–they’d been there longer. The bosses said, “Yes you have seniority but he is the senior-most employee who knows how to do the job. He already knowh how to run a road grader. We need one now, not someday.”

    It pays to learn better jobs. Experience often counts in the place of formal education. It might also someday be worth while to get an associates’ degree. It helps the individual and it helps the town.

    David for competence
    for the good of all

  5. just tired on July 23rd, 2010 9:51 am

    I would like to know why is Denise Wiggins being cross-trained in the duties of the clerk when she does not have an associate nor any other type of degree. She was not even allowed to apply for the position for that very reason, since that was one of the requirements for the job. Now all of a sudden, she is being trained in the duties of the clerk, why? If the town clerk has to have an associate degree in order to hold that position, then why are they bothering to even train her, she will nerver be able to become the clerk without a degree. I wonder what is going to take place next. Seems as though Mr. McCall always find a way to do exactly as he pleases.

  6. Darlene Peters on July 22nd, 2010 8:45 pm

    Thank you for your comment. I will make sure to look up that information. I was not aware of it. I am very happy for Christina and Denise. Darlene

  7. former mayor on July 22nd, 2010 12:07 pm

    Congratulations Christina and Denise!!! I would like to say that Christina was promoted from cashier to Customer Service Rep/Deputy Clerk while I was Mayor, and Denise was hired as Cashier. I also would like to say that there are job descriptions on every employee at city hall and also on the outside employees. These descriptions were signed by each employee. There was also a pay scale that was approved by the council with starting pay as well as ending pay on each position. The Mayor and at least two of the present Council Members should have a copy of this pay scale as they were given copies and all three voted for the pay scale.All this information should be at city hall. Also Karen Hughes was hired as secretary