Caretaker Allegedly Steals From Elderly Resident

July 31, 2010

An arraignment date has been set for a Century caretaker accused of stealing from an elderly woman.

Marialena Adams Godwin, 38, of Front Street, will be arraigned August 12 on a felony grand theft charge. Godwin allegedly stole a diamond ring and a pair of earrings from an elderly Century woman. Godwin was employed as the woman’s caretaker.

Godwin told Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigators that she gave the jewelry to another woman as payment on debt. The jewelry was recovered and returned to the elderly woman.

Godwin, who is free from jail on $2,500 bond, is scheduled to be arraigned in Escambia County Circuit Court on August 12 before Judge Frank Bell.


18 Responses to “Caretaker Allegedly Steals From Elderly Resident”

  1. friend on August 6th, 2010 10:09 am

    I really thinki that everyone needs to stop being so hateful and realize that everyone has made a mistake, she just so happened to get caught doing it, i know her and i know how good of a person she really is so instead of knocking her down even more, we should all be helping her get back up and pray for her

  2. shoefits on August 4th, 2010 5:56 am

    How did drugs get in this? I don’t find where it says she was on drugs. Sounds llike to me she is having money problems.

  3. what a shame on August 3rd, 2010 4:11 pm

    Well how stupid does an adult have to be to put drugs in their mouth.
    What rock do they live under that they don’t know what drugs do?
    Do they not read the paper?
    Do they not hear people talk about it?
    Have they never watched any shows on it on TV?
    Have they never heard any of the warnings from school or parents.

    I have seen so many people that the minute you looked in their eyes
    you knew they did drugs.

    I have seen people standing on street corners doing things that a human
    would only do if they were loaded on drugs.

    Even my UPS delivery guy shows up here with that look in his eyes,
    that scary I want to hurt someone look. I had a real nice ups man till
    about a year and 1/2 ago, then I got this new guy and he scared the
    crap out of me the first time I saw him. I don’t know him and have
    never spoken to him. I have no doubt I’m not the only one he is
    scaring the wits out of because I’m sure this isn’t personnal.

    I don’t order anything that has to come UPS anymore, and my children
    don’t either out of respect for me. My sister has also decided to not
    order anything that comes ups, she feels if their screening of their
    people isnt any better than that then she doesn’t want them coming
    to her house anymore either.

    See drugs affect so many people and businesses, that we should
    all be band together on this also, to see that people on drugs STOP!

    Have these adults never ran into these people and saw that there
    not happy? .Drugs Don’t make anyone happy!

    AND drugs are no excuse for violence, theft, vandalism, or murder.

  4. So Sad on August 3rd, 2010 12:33 pm

    Smokey you are so right. You usually can’t help them to they hit bottom and realize they need and want help.

  5. smokey on August 2nd, 2010 5:08 pm

    the problem is DRUGS!!!!! they will bring you down and affect your whole family….you will do things you never thought you could…..

  6. So Sad on August 2nd, 2010 12:06 pm

    Marialena is a good person. Sin can makes us all stray and do things we shouldn’t. It is easy to pick up a stick (run our mouths) and beat people down, but we never take time to pray for them. I am not trying to make excuses for Marialena, but to know her is to know something is wrong, this is not like her . To what a shame: Shame on you for running your mouth. Don’t try to act hollier than thou, what about all the messes you have had in your life??? Sin is sin and one is no worst than another.

  7. what a shame on August 2nd, 2010 6:56 am

    don’t use that on other ppl.
    There is absolutely no excuse for preying on the elderly.

    If YOU would resort to something like that if you were in
    need shame on you.

    If she was hungry why didn’t she just steal a loaf of bread.
    Because she didn’t need it that’s why.

    However, I bet if she had asked the old lady for something
    and said she had a need, she would have given it to her

    This is the lowest thing someone can do, and no shirley,
    there but the grace of god…..doesn’t fit.

    Speak for yourself.
    There is all kinds of help out there for ppl who need

    I’m betting this girl just saw the opportunity and took it,
    and to heck with the fact that it belonged to someone else.
    Maybe it was a treasured gift to an old lady and she had
    much sorrow over the loss.

    I hope this little opportunist rot’s in jail where she belongs.

  8. EMD on July 31st, 2010 9:20 pm

    So sad,

    I’m a people, and I care VERY much. I have had people be real good to me, and I have had people really do me wrong. I do not loan money anymore. If someone asks to borrow, and I can afford it, I just give if. No more loans. A lot less negative thoughts hurting me. If the thieves can sleep at night, I should be able to also. I’ll leave it all behind one day anyhow, and I will not miss it.

    It used to really anger me, when I would hear of a senior citizen being mistreated in any way. Now, I am one. I still hate to hear of it or be the victim of such. But people are not my source. If people would just realize, where things REALLY come from, they might act different. But, maybe not. My mom used to say that, “The world won’t change, until hearts change.” Now, I say it. I know it’s true.

  9. school friend on July 31st, 2010 9:12 pm

    I hope and pray that Marialena can get the help that she needs. I came up with her as a friend when we were in school and am very saddened by this. Something has went very wrong for her because she was such a good girl in school. She is from a wonderful family and I stayed with her as a teen so I am in such shock over this :(

  10. So Sad on July 31st, 2010 7:14 pm

    Marialena was raised in a good home. I can’t for the life of me figure out why she would embarass her family and love one by doing something like this.People just don’t care anymore about right or wrong, morals or anything else.

  11. Shirley on July 31st, 2010 6:06 pm

    There but the grace of God……While never condoning or agreeing that this was
    not right, these things do happen even to good people. We should be so careful not to cast stones. We never know what life will throw at us or what circumstances may afford us the seeming necessity to take what isn’t ours when we are up against odds. I do pray for Marialena and her whole family in these circumstances. I am so sorry this happened. People…Don’t be so self rightous and think that this could never happen to you.

  12. shoefits on July 31st, 2010 4:55 pm

    My prayers go out to both families. This woman comes from a good, Christian family and was not raised to think this was ok. Families of the elderly should learn from this and remove valuables before a caregiver comes in. Especially things small enough to put in a pocket. My grandmothers had costume jewelry stolen – and a book of checks. Caregivers aren’t the only ones who take advantage of the elderly, as I’m sure you all know. Someone once told me a lock only keeps the honest people honest.

  13. Horrific on July 31st, 2010 1:20 pm

    Sorry I meant “prey”

  14. Horrific on July 31st, 2010 1:19 pm

    It really take a special kind of person to pray on some unsuspecting
    elderly person.

    What a coward!

    I hope she ro’ts in prison.

    Economic times and hard times are certainly no excuse for thinking
    you should just take what doesn’t belong to you.

    I’ve been stolen from before from ppl that I was very very good to, it hurts
    and it really makes me mad.

    I don’t want anyone making me bitter, ugly and untrusting, and that’s exactly
    what happens.

  15. EMD on July 31st, 2010 1:00 pm


  16. hummdinger on July 31st, 2010 10:25 am

    Not much of a conscience in this pitiful woman. I’m so glad to hear the jewelry was returned to its rightful owner.

  17. gawnhawm on July 31st, 2010 7:32 am

    I am sure that this is a very common occurrence…not just with this lady. Some people have even stolen from their own families. Seniors has nothing to with it…except that they are easy targets…and they are very trusting. People will steal from their own kids..mothers …brothers…Its a different world in these times of economic troubles. There are a lot of hurting people out there..PRAY for them

  18. wha? on July 31st, 2010 1:35 am

    she should be ashamed of herself! how can you do that to a senior? or anyone else! =/