BP Stops Oil Leak In The Gulf

July 15, 2010

BP says that the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has been stopped for the first time since the spill began in April.

The announcement came after all of the valves were shut Thursday afternoon on a new cap placed on the well earlier this week. According to BP, this is a not a permanent fix. A long-term solution will come in the form of relief wells being drilled to plug the leaking well below the sea floor with concrete.

“It felt very good not to see any oil going into the Gulf of Mexico,” said BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells during a briefing. “”What I’m trying to do is maintain my emotions. This is the start of our test.”

Engineers are monitoring the pressure inside the cap to see if the fix will hold.

More details will be posted on this breaking story as they become available.

Pictured: BP works to pressure test their oil spill fix in the Gulf of Mexico Thursday afternoon.


6 Responses to “BP Stops Oil Leak In The Gulf”

  1. Upset!! on July 16th, 2010 3:35 pm


    check it out!! Reality sometimes is not nice!

  2. Bully on July 16th, 2010 11:05 am

    Drill baby drill!

  3. good job on July 16th, 2010 7:45 am

    Good Job BP! But sorry Bob, I agree with nudo…things are NOT going to be normal in a few days! Wish it were so, but that’s not possible! He’s right about the other spill affecting that area even now after so very long. No, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, but, this is REALLY great news. Now, we can start making plans to get things back in order.

  4. nudo on July 15th, 2010 9:42 pm

    If u think its going to be back to normal think again. Wished I had the link to the Exxon Valdez report. Its been 21 years and it spilled only 11 million gallons or barrels I forget which one. Pale incomparison to this. The beach area in Alaska is still being polluted. Most of the fish and birds have not recovered. So don’t get your hopes up to much. Also when the hurricanes come and push the oil up on land, the national guard will be there and they will keep you from your home and business for atleast two years is what I’m hearing from workers that are cleaning up. Its very toxic. You wont here that from the media or our government.

  5. Friendly Face :) on July 15th, 2010 7:56 pm

    People including myself NEVER stopped buying BP gasoline…!!!!!!!!!

  6. Bob on July 15th, 2010 6:25 pm

    I can’t believe it. Life will be back to normal in a few days. The condos will fill once again, you’ll have to wait in line for a seat in a restaurant,people will start buying BP gasoline again,the news media will jump back on the bingo situation,life is good.