16-Year Old Jailed After Deputy’s Tire Shot Out

July 16, 2010

A 16-year old was jailed after allegedly dumping a firearm into the middle of a North Escambia street, eventually leading to a shot being fired into a deputy’s tire.

The juvenile was charged with culpable negligence exposure to harm, carrying a concealed weapon, improper exhibition of a firearm or dangerous weapon, possession of a firearm unlawfully by a minor, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and tampering with or destroying evidence.

The incident began at 3:23 Wednesday morning when Deputy Scott Rivkin conducted a traffic stop on a black Eagle Talon with no headlights near North Century Boulevard and Henry Streets. The driver of the vehicle was given a warning for failing to use his headlights. The 16-year was the passenger in the vehicle. Both left the area.

About five minutes later, Rivkin was traveling on North Century Boulevard in the same area as the traffic stop when when he heard what he believed to be a gunshot. Upon investigation, he discovered a .22 caliber pistol in the middle of North Century Boulevard. When the right rear wheel of the deputy’s cruiser rolled over the weapon, it had fired a round, flattening the tire. Next to the revolver, the deputy discovered one empty shell casing and five live rounds of ammunition.

While Deputy Rivkin was still parked on North Century Boulevard, he noticed the driver from the previous traffic stop and the 16-year approaching him on foot.  The two were separated and questioned as the Flomaton Police Department responded for backup.

The driver told authorities that the juvenile had dropped the gun out of the vehicle’s window just prior to the traffic stop and that the pair had returned to the area to retrieve the gun. The 16-year old told deputies that he had purchased the gun from an individual, and he provided a bill of sale. He admitted to dropping the gun out of the vehicle window.

The 16-year old, a resident of Ivey Street in Century,  was arrested and released into the custody of the Department of Youth Services. He was being held with bond set at $21,000.


26 Responses to “16-Year Old Jailed After Deputy’s Tire Shot Out”

  1. Heartbroken citizen on July 21st, 2010 8:12 am


    I am not agreeing that what he done was right, I understand there is a lot of wrong in the story, but one person can not judge another because that person has done some worng at some point in time or another in their own life. It may not be as server as this then again it may be. Who are we to judge another person and their lifestyle when we have skelentons in our own closet.

  2. TERESA on July 20th, 2010 1:30 pm


    I MEAN’T::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    Now if they are hunting with dad…that is a different story…They for the most part supervised….

  3. TERESA on July 20th, 2010 1:25 pm


    Now I read what you are saying….But please tell me(so that I may understand) why a 16 year old boy buy a gun…….And the fact that he threw out after he saw the officer behind him tells me that his intentions were no good…..Now would be saying that if this 16 year old boy threatening people (even possibly a family member of yours) or robbing people…It could even gang related….There is a lot of what ifs…but I know one thing for sure….A 16 YEAR OLD TEENAGER(boy or girl) DOES NEED A GUN !!!!!!

  4. Heartbroken citizen on July 20th, 2010 10:24 am

    You know there is a big saying “Don’t judge other people unless you want to be judge for your self” because every single one of us has done worng at somepoint in our lives or another. Instead we should be thankful that NO ONE got hurt and should be praying for our kids and the generation that is to come, instead of judging them and the parents.

  5. Teresa on July 19th, 2010 12:13 pm

    Besides…What would a 16 year buy a gun if you with intentions of using on someone…either to rob someone or to kill someone…

  6. Teresa on July 19th, 2010 12:12 pm

    To Chumuckla proud….

    anything and everything is sold off the streets all the time……people don’t care who is buying it or how old they are…Its all under the table and all they care about is the money……

  7. Disappointed on July 16th, 2010 11:28 pm

    Sorry to say I know the person that was driving because there is only one person that drives a black talon in this area. Im very disappointed in the choices he makes and the friends that he chooses. They are going to either put him in jail or dead either choice is NOT good!!!!

  8. Steve on July 16th, 2010 10:32 pm

    I’m just glad to see a traffic stop made on a car with no headlights. I make a game of counting them every night on my way home, usually spot two or three and no one pays them any mind. And that is usually on Davis Highway before 10PM.

    Glad the deputy is safe, these knuckleheads were up to no good.

  9. Considering on July 16th, 2010 6:39 pm

    Does anyone really believe he bought the gun?

  10. David Huie Green on July 16th, 2010 12:06 pm

    “What is so sad is many parents never pay attention to what is going on in their kids lives until it’s to late.”

    Of course some (but not most) parents are criminals themselves and think it’s all normal. You can just about hear them say, “Well, I used to rob liquor stores myself. He’s just young and will grow up to bank robbery soon enough. Don’t hurry the boy.”
    [not that this involved robbery or liquor stores, just an example of attitude toward certain actions]

    And then there’s the parents who try to justify everything their children do–even in front of the children–so they grow up thinking they can do no wrong. Those kids are really confused when they finally have to pay the price. Sometimes it’s just a fine, jail time, bad credit, wrecked cars or damaged pistols. Sometimes the price is lost limbs or eyes or death of self, loved ones or strangers. (Not that they care about the strangers, it seems.)

    There isn’t only way to bring children up. I have seen different parents have very different ways of raising/rearing children but the kids turn out okay anyway–other kids turn out badly anyway.

    It keeps life interesting.

    It looks like pointing them down the right path makes more sense than justifying the wrong path or never watching where they’re going in the first place.

    We don’t know in this case and are about to be jumped on by the people who yell at us to shut our mouths until we know the whole story. They’re cute that way.

    David for discussing anyway
    even without complete information

  11. Big Al on July 16th, 2010 11:42 am

    It is against the law to sell a pistol to a 16 year old kid in Florida and Alabama. Probably in all 50 states. If the kid had a bill of sale, the next stop should be arresting the individual who sold the gun to him. Every day there is one or more articles on this site about some young person who robs, shoots or attacks someone. There are also stories of car crashes involving children, many times involving alcohol. Are we losing control of our kids? Maybe we are becoming too liberal, too touchy feely. Maybe we need to back up 40 years in our parenting practices. I have heard that each generation gets worse. I see dozens of people taking care of their grandchildren or even their great grand children. Who is going to take care of these kids when the grand parents and great grand parents are gone? I fear for our country’s future,,,,,,,

  12. horrific on July 16th, 2010 11:07 am

    Oversight. I think you hit the nail on the head. Thats the way I took it

  13. Oversight on July 16th, 2010 10:48 am

    From the discription from the officer’s report, it sounds like the revolver was unloaded and the bullets and pistol were dumped together in the roadway.

  14. NER on July 16th, 2010 10:24 am

    I agree with proud parent. We try to raise our children to do the right thing, and when they grow up it is up to them to make the right decision. What is so sad is many parents never pay attention to what is going on in theit kids lives until it’s to late.

  15. William on July 16th, 2010 10:22 am

    > David wondering if driving over revolver broke the cylinder free and ejected the shells somehow or if that part of the report was just mis-written

    The report does not provide those details. However, keep in mind that when the case goes to court, all of that would be very clear from the actual revolver and the photographs. A picture’s worth 1000 words. So it’s not that the report or of the office presented an incomplete description. We are only privy to a portion — the report.

  16. David Huie Green on July 16th, 2010 10:18 am


    We love all our law enforcers but sometimes they confuse us.

    David wondering if driving over revolver broke the cylinder free and ejected the shells somehow or if that part of the report was just mis-written

  17. Proud parent on July 16th, 2010 8:52 am

    Big B little……. As a parent myself and as many of the other parents here will agree. We have tought our children right from wrong from the start, but it comes a time in a childs life when they have to choose for themself what to do, because we can not always be there to tell them how to choose. All we can do is hope and pray they will remember how we tought them and if the do make a mistake we need to be there for them even if the choice they made is not the correct one.

    Oh by the way I do not know there people involved in this story, I am just commenting about our young people in general.

    Thank god everyone was safe!

  18. george on July 16th, 2010 8:43 am

    another fine example of the ivey st problem. it’s been a problem since the trailer park was placed there. police would be wise to just go on down there when a crime occurs and wait for em to come home.

  19. William on July 16th, 2010 8:43 am

    gawnhawm wrote:

    .if you read the article it also sounds like the 5 other loaded casings were laying beside the gun too…probably did not eject the empty or the loads…probably did not eject any of the shells….writer error ? reported error ?

    Here’s the specific line directly from the Sheriff’s Office report:

    “Next to the revolver was one empty shell casing and five live rounds of ammunition.”

  20. David Huie Green on July 16th, 2010 8:40 am

    3:23 am–up later than some of the other incidents (unless he’s an early riser)
    loaded pistol set to fire
    tossed pistol out on street where anybody could be killed by it
    driving without headlights where he could kill somebody also young and foolish enough to be out or just legitimately trying to make a living
    driving illegally at that age

    But, I know we can’t judge him or the anti-judging judges will judge us evil for saying it would have been better if he hadn’t done such things.

    David in a beautiful world

  21. gawnhawm on July 16th, 2010 8:39 am

    Houndstooth….if you read the article it also sounds like the 5 other loaded casings were laying beside the gun too…probably did not eject the empty or the loads…probably did not eject any of the shells….writer error ? reported error ?
    Its good the law was out there…GETEM CENTURY !! The question is…whats the correct way to punish this boy where he will understand….punish the one who sold it to him in the correct way….the driver knew he had the pistol too ! What if ? must be asked in the situation…maybe someones life got saved ….hope they dont return the pistol…..still say they should have been home in the bed like the rest of us. Seems like there is a lot of activity out at 230 AM all over our area

  22. Houndstooth on July 16th, 2010 7:08 am

    A little confused on the spent shell casing next to the revolver. How did a revolver eject a shell casing?

  23. Big B little ill on July 16th, 2010 6:59 am

    Being a parent starts at conception. Don’t wait until they are in jail or getting into trouble to start teaching them right from wrong. Yes I now kids will do stupid things even adults do stupid things. But if you learn from an early age you will do less stupid things.

  24. Oversight on July 16th, 2010 6:52 am

    A 16 year old who is out at 3:23 a.m. with a handgun is up to no good, period! No mention of the driver’s age, so are we to assume it was another juvenile? And if it was an adult, how about a charge for contributing to the delequency of a minor and hauling the driver off to jail too.

  25. Chumuckla proud on July 16th, 2010 6:40 am

    Question: How is it that a16-year-old legally could purchase a gun in the first place…and who sold it to him?

  26. go figure on July 16th, 2010 2:29 am

    well wheres all the outrage and condmenation. you always hear it when law enforcement have to arrest a juvenile, there either harrassing, profiling them, or intimidating them. bottom line is this some 14-17 year old are doing adult crimes. and need to be treated as such.