Globs Of Oil,Tarballs Found On Pensacola Beach; Cap Over Well

June 4, 2010

The first small balls of oil were found on Pensacola Beach Friday morning.

Sam Champion made the early morning tarball discovery on ABC’s Good Morning America. Scooping up a handful of sand, removed an oil ball that he described as “a red-like, tar oil substance right on the beaches of Pensacola this morning”. He compared the balls of oil to what he had seen what scuba diving in the Gulf Tuesday.

“It wasn’t here last night,” he said. “I’m really, really upset about this.”

Thursday night, BP managed to place cap over the Deepwater Horizon oil leak deep in the Gulf. From video, it was impossible to tell if the funnel-shaped lid was working — oil could bee seen gushing rapidly from around the cap.

BP said Friday morning that some oil was flowing through a pipe from the cap to the surface, but it was too early to tell exactly how much of the oil was being captured.

Pictured top: ABC’s Sam Champion holds one of many oily tarballs found Friday morning on Pensacola  Beach. To watch the video, click the photo. Photo courtesy ABC’s Good Morning America.o Pictured inset: A cap placed over the leaking oil well Thursday night did not appear to impede the flow of oil. BP photo.


26 Responses to “Globs Of Oil,Tarballs Found On Pensacola Beach; Cap Over Well”

  1. Mike on June 8th, 2010 9:30 am

    Think of what will happen when the hurricane does come and pushes oil and tar balls into the atmosphere. I hope no one gets hurt when this stuff starts falling. Why people could get knocked out and windows could get broken. Tar ball storms and waves of tar balls. I hope this does not effect our water supply. Price of bottled water will go sky high.

  2. morgann on June 7th, 2010 12:30 pm

    wow soo they are deciding to quit till august? so its just gonna eff up our gulf for years and years? well im still going on vac in a week to Pensacola Beach because it might be the last time i get to see it white beaches i effing spent my whole childhood down there soo many memorys and now its gonna be ruined thanks for be being greedy and awful people lets not forget you killed several workers over your greed and now because of it your killing animals and peoples lively hood and then who have the balls to say “i hope this is over soon i want my life bacK”? you dont deserve a life after what youve done! and on my vac im planing on seeing suffering animals and perpairing myself to say good bye to the place i loove the most i hate you you bp

  3. instigator on June 5th, 2010 8:22 am

    giant shop vac out in the water with special filter to suck up the oil out of the water before it gets to land. try all resources. dont give up

  4. oh well on June 5th, 2010 7:52 am

    There certainly are other ways.
    We just aren’t using them.

    They actually have been talking about impoding this well.
    Nuking it.


    This could just knock us off our axis…..

    Man HAS become idiots!

    I think all of BP’s assets should be siezed, they took the risk and lost,
    but we will pay forever.

    How can anyone wish this hardship on any other person.

    Some ppl in some of the states involved have no been out of work
    since shortly after the spill.

    This is to say nothing, of the damage to wildlife on top of the sea,
    under the sea, and on the land for miles surrounding this spill.

    This has not even come close to being fixed in 2 months and they
    have no idea what to do.

    All this kings horses and all the kings men…….

    Where in trouble here ppl.

    The economy is going to take another huge hit and many more
    ppl are going to suffer, and thats the result if they ever fix the thing
    and they don’t blow us up in the process.

  5. me on June 5th, 2010 12:51 am

    Marty, last time I checked, I said that there were OTHER PLACES TO DRILL THAN OUR OCEANS! Safer for the people who have to work the rigs, safer for the wildlife, safer for peoples LIVELIHOODS! But everythings going to get worse from here because the majority of America seems to feel its not a big deal.

  6. Elmer Fudd on June 5th, 2010 12:23 am

    I agree that we need to get away from importing oil and oil in general. But the sad truth is the alternative fuels and technology you speak of are years away from being both practical and affordable on a wide scale. Even if we went with natural gas which the United States has plenty of, it would take several years and billions of dollars to convert to. Maybe if anything good comes out of this it will be a stronger push to develop alternative fuels. As for your wish about the price skyrocketing, don’t worry once the oil companies realize they have reached Hubbert’s peak which some scientist say will happen in the next 5 to 15 years, and a few say won’t never happen, you will get your wish. Some economist estimate the price of gas to run between $10-$15 a gallon after that.

  7. EMD on June 4th, 2010 9:40 pm


    You are not in FL are you? Don’t you live in North East Georgia? If not, you have a mental twin up there.

  8. D on June 4th, 2010 8:45 pm

    It is hearbreaking to watch something so beautiful becoming tainted. But the fact of the matter is this…Unless everyone who is moaning and groaning about drilling for oil in the gulf is going to walk everywhere, ride a bike, or use a horse/ buggy; it is a necessity. The powers that be have been talking about alternative energy sources for decades and we are still dependent on oil. Face it, almost everything that makes our lives convenient and comfortable is made with oil in some form. If some have such a problem with it I suggest they set the first examples and give up their luxuries. Any takers? Didn’t think so…think about that when you get in your cars to go to Walmart…hypocrites are trying to rule the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. traci on June 4th, 2010 8:30 pm

    Not to long ago we were all complaining about the Gov. being too big, and getting
    in private businesses, (health insurance) now we are calling on old Uncle Sam to bail us out. What can the Gov. do with a oil spill. Raise the deft. some more.
    Drill Baby Drill.

  10. huh on June 4th, 2010 8:09 pm


    I think my comment makes a lot of sense , local communities would grow, technology would push harder for alternative fuels , we would buy less fuel from overseas which supports terrorism

    The usa needs to stop its dependence on foreign oil, and oil all together. When gas recently went to over $4.00 a gallon under GW Bush, it was a hardship, but also it spurred a push for technology and electric/hybrid cars.

    You might not believe this, but once upon a time people had gardens and bought meats locally and didn’t travel great distances very often for work and food. We need to be self sufficient

  11. london2z on June 4th, 2010 8:03 pm

    I hope Cosner can get his machines out there, and help the clean-up. GL! As a possible short- term solution to the leak, since there is still some oil leaking out of the top-hat: maybe long hoses, connected to vacuum pumps on the surface, could be positioned where the oil is still shooting out of the seam, and sucked up to the surface vessels.

  12. No Deep Drilling in the Gulf on June 4th, 2010 4:04 pm

    This is not the first blow-out valve to fail (14) and it won’t be the last. The drilling so deep that you can’t repair it is the problem.

    The burning off had to be scaled back due to making workers sick on other offshore rigs. They had to shut down some of them because of making them sick.

    Yes, the government let us down by not regulating and holding them to safety practices. The Oil companies have had their way far too long, and now we are paying for it!

    Oil is NOT the only way as some would have you to believe! WE MUST LOOK TO OTHER SOURCES!

  13. bama on June 4th, 2010 2:41 pm

    Stopping deep water drilling is not the answer. The more oil we get locally, the less we have to buy from the terrorists in the middle east!! The government should share some blame in this. The blowout preventor for this particular well had not had maintenance in over 7 years, which is why it didn’t work. What are our tax dollars that go to the agencies that are supposed to regulate this sort of thing being used for? And the wonderful EPA won’t let them burn off much of the oil, which is obviously better than it washing up on the beaches!!

  14. No Deep Drilling in the Gulf on June 4th, 2010 2:37 pm

    If we keep deep well drilling in the Gulf, we just might have a spill even closer to home and just think of what that would be like, the oil not having to travel that far. There is no such thing as a fail proof valves. If the oil lobbyist have their way we would have them all around Florida. No matter where you live in Florida, the economy is based on the waters staying clean. Florida can not survive without it.

  15. Jim on June 4th, 2010 2:26 pm

    For the person who said they would like to see the fuel cost go ski high. You probably do not know how many things are made from petrol. The next time you get that little plastic container you like or go to the clothing store you might have a surprise coming if there are none because of no petrol. Or, how about the families who have to use heating oil, or the person who has to depend on someone to take them for medical care that is required to just stay alive.
    Not trying to pick on you but I think you need to think before knee jerk reacting. I agree we have a very serious problem and the sooner we can become non dependent on fossil fuel the better off we will be. But there is always going to be a need for a certain amount of fossil fuel regardless of what the alternative fuel is.

  16. FYI on June 4th, 2010 2:04 pm

    To “huh”……Why would you wish such a hardship on everyone? I live about 30 minutes from where I work and I sure could never bike there. My spouse drives hundreds of miles a week to deliver goods. Remember, everything we buy in the stores gets trucked in. If gas goes up, the price for goods and services will also.
    Anyway, I find myself looking less and less far into the future and more and more to the heavens and wondering how much longer before Jesus comes back.

  17. whitepunknotondope on June 4th, 2010 1:23 pm

    “…people should be worried.” You sound like my Mother. She worried all the time about everything and it didn’t get her one more minute of life or happiness.

    “Obviously we can’t just fix the oil spill otherwise it wouldn’t be leaking anymore.”

    I never said we could “just fix it”. I said we humans can fix this problem. Did you get a degree in twisting people’s words around?

  18. whitepunknotondope on June 4th, 2010 1:19 pm

    “I would personally like to see the cost of gas just skyrocket to where no one could afford it. I think this is the solution , as hard as it would be people, local communities and businesses would grow, people would turn to alternative fuels, bikes, electric etc”

    Sorry huh, but your comment is stupid beyond belief. You want to see people and the economy suffer hardship like never before? Is that what you would personally like?

    I would personally like to see you get hit by a semi while crossing the street, but that doesn’t make my wishes a good idea, does it?

  19. duh on June 4th, 2010 1:15 pm

    Yeah it is an oil spill!!! It is not the end of the world but people should be worried. Beaches aren’t going to go back to normal for quite some time. People’s livelihoods are at stake here. Jobs are going to be lost. Thousands and thousands of animals are going to be affected. Obviously we can’t just fix the oil spill otherwise it wouldn’t be leaking anymore.

  20. No Deep Drilling in the Gulf on June 4th, 2010 1:04 pm

    We don’t have to deep drill in the Gulf to have enough oil for our needs. Its like living on a fix income, you live within your means. You cut back, drive gas saving automobiles, find other means of energy, before it too late and we really have to walk! Oil is not endless and buying it from our enemy is not good for our country!

    Come on, deep well drilling is not the only answer!

  21. huh on June 4th, 2010 12:50 pm

    I would personally like to see the cost of gas just skyrocket to where no one could afford it. I think this is the solution , as hard as it would be people, local communities and businesses would grow, people would turn to alternative fuels, bikes, electric etc

  22. whitepunknotondope on June 4th, 2010 12:45 pm

    “I was heading to the beach today, for one last memory before it all went up in smoke.”

    The beaches will be affected, and they will also be cleaned and things will be back to normal at some point. Don’t cry armagedden, people! We’re not that pathetic of a species that we can’t fix this problem. So may of you seem to think this is the end of life as we know it. It’s a freakin oil spill! Be thankful the Earth hasn’t had an axis shift!

  23. funny guy on June 4th, 2010 10:56 am

    The PNJ is reporting that if you find these tarballs, dont pick them up. So what does he PNJ reporter do to drive the point home? He picks it up and skishes it between his fingers……priceless.

  24. Marty on June 4th, 2010 10:21 am

    TO ME:
    I am one of those idiots that think it good to drill for that toxic substance you refer to…..just wondering were you going to drive out to the beach or do you WALK everywhere you go? cant have it both ways!!!!!!!sorry

  25. me on June 4th, 2010 9:55 am

    This is such a sad site. I was heading to the beach today, for one last memory before it all went up in smoke. Guess its too late. Thanks a lot, idiots who think its intelligent to drill for a toxic substance in the MIDDLE OF OUR OCEANS!! I think offshore drilling should be laid to rest. It causes way too much damage. I’m almost positive there’s oil somewhere besides the bottom of the ocean. Stop being lazy and ruining peoples lives!!

  26. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 9:31 am

    Have you noticed? The comments section for the news articles AOL has been releasing which, in one way or another, involves the President and his decision making, the oil crisis, and/or his politics in general, is no longer available! (AOL has been posting that they are working on a newer comments system) but it has been months now..ever since the heat has been turned up by us, the American taxpayers). Freedom of Speech? I think not!

    If they can put a man on the moon, just why in God’s name can’t they call in the TRUE experts (engineers & scientists) and come up with a solution?

    I can’t even bring myself to look at the wildlife photographs,,,so heartbreaking!