Smith Indicted In Ax Murder Case

June 4, 2010

An Escambia County Grand Jury returned a first degree premeditated murder charge Thursday against  accused an ax murderer that told deputies “I enjoyed it; I loved every friggin’ swing” .

smithnathangreg.jpgNathan Greg Smith, 28, will be arraigned on the charge June 10. He remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond for the May 19 murder of Brian Puckett, 34.

Puckett was found dead in a home May 19 on Hollowbrook Circle, a cul-de-sac near Hillcrest Baptist Church. Deputies believe he died after being hit in the head with an ax.

Nathan Smith’s mother, Constance Smith, told investigators that her boyfriend Puckett was dead in the garage. Deputies found Puckett’s body sitting in a chair in the garage. “They immediately noticed a large laceration to the left side of the victim’s head, and it was apparent he was deceased,”  Deputy Robert Guy, Jr. wrote in his report. The report states deputies found an ax by the back door of the garage, about 10-15 feet from the victim.

Deputies found Nathan Smith asleep inside the residence. He told them that he had been out with his friend the previous night and had gotten home about midnight. He told deputies that Puckett and Constance Smith were arguing, but he went straight to his room and went to sleep.

The friend told deputies that he and Nathan Smith arrived at the residence about 2:30 a.m. At about 5 a.m., Nathan Smith went to the nearby friend’s house and stated that he had gotten into an altercation with Puckett and ” he thought he hurt him pretty bad”, the Sheriff’s Office report states.

The friend said he later received a phone call from a hysterical Constance Smith stating that Puckett was dead and that she thought her son, Nathan Smith, was in trouble. The friend told deputies that Constance Smith said that Puckett had been hit with an ax.

Nathan Smith, Constance Smith and Puckett all resided in the same house, according to deputies.


9 Responses to “Smith Indicted In Ax Murder Case”

  1. Adrienne on June 10th, 2010 11:38 pm

    I’m assuming none of you know this man being charged with this crime, but I did. He was a very sweet intelligent person whom I havent seen since high school. But in the time I did know him he would never have done something so irrational and extreme had he not been provoked. I’m sure none of you can understand someones hanius actions if you’ve never been put in a situation where your own mother was being beaten and humilitated for years with you having to stand idly by, watching her make mistake after mistake. Watching this horrible man belittle and dehumanize your own mother. A situation where you have to watch and hear the beatings and tortures without interfering due to reprocussions. All of your comments are sprung from your own ignorance and watching too many unrealistic television scenarios. You should all stop and think about your quick to judge attitudes before you jump to conclusions without knowing facts. I bet most of you consider yourselves to be forgive and forget Christians. You people who are quick to persecute others should be ashamed of yourselves.

  2. TERESA on June 7th, 2010 6:43 pm


    I could almost agree with you there…Except when he said he loved it and enjoyed it…..Even if it was self defense you wouldn’t love doing it…Unless you were a psychopath……

  3. judge not on June 7th, 2010 12:57 pm

    Wow you people are way off here. You dont know the situation but presume to know all the details. Any child would want to defend their mother. None of you would feel rage if your mother was being attacked? I dont think he has rage issues…..I think he had love issues……for his mother. What he did was so very wrong and no it wasnt the solution to anything but he snapped. I guess none of you on here have ever had a moment when you were so angry that you lost control of your words or your actions? I am not saying you lost it to the extent that he did but we have all lost control at some point. I am not even going to pretend to know the solution to this because quite frankly all the facts arent out yet. I read somewhere that this may very well have been self defense…….who knows and we will not know until all the facts are out. Why is it as a society we are always so quick to judge others but when it happens in our own family we want love and understanding? Cut this guy a little slack until the whole story is out and his family. He will pay for this in so many ways and so will his family. I feel awful for both sides on this equation because it is such a tragedy for both families. One side buried a child and the other will lose a child to prison. As for Nate he served his country and defended all of us. I am thinking if he has issues maybe they stem from coming back from overseas.

  4. oh well on June 5th, 2010 7:38 am

    I’m totally with C. Proud

    Work them in the ground.
    Keep them in for as long and you can.
    Take away all privilege ’s.

    It is a prison after all.

  5. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 1:45 pm

    Citizen X……you know, I never even gave that a thought but you are spot on! Wendy is having pipe dreams… I am thinking one of her dearest loved ones is locked up in the pokie somewhere and she is trying to invent ways of getting him/her released!

  6. Citizen X on June 4th, 2010 11:54 am

    Wendy, maybe you could get him a job where you work. Hopefully your company’s Workplace Violence Policy is stringent enough to deter him from killing one of his co-workers.

  7. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 10:20 am


    I agree with prisoners earning their keep but releasing them to 24 hour surveillance is definitely not the answer! That would cost us even more millions of taxpayer dollars!

    If they brought back the old prison camps and forced these guys to earn their own keep…(self sufficient)..then we’d be on the right track! They need to be raising their own livestock, farming their own vegetables, working in the kitchens, cleaning their own cells, and to be denied recreational privileges until all of their jobs have been completed 100%! Once these people see that being in prison is definitely not going to be a “free ride”, then there may be a deterent!

  8. Wendy on June 4th, 2010 9:37 am

    If I am not mistaken, I believe that a deputy’s annual salary is significantly less than the cost of housing an inmate in prison for a year. It might be better and cheaper to employ more deputies and put criminals under 24 hour surveillance. We could force then to report to work every day to support hem selves, protect society from them by being there all the time, save lots of tax dollars and reduce unemployment all at once.

  9. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 7:03 am

    Sadly, this man has deeply imbeded rage issues which no amount of rehabilitation in prison will cure. He needs to be incarcerated for the remainder of his life.