School FCAT Results Due Today; Parents Must Wait

June 29, 2010

FCAT results by school are due today, but parents will continue to wait to find out how their child performed on the annual assessment.

FCAT results for reading, mathematics, writing and science are typically reported between mid-April and mid-June. Due to technical issues with a contractor’s database technology, extra time was needed this year to ensure each individual student’s results match up perfectly with their demographic information, according to the Florida Department of Education.

Previously, only results for third grade students and students who were retaking the 10th grade exam for graduation purposes have been released. The remaining results for reading and mathematics  for grades 4-10, writing for grades 4, 8 and 10 and science  for grades 5, 8, and 11 will  be released today on a school report basis.

Individual student results will not be available for another week or so, according to Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.

In an automated telephone call to the parents of Escambia students Monday night, Thomas urged those parents not to contact their child’s school with the release of today’s school report. An additional automated call in the coming days, he said, will notify parents when they can pick up their child’s paper report.

“It is the school district’s desire to release your child’s FCAT scores just as quickly as possible,” he said.

If the FCAT results are released today as planned, will post summary results today and complete North Escambia school by school results Wednesday morning.


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