Ronald Newton Arrested Again — His 14th Arrest In About A Year

June 3, 2010

Just five days after an Escambia County judge refused the state’s request to revoke his bond, Ronald Newton of Century was arrested again Wednesday night. It was the 14th arrest for Newton in just over a year and his fourth arrest in the past month.

Newton, 49, was taken into custody without incident about 10:30 p.m. on Blackmon Street in Century and charged with aggravated stalking, and contempt of court for violating a domestic violence restraining order. His bond was set at $6,000.

Prior to Wednesday night, his most recent arrest was Saturday night, May 29 on Zion Street. Deputies responded to a report that Newton had threatened to shoot  someone. He did not produce a weapon during the incident. He was taken into custody on an outstanding trespassing warrant stemming from an incident a few days prior when was allegedly at an address from which he had been banned. Newton was scheduled to be in court Thursday morning to be arraigned on that charge.

The day prior, May 28, the State Attorney’s office requested that Judge Kenneth Williams revoke bond for Newton on a contempt of court charge for allegedly violating a domestic violence restraining order on May 19. Williams denied that motion and allowed Newton to be released on $2,000 bond.

Williams gave Newton one week — until June 4 — t0 obtain a GPS monitor that would alert the victim if Newton approached.

Escambia County court and jail records show the following arrests and charges for Newton:

April 11, 2007

  • trespassing, charges dropped

August 14, 2007

  • simple assault — 60 days in jail
  • aggravated assault with deadly weapon — charges dropped
  • criminal mischief under $1,000 — charges dropped

April 28, 2008

  • driving while license suspended, first offense – charges dropped
  • open container in vehicle – paid $123.50 fine
  • expired registration – paid $73.50 fine

May 31, 2009

  • battery — charges dropped
  • criminal mischief — charges dropped

July 29, 2009

  • driving while license suspended, second offense — fined $500, suspended 11 months, 30 days in jail

January 8, 2009

  • battery — charges dropped, defendant “mentally defective”

September 1, 2009

  • indecent exposure in public — dismissed due to incompetence
  • lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 — no action by prosecutor
  • lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 — no action by prosecutor

November 23, 2009

  • criminal mischief under $1,000 — dismissed

January 1, 2010

  • disorderly conduct — charges dropped

February 1, 2010

  • battery — dismissed

March 23, 2010

  • trespassing, case pending, pleaded not guilty, released on $500 bond
  • disorderly conduct, case pending, pleaded not guilty, released on $500 bond

April 27, 2010

  • trespassing, case pending, pleaded not guilty, released on $500 bond
  • criminal mischief over $1,000 — case pending, released on $2,500 bond, pleaded not guilty

April 8, 2010

  • littering under 15 pounds, fine and costs of $135 remains unpaid

May 7, 2010

  • aggravated assault — case pending, released on $5,000 bond

May 19, 2010

  • contempt of court
  • criminal mischief

May 29, 2010

  • trespassing


36 Responses to “Ronald Newton Arrested Again — His 14th Arrest In About A Year”

  1. mike on June 8th, 2010 12:49 am

    I know this man. he was a regular at a gas station I use to work at. He really isnt all there. He has mental problems, he doesnt need to go to jail or be out on the street, he needs to be in a place like the Lakeview Center to get some help with his mental and personal problems.

  2. David Huie Green on June 4th, 2010 10:58 pm

    “if yall open yall eyes you can see that he has a mental problem . . . . So what he get form the government he earned it he severed many years THANK YOU!!!
    and SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!”

    It looks like he isn’t the only one.

    What did he sever? Hepefully not heads

    I bet he isn’t as rude as you come across as being what with telling these good people to SHUT UP!!!!!! I could be wrong, though.

    Most agree he’s a bit nutty and a danger to others as well as to himself. Most agree everybody would be safer if he were not walking among us unsupervised. A few insist any consideration of putting him in jail is wrong because he is nutty rather than bad, most don’t care just so he and they are safe from each other.

    Tha’t why I suggest we call wherever he is placed a PALACE, so it won’t be so offensive to folks like you and will still protect him and the rest of the human race.

    David for treating some like ROYALTY

  3. Amused on June 4th, 2010 9:27 pm

    War vet or not, who knows? I have seen this guy in action in a place of business. Crazy as a loon, shell shocked or drugs. You can’t tell, but he is scary. Florida is not a good place to make someone feel threatened if they own a gun. It is only a matter of time until he hurts someone or gets hurt. Then maybe the judges can squeeze in some time between a game of golf, or whatever it is that diverts their attention from real priorities, to give his case some real consideration. I know the deputies are working really hard to maintain control and clean up Century. They have got to have some support from the Judicial system.

  4. lil molino on June 4th, 2010 6:25 pm

    For one if yall open yall eyes you can see that he has a mental problem…He need some help….He also severed in the army to fight for you and i so nobody know what goes on in a person life to make them act the way they do so how about trying to learn about someone before you start judgen them..Ok
    So what he get form the government he earned it he severed many years THANK YOU!!!
    and SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!

  5. Why no better charges. on June 4th, 2010 12:56 pm

    I just don’t get it. They are arresting all of these other people for having meth labs. Surely this guy must have some batteries, or drain cleaner, or fertilizer or something in his house that they can use for evidence.

  6. jack on June 4th, 2010 9:04 am

    He’s kinda like Ernest T. Bass , wanting a uniform , if the county would just give him a green “Escambia County Jail” jump suit , he would be happy and stay out of trouble .

  7. Michelle on June 4th, 2010 7:55 am

    Judge Williams. I hope you never have to live with your consiquences if this man Kills someone.

    If he does. i hope you are charged yourself with aiding and abaiting a known criminal. And you too go to jail. maybe you won’t get a Judge as lenient as yourself and makes an example of you.

    Please reconsider your actions before he takes out a school bus of our children.

  8. Cynical on June 3rd, 2010 11:01 pm

    Aw COME ON!!

  9. LIVING LIFE. on June 3rd, 2010 9:58 pm

    this is just starting to amuse me, i mean look at his picture at the top hes saying “ill see you next week officer”

  10. Amy on June 3rd, 2010 8:37 pm

    What is it going to take this dude actually hurting someone? Obviously he needs help. But to keep putting him out on the streets is ridiculous.

  11. This Person who thinks this: on June 3rd, 2010 8:11 pm

    “Dismissed”, “Charges Dropped” , “Released on bond”…. umm he needs to be taught a lesson!

  12. beth on June 3rd, 2010 7:40 pm

    This situation is more about the lack of mental health care for those with violent or criminal tendencies.
    Our jails do little for those that are injured physically or mentally ill. I know of one young man who was detained on a 3 year old juvenile charge from another state (an unpaid fine of less than $100) and denied care after being in a car wreck in which the car he was driving was broadsided by a repeat felon with drugs in his car and no DL. The felon bonded in less than 12 hours, the kid was in there without treatment for 2 days. His back injury is permanent.
    It’s all about the money and not about caring for those who need it.

  13. JohnMolino on June 3rd, 2010 4:49 pm

    3 Hots and a Cot.

  14. Parentwithabrain on June 3rd, 2010 4:28 pm

    What is it going to take this dude actually hurting someone? Obviously he needs help. But to keep putting him out on the streets is ridiculous.

  15. just peachy on June 3rd, 2010 4:07 pm

    Dear “me”,
    We are paying his bills anyway. He is obviously receives a tax-payer subsidized income, such as SSI or Soc. Sec. Disability, and probably food stamps, and maybe government housing too. When that runs out, he gets put in jail. So, it’s costing us twice as much.
    I love the idea of moving him in next to the judge.

  16. RUserious on June 3rd, 2010 3:46 pm

    This would make a good comedy, if it wasn’t true. There is something really wrong with this picture, and our court system. One word can only describe this situation – RIDICULOUS. If he has a computer, maybe he likes reading about himself online! If wasn’t so good at keeping up with the news and what is going on in Northwest FL. maybe this man would get tired of NOT seeing himself in the news – just a thought;and I’m really just kidding. This is a very sad story, and must be a difficult and embarrassing situation for his family.

  17. Bill on June 3rd, 2010 2:00 pm

    Judge Kenneth Williams is an embarrasment to the position and title he holds. I first hand no his “capture and release” policies, as I was a witness to a violent act where that criminal was immediatekly released as well. I also am a witness to Judge Williams actually falling asleep during a hearing and had to be awakened by a lawyer. Yes, remember that name… dump him at first chance. But, I’m afraid this may be an appointed position because I carry a huge weight to see this imitation of a Judge booted, but have never witnessed his name on any ballot in a very long time.

  18. interested reader on June 3rd, 2010 1:17 pm

    Remember the name- Judge Kenneth Williams – election time let us get this judge out of office Apparently he hasn’t the time to read all the charges on this man and put him somewhere he cannot harm others. Sad to see a case like this where someone is calling out for help and not getting it.

  19. Dan on June 3rd, 2010 11:53 am

    Let’s remember this when Judge Kenneth Williams comes
    up for re-election !!!!

  20. Beth on June 3rd, 2010 9:52 am

    Would someone please help this man. This is insane, I keep paying to put in him jail. Since the citizens are paying for this I think many of us would prefer he gets proper treatment.

  21. Dixie Chick on June 3rd, 2010 9:11 am

    Do you know personally know this guy? How do you know what the 17 year was thinking?You said probably alot in your post which makes me think you don’t know all the details and are jumping to conclusions also. It sounds like he needs mental help. He was charged with assault and battery not once but multiple times.

  22. Splat on June 3rd, 2010 9:06 am

    Him and this other guy that is constantly getting arrested is just down right crazy! The judges need to do something about this because they’re sending a bad message to fellow law breakers!

  23. BGW on June 3rd, 2010 8:52 am

    “judge refused the state’s request to revoke his bond”

    Looks like we need to elect some new judges. The ones in office now are waisting a lot of our tax dollars on their salary and this man .


  24. Believe on June 3rd, 2010 8:20 am

    I truly feel that he wants to be put in Jail, Observing! Why else would he continue to keep getting arrested ? Maybe it’s his way for reaching out for help. Sure is very strange how the Judge reacts to him though!!!!

  25. Kim on June 3rd, 2010 7:51 am

    this is becoming a circus act! Ridiculous is the only word that comes to my mind when I constantly see him arrested. He does have to have a mental problem and needs to be treated!

  26. David Huie Green on June 3rd, 2010 7:37 am

    Obviously some people ARE above the law

    David the impressed

  27. Pcola on June 3rd, 2010 7:37 am

    this is just ridiculous!! shame on you judge! perhaps it’s because of judges like you that we have more nuts running around loose and more crime. SHAME ON YOU! (but, if i ever find myself in trouble, i’m hoping i get you) good grief!

  28. me on June 3rd, 2010 7:30 am

    I don’t really see him as a threat. He’s mentally ill, he learns from the repetition, he’s probably happier in jail. Like I said, he probably doesn’t have anything else. People get restraining orders and trespassing warrants put on him because they think he’s annoying and they don’t want to deal with him. And everyone else jumps to conclusions because of what his charges are named as. Those are VERY broad categories. The biggest problem people seem to have is with the ones involving a minor. Now remember, a 17 year old is a minor too. He probably didn’t do anything to them in the first place, he bothered them as much as he bothered the adults in his quest to find a place to just fit in and they ran and told mommy some outlandish story. If the judge has half a brain he’ll see this, and if he has half a heart, he’ll get him admitted to a mental institution. That’s what this man is begging for. A place to belong. He’s just going at it the wrong way.

  29. MWM65 on June 3rd, 2010 7:08 am

    Makes one wonder who keeps posting bond for him and why???Or why do they give him a bond at all make it no bond and keep him….

  30. cold on June 3rd, 2010 6:44 am

    well i am curious,, if he murders someone are they just going to lock him up for a week… If he needs mental help , give it to him….. Protect the public.

  31. whitepunknotondope on June 3rd, 2010 6:27 am

    Judge Kenneth Williams is inept.

  32. Dag Gumet on June 3rd, 2010 5:16 am

    Seems happy in the pictures dont he…the food must be good at the jail

  33. sad!! on June 3rd, 2010 2:47 am

    Wow he needs help!!! And tha judge should see that!!! Someone I’d gonna get hurt or killed!!!!

  34. huh on June 3rd, 2010 1:03 am

    Any judge that can’t see this man needs mental health, needs help themselves

  35. me on June 3rd, 2010 12:51 am

    No, he doesn’t belong in jail, because we don’t deserve to have to pay for him to stay there. They need to find a mental institution for him, its obvious he’s doing this on purpose. He probably doesn’t have anything unless he’s in jail.

  36. Observing on June 3rd, 2010 12:32 am

    why do people like him get away with this. JAil is where he belongs