Piehl Sentenced To 20 Years For Shooting Over $40 Of Fake Crack Cocaine

June 22, 2010

A Molino man has been sentenced to 20 years in state prison after being found guilty of shooting into an elderly woman’s home in a dispute over $40 in fake crack cocaine.

piehlrobert2.jpgState Attorney Bill Eddins announced that Robert Grant Piehl, 42, of Wilder Road, Molino, was sentenced Tuesday to 20 years state prison as a mandatory minimum followed by 15 years of probation by Circuit Judge Terry Terrell. The 20 year mandatory minimum sentence was required under Florida’s 10-20-Life law as a result of the jury finding Piehl discharged a firearm.

Piehl was convicted on May 6 by an Escambia County jury of three counts of aggravated assault with a firearm, two counts of shooting into a building, and one count of criminal mischief.

Piehl bought what he thought was crack cocaine for $40 on April 15, 2009, on Barth Lane near Molino, according to his original arrest report. But when he discovered the crack was fake, he returned to confront the alleged dealer with a .22 caliber rifle.. He confronted two women in the front yard with the rifle and eventually fired several rounds through the front door of the residence near where the two women were standing, according to the State Attorney’s Office. Piehl then proceeded to the residence next door where he fired yet another round through a window.

As Piehl left the scene he was immediately apprehended by Escambia County Sheriff’s deputy. The .22 caliber rifle and ammunition were found in Piehl’s truck. Testing by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement discovered gun shot residue on Piehl’s hands, according to the State Attorney’s Office.

There was a second man with Piehl at the time his truck was stopped by deputies; charges against him were later dropped.


27 Responses to “Piehl Sentenced To 20 Years For Shooting Over $40 Of Fake Crack Cocaine”

  1. not judgemental on July 19th, 2010 12:55 pm

    first let me say people shouldn’t be judged based on their actions however their actions are to be judged. when a crime is committed, especially one that endangers the lives and wellbeing of others, the person who committed the crime should pay for their mistake. it is unfortunate that this man, as described in previos posts, was a good man who obviosuly just made some mistakes and now has to pay for those mistakes. those of you who described him a this wonderful person – do you not agree that he should pay? isn’t that how people learn? without consequences, what would this world be? its bad enough out there as it is. i am a mother who loves her children very much and so far i haven’t had to deal with anything like this, but honestly if they were to endanger the lives of others, not to mention themselves, then they too should pay. i pray that Mr. Piehl gets the medical care he requires while in prison and that he comes out of this a clean and reformed man who will be able to enjoy the remainder of his life.

  2. David Huie Green on June 27th, 2010 5:53 pm

    I didn’t think it was but folks keep saying things like, “Well, of course he’s on crack. He’s in pain!”

    I figured I must be missing something.

    David learning

  3. David Huie Green on June 27th, 2010 9:43 am

    so one doesn’t lead to the other?

  4. jack on June 27th, 2010 6:36 am

    Hey Dave , crack is not a pain killer , even though it is cocaine .

    When smoked , it give you a very temporary high , maybe like a small burst of energy , that can only be maintained by smoking another puff .

  5. rollin' stone on June 25th, 2010 6:02 pm

    Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they get help. So this is his rock bottom. Be thankful that he is still alive and his rock bottom was not death. When u pray for people, that God will help them sometimes God has to allow them to go through the lowest so that they will b saved. Even though it may not seem hopeful right now, u should still have hope! God is n control! I pray God will mend your broken hearts. It could have ended n death. But God didn’t allow that. There is still time to have a good relationship with him.

  6. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2010 9:52 pm

    So I am asking this question not to condemn or to belittle, just because I am ignorant of the answer:

    Does crack cocaine act as a pain killer?

  7. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2010 9:40 pm

    “XXXXX is a good man. He may have done some wrong, but his good out-weighs his bad. . . . He wasn’t always like this. ”

    (I Xed out the name to avoid gossip.)

    You are what you do. It’s good he was good to you.

    If you do good things, you are a good person.
    If you do bad things, you are a bad person.
    Since most of us do both good and bad, we are mixed up.

    People change–sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, sometimes back and forth.


    “Just having pain shooting up and down your spine into your head, every movement critical. Wouldn’t you loose yourself too?”

    Quite possibly I would, therefore it would be wise of me to not go around armed out of care for others. It would also make me less likely to go to jail or risk hurting others.


    “. . . you should not see him as a “druggie/maniac” but as someone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time . . . ”

    Absolutely correct. With that in mind, though, it would be minimally wise of me to avoid such places and times. Unless you want trouble, you don’t go where you know you will find it. And you certainly don’t start if yourself if you are wise enough to walk the streets a free person.

    David still praying for repentance, treatment, return to good

  8. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2010 9:21 pm

    “David Green…sometimes you are over the edge!”


    True, though.

    David in one of those times

  9. Cuznt on June 24th, 2010 4:55 pm

    I too,have known the general for a long time. I saw what happened to him when he got hurt, ON THE JOB. I also saw how workman’s comp. denied him help,even though he was, ON THE JOB. So, all ya’ll that think he is a nut job need to re-evaluate your own failings. Pain is a great equalizer.

    Terry H. Brown

  10. Maggie on June 24th, 2010 1:40 pm

    I don’t know Mr Piehl and I stood up for him. I will give him my prayers and I will not judge him. I know how this community reacted to my parent on this website, they didn’t know our story and from now on I will stand up for everyone who is being bashed and put down. Please join me in standing up for personal rights and freedom from gossip on each and every news story not just about your love ones but for everyones!

  11. Sweetie on June 24th, 2010 12:08 pm

    David Green…

    I like you, man, but sometimes you are over the edge!

  12. babydahl on June 24th, 2010 12:07 pm

    Grant is a good man. He may have done some wrong, but his good out-weighs his bad. I happen to know him personaly. Unlike some of the rude people who have decided to comment on this page I say shame on you. And to those who understand what this must be like for the family who loves him, i say thank you. This COULD have happened to anyone, so count your blessings. Grant was the one of the ones who tucked me in everynight and read me a bed time story. He loved me like a daughter and i love him like a father. He wasnt always like this. Pain can push someone to a point where they are no longer themsleves. That is what happened to Grant, he IS NOT a “maniac” or a “druggie” just a man who lost himself somewhere. He is in A LOT of pain, more than you imagine or understand. And no one wanted to help him. But to try to help summerize imagine being in pain every second of everyday NONSTOP. Not being able to do things you once were, or being able to go places anymore. Just having pain shooting up and down your spine into your head, every movement critical. Wouldnt you loose yourself too?Just to try to prove my point a little more, people are mean and grouchy when they are tired right? Well inagine being tired everyday because you cant sleep at night because your in pain. Children cry and scream and get angry when they are hurt. Everyone does. I am not saying i think he was right. Not at all, but im saying that you shouldnt judge him by this one thing. And i think that you should not see him as a “druggie/maniac” but as someone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and made some mistakes. As our god once said “those without sin may throw the first stone.”

  13. a friend forever on June 24th, 2010 10:38 am

    Grant is not a maniac!
    Let me tell you about this “druggie.” He is a very kind person that took the wrong path due to his work injury. Years of pain covered up with pian meds. He asked for help and no one would help! Before his injury he was on top of the world! He could do anything! i have seen this man help many people, from taking his coat off in the freezing cold to give it to a friend in need! He would catch fish and give them to the homless people to eat .I was amazed on the fact of how good hearted he is. To all his friends keep him in your prayers and dont forget him. He needs you HE wouldnt have ever did any of this unless he was in his right of mind.Its funny how people fall through the cracks. He asked for help when he got hurt and they did not listen. This probably could have been prevented. But the solution was “Here just pop a pill and it will be alright.” You will feel better! 20 years was not the prescription he needed. Im not saying what happened was the right thing, but if someone would have just listened this may not have happened. dont let another man or woman fall through the cracks! try to help them, and know in your heart that you did try. Our north end of the county is overridden with drugs. And no one does anything! turn their heads and it might go away. But watch out they may get your wife your husband, brother, sister, or even your child. Then who is the “druggie” or “maniac” now? Dont judge people that you dont know, this could happen to one of your loved ones. Pray really hard that it doesnt.
    Keep your head up stepchild, love you!!!

  14. Parentwithabrain on June 23rd, 2010 8:18 pm

    How sad that once again our judicial system has failed. This man needs treatment. Yes, I get what he did could have ended in tragedy. Should he be punished for it? Of course. Twenty years? I do not know this man. But I do know he has a hard road ahead of him. Florida prisons are bad. He and his family will be put through a twenty year ordeal as they navigate the Florida Department of Corrections. There is a support group PrisonTalk.com. I recommend the family joins. There they will learn how to set up a phone, what to do about visitation and how to help him while he is sent far away from those who love him.

  15. Klondike Kid on June 23rd, 2010 6:48 pm

    Miss Mouse, Marcus & DHG, I agree with all of you. Anyone who has had a loved one addicted to drugs, commit crimes and ultimately go to prison knows it’s hard on the offender’s family as well as the offender. As one who has a son locked up now for drug related crimes, I thank God no one was hurt in his escapades. Those who say “Got what he had coming” needs to walk a mile in his shoes, and the family that loves this young man.

  16. Victoria on June 23rd, 2010 3:17 pm

    Never intended to harm anyone? He shot through a door where he knew they were! Drugged out or not, he commited an assault with a deadly weapon. Do the crime and do the time. Though with overcrowding, I’m sure he’ll cry his way out of it somehow. Everyone else is getting out of jail with half time served.

  17. missmouse on June 23rd, 2010 10:53 am

    Yep, you can sure tell the ones who posted their comments who didn’t know this man. He is not just another druggie going where he needs to be! People think if you are addicted to drugs, prescription or not that you deserve to suffer….not always so. He’s spent a year suffering for what he did when he wasn’t in his right mind from prescriptions meds & other things. Yes maybe he needs a few more years, but he is not deserving of 20- to miss out on his family. He never intended to hurt anyone, & yes he may have even though not intentionally, I agree, but those who knows him know in their hearts that he would never hurt anyone intentionally. EVER ………!!!!! People can think what they want of somebody they don’t know. His family will miss him dearly, his mother will likely be buried & gone by the time he gets out. His neices & nephews will all be grown & one beautiful little girl will not get to grow up knowing her fine hearted, gifted uncle. He has a heart of GOLD & I know that the Lord knows what he’s doing. To bad it has to hurt the ones that Love him the most in the process. He is not & never will be a crazed maniac….all of his friends & families know this so go ahead & speak your mind ridiculously if you dont know him. It only hurts you in the end. Not others. No one has the right to judge others…….He will always be remembered best as the great stepchild guitarist, a good hearted person, brother, friend, neighbor, uncle……..wish he could read some of these comments…We LOVE YOU ALWAYS GRANT…….maybe I’ll print them & send them to him someday……PLEASE WRITE TO HIM MARC H.

  18. Marcus Hennington on June 23rd, 2010 5:46 am

    Grant messed up bad. People could have been killed.He’s going to pay a heavy price. Things aren’t always as neat and tidy as you that would judge would like them to be. The man didn’t just wake up one day and say” I’m going to make the biggest mistake of my life”. Those of us who have known him know he would never have done this before he was injured. Addiction to pain killers,depression hopelessness following a dibillitating injury were contributors to this awful mistake.Iv’e seen the man do some of the kindess things for stangers and friends alike. No one I know is completetly good or totally evil.Be careful how you judge people because we will all be judged one day. D.H.G. hit the nail right on the head. Keep your head up stepchild.

  19. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2010 11:39 pm

    “. . . praying for this man who has lost his way. May others are not judge you as you judge him. (? ? ?) . . . Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. The Lord says we should all love one another”

    Yet the Lord makes forgiveness conditional on repentance, otherwise all would be saved and nobody would have to turn from their wicked ways.

    All we, like sheep, have gone astray. But not all stayed strayed.

    But if you insist the solution is to offer a prayer here rather than privately as usual:

    Heavenly Father, we acknowledge our sinfulness and trust only You for our salvation.
    Lord, we thank You that nobody was killed by the slugs he shot into the occupied home. We understand he had let Satan guide him.
    We thank You for the police who risked death to stop him from killing people with his random shots and pray Your protection over them and their families who love and need them.
    We pray this man will repent of such actions by the time he is released on an unsuspecting people sometime in the distant future.
    Please protect the guards who have to deal with criminals on a daily basis so we don’t. Protect their families as well, knowing how easy it is to be killed in the line of duty.
    Please strengthen the taxpayers who have the additional burden of caring for one who didn’t care for others rather than killing him out of hand, thereby showing some of Your mercy.
    We pray he will turn to You rather than pushers for his salvation and guidance.
    We thank You for guiding our politicians to pass a law which will protect others while giving him plenty of time to repent. We pray You will guide them to enact other reasonable laws to protect Your people and the rest as well.
    We pray You give the judges guidance to do justice, apply laws justly, have mercy on the innocent and protect them from those who don’t realize You placed them here for such service.
    Please remind us daily that if we sell our souls to dope, we won’t be able to put it down lightly and we risk hurting most those we love most.
    Please strike us down before we hurt the innocent for any reason, including spite over non-dope dope.
    Understand, not all agree with this prayer but please count it from those who do.
    I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen

  20. Grimace on June 22nd, 2010 10:42 pm

    Grant has always been a good person and I can’t believe he let the dope take him this far down. What is anyone doing about the ‘alleged’ dealer? I’m sure this isn’t the only life (lives) ruined by the people who make their money this way. Fake … what happened did they run out of the real stuff…Really, who sells just fake dope. Use your head people. I pray the police investigate this better and get the evidence they need to do what is right. My prayers are with you Grant, hang in there Brother.

  21. bwayne on June 22nd, 2010 9:08 pm

    I knew this man back before he broke his neck in a construction accident and had to have multiple surgeries. He was okay before that accident, but after having to take all those pain killers, I guess he went off track and just plain stupid. Apparently the drugs he bought were not fake after all since he was totally out of his ever loving mind to do such a thing. He was a talented guitarist years ago. What a waste.

  22. Maggie on June 22nd, 2010 5:35 pm

    As usual we have all of Escambia Countys’ finest citizens passing judgment and name calling — instead of praying for this man who has lost his way. May others are not judge you as you judge him.

    Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. The Lord says we should all love one another.

  23. JJ on June 22nd, 2010 1:13 pm

    Bye-bye, Piehl. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

  24. Oversight on June 22nd, 2010 11:27 am

    Looks like Piehl will get plenty of time to “kick” his habbit over the next 20 years at out expense!

  25. D on June 22nd, 2010 11:12 am

    Second that.

  26. Angi on June 22nd, 2010 10:48 am

    Thank you for getting this crazed maniac off the streets and behind bars where he deserves to be…

  27. geesh on June 22nd, 2010 9:41 am

    another druggie going right where he belongs