Passerby Finds Upside Vehicle On Highway 97; Driver Not Around

June 18, 2010

A passerby found a single vehicle rollover accident this morning on Highway 97 in Dogwood Park, but the driver was not around.

The Dodge Infiniti was found upsideĀ  down Dodge Infiniti behind some bushes along Highway 97 near the southern end of White Ash Road about 5:40 a.m. When emergency workers arrived, they were unable to locate the driver.

The accident had obviously happened some time before it was discovered; the engine and exhaust were cool.

The driver of the Infiniti was apparently northbound on Highway 97 when they lost control, slide sideways off the road and overturned.

The Molino Station of Escambia Fire Rescue and the Florida Highway Patrol responded to the crash. The accident is still under investigation by the FHP.

Pictured above: The driver of this car had left the scene of this Dogwood Park crash some period of time before the wreck was discovered. Pictured below: Firefighters check the interior of the vehicle. photos, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Passerby Finds Upside Vehicle On Highway 97; Driver Not Around”

  1. geesh on June 20th, 2010 12:38 pm

    I’m with you on the traffic cams.

    Thats the only fare way their going to get the ppl who do these things.
    The speeding a nd the wrecks, or is it going to take something horrific
    to happen, like some family with 4 kids in the car being involved in
    some horrible accident to bring that on.

    Of course these hunters here in escambia will just shoot them out.

  2. anydaynow on June 20th, 2010 11:44 am

    pm- I’ve started to comment about the number of serious accidents in that area in several of the accident threads but it seemed inappropriate to make such a comment when people are seriously injured, dead, or missing. Then I thought that perhaps there is just better news coverage on accidents on this website, than there is on the local news. Perhaps some sensors on the roads, or traffic cams are needed in strategic locations on those roads and some serious speeding tickets.

  3. geesh on June 20th, 2010 11:32 am

    Your never going to catch the real problem ppl on 97, like the one guy
    said they have fuzz busters. One car has it, and there are 4 more cars
    with them, thats why they travel in packs like they do all the way down 97
    and onto 29. The have been doing it for years and getting away with it.
    They shove you around if you won’t go fast enough to suit them, and they
    won’t let you slow down to even make your turn on your street. Which includes
    all those nasty yeahoos who drive for the stupid paper mill.
    They follow me and my daughter down 97 and only back off just before
    we turn off onto our street, and they back off before we even turn on our
    turning signal. So they know where we turn they have done it so many
    Thats a sick thing to do at 60 miles an hour with a big truck and a small car.

    I guess that makes them real big men in their eyes if they can shove some
    young girl around in a car. I suppose they also have a gun, another man maker.

    Like I said, your going to have to get smarter than that if you want to catch
    the real problem ppl up here.

    Then of course, your just going to look the other way if it’s somebodies
    relative that you know, or its a huntin buddy.

  4. BrattBrat on June 19th, 2010 7:38 am

    You would think that if Allstate knows Hwy 97 is dangerous (as PM stated) then our county commission, county and state law enforcement would know that. But where are they? I travel Hwy 97 between Walnut Hill and Molino everyday and rarely see a state patrol car. And you will never see a county deputy pull a vehicle over on 97. Hey, if the township of Loxley Police can pull a car over on I-10 surely our county can pull a vehicle over on Hwy 97. I believe it was Rev. Enfinger that said it best “Speed on brother, hell ain’t half full”

  5. Jeri on June 18th, 2010 8:54 pm

    You think that’s bad Nikki? We had a car run under our trailer they had to bring a wrecker to literally drag it out from under the trailer, it knocked my brother who was about 17 at the time out of bed … we lived right around that corner by radio shaq in century, going towards Pensacola and the guy driving just ran, and AMAZINGLY a few seconds later the car was reported stolen this was at about 4am lol, and the guy never got anything for it, because “they couldn’t prove it was him”.

  6. Nikki on June 18th, 2010 4:08 pm

    Once AGAIN, crash and run. There needs to be stiffer laws for this, being as we had the same thing happen in our front yard one night. The owner of that vehicle told LEO that “he just ran on home since he couldn’t find anybody around”. SERIOUSLY!!!! He lived 20 miles from there!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really glad they didn’t go through the fences and let out the horses or even worse, go through our house.

  7. pm on June 18th, 2010 2:44 pm

    Right on Heather. Too bad that is the law in Fl. One of my kids insuracne rates just went on and Allstate told her it was because of HWY.97 and HWY 29. Too many accidents on those roads. If these people who practice agressive driving, speeding, and DUi don’t care about thier own lives, I sure wish they would care about the rest of us. A lot of people have a baby in a car seat that no-one can see. But, i wonder if even that would stop these crazy people from passing on yellow lines, tail-gating, and in general, their blatant dis-respect for other drivers on these roads.

  8. YELLARHAMMER on June 18th, 2010 10:08 am

    Heather you hit the nail on the head.

  9. Joe on June 18th, 2010 9:25 am

    on most days reading NE.C is better than a mystery novel.
    Mark Twain said it best “why should’nt fact be stranger than fiction, after all, fiction
    must make sense”
    I am sure this story will unfold and the plot will thicken and there will be many questions left unanswered. that is if the story is the truth, otherwise the story will all fit together nicely and be wrapped up with a bow, and ready to be spoon fed to the unsuspected masses…..
    keep us posted William, this is another good one!

  10. Heather on June 18th, 2010 8:29 am

    A ticket for leaving the scene is cheaper than a DUI , but somehow I bet the driver knew that already………

  11. whitepunknotondope on June 18th, 2010 6:50 am

    Whoever owns that car is going to be doing some explaining to the police.
    Or it could have been stolen….