Walnut Hill Man Jailed After Active Meth Lab Found In Davisville (With Photos)

June 4, 2010

The discovery of a meth lab Thursday night near Davisville landed a Walnut Hill man in jail, facing multiple felony charges.

Scotty Wayne Wiggins, 30, of North Pine Barren Road, was charged with manufacturing methamphetamine, trafficking in methamphetamine, possession of a listed chemical and possession of drug paraphernalia. He remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $100,000.

According to Heath Jackson, a narcotics investigator for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, deputies received at tip about 7 p.m. Thursday that a meth lab was being operated behind a home on Pine Barren Church Road in Davisville. When Deputy Tod Day investigated the complaint, he found what appeared to be a meth lab in a wooded area behind a home that did not belong to Wiggins.

Jackson and fellow Narcotics Division Investigator Rene Reguindin responded to the scene. They tested the suspected meth, with field tests confirming the illegal substance.

“It was an active lab with no finished product,” Jackson said, pointing at a plastic bottle of liquid. The lab components were removed by a hazardous materials team from Tallahassee.

Pictured top and bottom: Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Division Investigators Rene Reguindin (left) and Heath Jackson (right) perform field tests on a suspected active meth lab found Thursday night in Davisville. Pictured inset:  Some of the meth ingredients and drug paraphernalia recovered by deputies. NorthEscambia.com exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Jailed After Active Meth Lab Found In Davisville (With Photos)”

  1. robert on June 8th, 2010 2:39 pm

    i’ve knnown Scotty since high school and wouldn’t have figured on this happening with him. i am glad to hear that he has made it into a rehab facility and i hope and pray that it works. hopefully everything will turn out for the best and for him to realize this is not the way to go.

  2. whitepunknotondope on June 8th, 2010 12:02 pm

    “white punk = Bill Maher = idiot!

    we are not in the netherlands, we are not the dutch. it’s people like YOU that cause so many problems with our society.

    go and hang out with your professors and the tom cruises of the world.
    “free thinkers”, you are in for a rude awakening one day.”

    really, unless you actually have something intelligent to say about this subject, you really shouldn’t be playing on the computer, really!

    Nothing you wrote makes any sense. I’m not Bill Maher. I’m not Tom Cruise. I’m not a professor. Free thinker? When were you born, 1492? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

  3. a worried mom on June 7th, 2010 2:32 pm

    I am Scotty’s mom,and i just wanted to say that He is in rehab,AND I PRAY THAT NO OTHER MAMA HAS TO GO THROUGH WHAT ME AND HIS DAD IS GOING THROUGH.Please keep us and scotty in your thoughts and prayer.

  4. Heather on June 7th, 2010 2:29 pm


  5. interested reader on June 6th, 2010 2:58 pm

    Scotty if you really want to change your life this is your chance. Make your family proud and do the right thing. Give up this way of life, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop making excuses and turn your life around. Do the time and tell yourself you will never see the inside of a jail cell again. There is help for you if you will turn your life around. Who knows how many more chances you will get.

  6. oh well on June 6th, 2010 8:53 am

    being poor is no excuse
    I was probably raised just as poor if not poorer than you
    we had trouble eating many times in our lives
    didn’t have clothes to wear to school in sub zero weather

    I started working at 14 and I never stopped

    Don’t start thinking your the only one that had it rough
    or knew how to work.

    I worked 18 hour days for 10 years at one time during my life
    and almost ruined my health, because I wanted something
    better for my children,

    It’s a matter of choices buddy.
    Nobody put a gun to your head and made you do what you did.

    And nobody will be talking about you next year if you start now being
    a decent citizen.

    It’s a matter of cholce when you want to make ppl proud!

    Or you want to destroy you and everyone around you!

    If your daughter means that much to you, good for you,
    do it for her.

    And good luck to you!

  7. its me ernest t on June 5th, 2010 11:33 pm

    Yea I’ve been poor my whole life with nothing but a habit. You beat back one habit just long enough to start a fight with another one. I was working an honest job and worked harder in one day than most of you have worked in your whole life. You can say what you want, but there is only going to be one that will judge me in the end. I have a daughter that I love very much and she knows that. Ive had a lot of embarrassment from my actions and I am sorry that my family has to claim me. I’m also sorry to give the town something to read about when you buy a newspaper that isn’t worth $.75, so eat a bowl of rice after you read it and go to bed that way there won’t be anything on your mind or stomach. All I can do here on out is start over.

  8. really? on June 5th, 2010 11:13 pm

    white punk = Bill Maher = idiot!

    we are not in the netherlands, we are not the dutch. it’s people like YOU that cause so many problems with our society.

    go and hang out with your professors and the tom cruises of the world.
    “free thinkers”, you are in for a rude awakening one day.

  9. Pcola on June 5th, 2010 9:22 am

    I agree with Chumuckla Proud…Legalize it…it WOULD stop a lot of the problems we are seeing in relations to drugs…and it doesn’t mean that you can go to work stoned or what-not…you would still have drug tests, it would be the same…I see lots of good things that could and would come from legalization…most of which has already mentioned in previous posts…

  10. oh well on June 5th, 2010 8:21 am

    Boy to I get what your saying
    C. Proud and White punk,

    They legalized drugs in switzerland or sweden or somewhere also,
    and it stopped a lot of problems over there.
    They just hand them there drugs.

    I don’t think it would cure everything, but ppl wouldn’t be killed driving
    down the road for the quarters in their pockets anymore so some druggie
    could have just one more hit.

    They wouldn’t hang out on the beach anymore and accost ppl in
    the bathrooms and the phonebooths and so on they way they
    do down south.

    If you don’t have to kill someone for the drugs, thats a big help, and
    when you have to break into someone’s home to get something to pawn
    and you catch them….what then. That means someone is going to
    get hurt.

    As to this guy being a good guy…..
    BULL this guy stopped being a good guy and being someone that
    YOU know the first time he did drugs and decided to keep doing it.
    It’s just a matter of time before he hurts someone for his drug habit.

    Your right tho, I do hope he gets the help he needs.
    You and I just probably don’t agree on what the help is I’m a offering. lol

  11. David Huie Green on June 5th, 2010 12:09 am

    “And the very BASIS of these restrictions is the Christian religion, and the belief that certain people know what’s best for others.”

    Most people who consider themselves Christians–aren’t. And the belief that others should not be allowed to do that which people should not do is not limited to Christianity. A friend once told me how easy it was to get a riot started in India by getting the Hindus worked up over the fact that people shipping live cows to Iran were sending them there to be killed. (Other Hindus hired Muslims to butcher cows for them to sell to foreigners, there is variety within all religions.)

    Lenin, Satlin,Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot had millions of people killed for not following Communist doctrine or simply for breathing.

    Idi Amin killed hundreds of thousands for not being good Muslims like himself.

    Hutus and Tutsis killed millions for not being Tutsis and Hutus.

    Oh, and I almost forgot Hitler killing millions for being Jewish, homosexual or Roma. Despite what you may think, Hitler did not do it as a Christian.

    People want everybody else to do what is right and tend to think whatever they personally do is right and anything else is wrong. They pass laws to force compliance.

    Those who want dangerous drugs outlawed do so out of desire to protect people from their own tendencies. It’s not really wrong to want to help your neighbor even if he doesn’t want your help.

  12. David Huie Green on June 4th, 2010 11:52 pm

    “so if its that easy then if they legalized robbing banks then we wouldnt have any bank robbers?or if their was no legal action against murder we wouldnt have any murders ”

    You wouldn’t have bank robberies if there were no money in banks. Crime tends to follow profit.

    The problem with murder is that it involves hurting other people. This is different from actions which only hurt the person acting.

    And let’s be honest with ourselves, do you really think most killers expect to be caught and punished? I suspect most murders would be eliminated if killers considered the cost of lawyers and lost wages and if they expected to be caught. Remember, most people do not like to murder in front of witnesses. Not all, but most.

  13. David Huie Green on June 4th, 2010 11:46 pm

    “Things like “probable cause” and “right to privacy” are a huge hindrance to the good work that our law enforcement people are trying to accomplish.”

    You are absolutely right.

    If the police could break into anyone’s house without needing a reason to do so, they would catch a lot more people doing things in the privacy of their own homes.

    I know you trust ALL police, but would you REALLY want any of them allowed to kick in your home at any time on a whim?

    Even assuming you weren’t committing any crimes, you might prefer to shower alone.

    David hoping to spare officers an ugly sight
    and that’s just from me

  14. R U Serious on June 4th, 2010 7:43 pm

    It was crack but now looks like meth is taking over!!!! So sad either way u look at it!

  15. z on June 4th, 2010 5:57 pm

    so if its that easy then if they legalized robbing banks then we wouldnt have any bank robbers?or if their was no legal action against murder we wouldnt have any murders because they would all kill eachother?guess i dont follow you.

  16. Heather on June 4th, 2010 5:48 pm

    I agree with Dannette,I know Scotty personally he would never hurt a soul!He is a good guy with a very bad problem.He needs help,He doesnt need to bashed for it.I dont condone drugs whatsoever,Scotty has been crying out for a long time for help but the goverment makes it so expensive to try and get help.He was hurting himself,it’s a fight nobody knows unless u have had to fight it yourself.And I imagine a bunch of ppl in this lil town of ours is NOT perfect,So instead of running him down how about pray for him that he can get the help that he needs wants and deserves.Everybody deserves a second chance.

  17. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 3:52 pm

    Whoa, whoa people! I DID NOT SAY legalize drugs and just hand them over to all who want it. There would still be education AGAINST drug use for the youth and education about the health consequences of drug use. I am saying that if it were sold the same as cigarettes and alcohol but with stricter governing on age, etc., there would be no reason for cartels, gang wars, etc….The chinese have opium dens..those who wish to spend the rest of their lives addicted to opium frequent the dens daily. Those who wish to die addicted to drugs can do the same here. I am not saying to tell young people it’s okay….don’t be ridiculous in arguing this point..I am saying that if it were available OFF the streets to ADULTS who chose NOT to clean themselves up..then so be it!

  18. whitepunknotondope on June 4th, 2010 1:30 pm


    Because here in America, we’re all about restricting people’s ability to make choices for themselves. We make laws restricting people’s rights to things that should be left to their individual discretion. And the very BASIS of these restrictions is the Christian religion, and the belief that certain people know what’s best for others.

    If we didn’t operate on such a holier than thou=smarter than thou, we wouldn’t have half the issues we have now. But we don’t operate that way.

    Look at the comments here, geez look at two poster’s screen name:

    No, to drugs!
    No, to legalization of drugs

    These two folks (and millions just like them) think they know what’s best for you and me and everybody else. So long as THEY don’t agree with something, it shouldn’t be allowed. How many people on here think it’s ok to ban alcohol sales on Sunday? Let me hear a roll call!

  19. Danette on June 4th, 2010 1:09 pm

    Ok…I understand that we need to get drugs off our streets! This young man that you see in front of you is a good person. Drugs have over ruled his life for awhile now and has tried many of times to come off…He was not hurting anyone but his self. Drugs our easy to come by in North Escambia as someone has plainly said. I know Scotty personally and he would never harm anybody but himself. I feel sorry for him, because deep down he was wanting to get caught so now maybe he can get the help he needs. In our family there has been alot to get caught with drugs and to me, the system has failed the way it works. My brother in law went to jail for 7 years for his 1rst offence. I see rapist and murders going for only 2, Does that make since? Pray for this young man that he will get the help he needs!

  20. whitepunknotondope on June 4th, 2010 12:59 pm

    This is interesting. I think that the real problem in this country is not drug use, legalization or education. It’s our ingrained ATTITUDES about drugs. We are a historically Christian nation. The Christian principles by which so many of us are raised are a huge part of this. Let’s take a look at The Netherlands.

    The Dutch see the use of drugs as a health matter, similar to the use of tobacco and alcohol, and in fact not very distant from problems of obesity, alcoholism and tobacco smoking.

    Dutch drug policy is unique in the whole world. It is directed by an idea that every human being may decide about the matters of its own health. The Dutch consider this rule as fundamental, accepting for example as the only country in the world, the possibility of the controlled suicide (voluntary euthanasia), for terminally ill patients.

    So I posit that our problem with drugs in this country is largely the result of our instilled moral system that is in turn largely based on the Christian principles.

  21. No to drugs! on June 4th, 2010 12:46 pm

    We need to ask ourselves, why use drugs in the first place? Find the answer to this and it may help. No need for drugs = no one to sell to! This like anything else it is demand driven. Legalizing drugs will only create more addicts!

  22. Thinking out Loud on June 4th, 2010 12:18 pm

    I don’t see how legalizing drugs can help the situation. It’s bad enough our young people now get drugs without a problem. With this theory we will be saying it’s okay if you want to do drugs. I am not sure what the answer is, but just to hand them over is crazy! I think cracking down on the growers and sellers should come first. Quit slapping them on the wrist and sending them back out into society. If anyone gets in the way of the maffia, they get rid of them maybe the government will have to follow suit. I know that is crazy, but this drug thing has just gotten way out of hand and I wish there was a solution. I think it has to start with the big wigs (whoever they are)

  23. the realistic one on June 4th, 2010 11:54 am

    one more crack head with more bills to pay ,,all they gonna do is charge him some fines and turn him loose so he can cook some more ,,

  24. No to drugs! on June 4th, 2010 11:00 am

    ■Chumuckla Proud

    This would help the problem ? HOW?

  25. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 9:56 am

    Wendy and No To Legalization of Drugs…..you just don’t get it…we have already LOST this battle…now all it has become is an act in futility! Our prisons have become overcrowded with drug dealers and abusers, our law enforcement is so seriously understaffed it is frightening, we are losing our kids to drugs by the thousands, and the cartels are growing richer and more brazen by the day….

    I realize that law enforcement is doing the best job they possibly can do under these circumstances, but for each drug dealer/user they arrest, 10 have been released from prison because of overcrowding and go back to their same old habits.

    If people insist on killing themselves because of their drug habits, then let them do it legally and take the money out of the hands of the cartels, gangs, and street dealers!

  26. Wendy on June 4th, 2010 8:53 am

    Chumuckla Proud,
    You said, “It makes me think that perhaps legalization of all of these drugs would put a stop to this mess once and for all.”

    You must understand the real value of many of our laws is not to eliminate behavior, but rather to provide a way to abrogate many of the excessive “freedoms” these criminals currently have. Things like “probable cause” and “right to privacy” are a huge hindrance to the good work that our law enforcement people are trying to accomplish.

    If we can convict this man on this or any other felony, law enforcement will then have much more freedom to monitor his behavior and enforce the law upon him. Once convicted, he will then have a full dossier at the FBI and that information will be available to all law enforcement agencies.

    It is important that our government’s law enforcement agencies gain this enhanced level of control over many more people than they do today. We will all be safer and enjoy a more rewarding life. It is a fact that these criminals benefit from control. It helps them to improve their lives.

  27. whatdoyouknow on June 4th, 2010 8:04 am

    Haha, what do you know. People act like this is new. Now, I don’t understand why people would want to do meth however. Haha, and the fact its at a house on a church road, that is hilarious.

  28. No, to legalization of drugs on June 4th, 2010 8:02 am


    This just doesn’t make a bit of sense, we have legal RX drugs that are being abused now. Just because they are legal it will not stop the crimes that goes along with it, as long as we have addictive drugs then there WILL BE ABUSES!!!!!

    Its the addictive nature of drugs that makes it wanted, and they will do or pay any amount for it! This is followed by crime.

    The only way to stop this, is to not start it in the first place. We must do ALL in our powers to stop the trying of drugs. Fight the real fight on the war on drugs, not to simply say “no to drugs”. Doctors should REALLY LIMIT the writing of prescriptions for addictive drugs. Most are not needed in the first place or they wouldn’t be selling them for profit. How many times do we see the same person arrested over and over again to just go back to doing it again?
    We always want to blame the seller of drugs, which WE SHOULD, but the user MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their actions too!

  29. whitepunknotondope on June 4th, 2010 7:46 am

    If this is North Escambia, it must be meth!

  30. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 7:21 am

    Meth labs popping up like dandelions in our rural areas…marijuana crops being raised illegally by our farmers…drug lords and czars with ties to Al Quida..gang members killing over drugs..all because of the lure of big money.

    It makes me think that perhaps legalization of all of these drugs would put a stop to this mess once and for all. If the drug addicts insist on killing themselves, allow them to feed their habits at government run facilities (like the Chinese opium dens). Once there is no demand and no big money to be had, it will all end.

    Just a thought ..and no, I do not condone drug use but do think this is the only way we will ever end it!

  31. omg!!! on June 4th, 2010 7:03 am

    What has happened 2 our area!!! This is so sad!!