Latest Oil Forecast Map Shows Escambia, Santa Rosa Landfall By Saturday

June 3, 2010

The latest oil trajectory maps from NOAA shows oil making landfall in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties by Saturday.

Click the map to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Latest Oil Forecast Map Shows Escambia, Santa Rosa Landfall By Saturday”

  1. Chumuckla Proud on June 3rd, 2010 11:18 pm

    Did anyone see where this mess will travel to if it gets into the loop? Not only us here in Escambia and Santa Rosa but the entire coastline of Florida, then into the Atlantic and over to Europe. What a tragic mess…and all the while Chavez and the Arabs laughing at us and rubbing their greedy hands together, knowing full well we have now become truly dependent on foreign oil.

  2. Sadaboutthismess on June 3rd, 2010 9:33 pm

    Sigh pointing fingers is really pointless. I feel the blame doesnt fully lay on BP or our leaders. We should blame ourselves. Our greed in our need for oil has our country drilling off shore. If you own a home larger than you need or drive a SUV and dont even consider car pooling, take on some of the blame. I blame our leaders and oil companies for squashing alternative energy programs. Oil companies wouldnt be off shore if didn’t demand the oil in the first place fools.

  3. Bruce Watson on June 3rd, 2010 8:57 pm

    This lack of solution is BP’s fault, but not the accident, nor would it be any other oil companys’ fault. The enviro idiots and the Obamamites have forced us out of our own country and 40 miles out to sea to drill for oil. What if you were forced to drive 100 vice 60, are you gonna blame Ford for all the traffic deaths. If you voted for that moron, expect this to be one of many disasters to come.

  4. huh on June 3rd, 2010 7:50 pm

    Collette are you nuts? The tree huggers were right, if it had been closer to the beach, it would have been much worse.

    They shouldn’t be drilling near our shores at all, and this is why, lack of real regulation and safety procedures.

    Maybe you should explain to the people really effected by this on the coast, that you somehow think sarah palin would have saved the environment by drilling right off the beach, thats good to see everyday huh

  5. Collette on June 3rd, 2010 6:52 pm

    This is a result of not being able to drill closer to the shore or Anwar. What do you all think Sarah Palin has been fighting for? The oil industry is so heavily regulated they can’t drill where it is safe. How’s it working for you tree huggers?

  6. Gigi on June 3rd, 2010 4:38 pm

    I hope BP gets shut down for good for this. This is ridiculous. The oil industry should be so heavely regulated like everything else. There should have been protocols on top of protocols for what to do in an emergency like this. And yet they are sitting around just grasping at straws for ideas on how to stop it. This is crazy..

  7. Molino Resident on June 3rd, 2010 4:17 pm

    It’s so sad! It’s a damn shame. It’s tragic. It’s going to get worse. Lord have mercy!