Hometown Recipe: Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie

June 27, 2010

We get a lot of requests for recipes at NorthEscambia.com, so over the coming weeks, we are going to give you a chance to sample a few different recipe columns.

Today, we have the “Just a Pinch” column from Janet Tharpe. Janet features the best in hometown recipes from across the country. Today, its a Browned Butter Cookie, a chocolate chip cookie that is not your average dessert. You can click the image below to load a printable pdf with a recipe card.

If you like the idea of weekly recipes here on NorthEscambia.com please let us know. Email news@northescambia.com or enter a comment at the bottom of the page.


9 Responses to “Hometown Recipe: Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie”

  1. art on June 29th, 2010 6:32 am

    does anyone remember the amish friendship bread/cake from a few years ago? it was the rage and you had to get a “starter” from a friend and consequently the starter grew and grew as you made the recipe each and every week. wound up making oodles and oodles of these things each week that we had to give away. it got to be craziness, but they really were delicious. probably best i lost the recipe and the “starter”… ;)

  2. Lady in FL on June 28th, 2010 3:54 pm

    I worked at The Apple House and Bakery in Walnut Hill with my Mom and Pop in law the Peters. She taught me a LOT of little secrets and recipes. Happy to share! :)

  3. NHS Parent on June 28th, 2010 6:48 am

    Sounds like a great idea.

  4. Millie on June 27th, 2010 7:57 pm

    Looks yummie, I would like a blue pie resciepe…

  5. Sue B on June 27th, 2010 5:57 pm

    No one can make a better chocolate chip cookie than my sister. She has perfected a recipe. Many fans here.

    We have some very very good local cooks here too.

  6. Audrey on June 27th, 2010 4:22 pm

    Love the idea. Let’s get the party started!

  7. Lady in FL on June 27th, 2010 2:37 pm

    This is great….as you can’t have too many new recipes. However I believe that there are plenty of us ‘hometown” ladies who would be willing to share some “tried and true” recipes, which would make this column unique and more personal. I have about 2 million I can share ! LOL

  8. Angela Rowell on June 27th, 2010 9:22 am

    Recipes are always a good thing. Keep ‘em coming!!!

  9. LULU on June 27th, 2010 8:04 am

    I, for one, love reading and trying new recipes. I WILL be trying this one, it sounds wonderful.