Grimes Facing Felony Drug Charges After Traffic Stop

June 12, 2010


A Century man was booked into the Escambia County Jail Friday on two felony drug charges stemming from an April traffic stop.

Javis Cain Grimes, 25, was charged with possession of drug equipment and possession of a listed chemical. On April 29, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies stopped Grimes in his pickup on Highway 4 near Byrneville.

During a search of Grimes’ pickup truck, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies found pseudoephedrine pills, rubber tubing, starter fluid and other potential meth-making ingredients, according to a Sheriff’s Office arrest report by Deputy Jason Land.

trafficstop10.jpgAt the time of the traffic stop, Grimes was only charged with driving with a suspended license and release from jail on a $500 bond.  The warrant for Grime’s arrest on the drug charges was signed this week by an Escambia County Judge.

Grimes was released from the Escambia County Jail on $40,000 bond. He has already pleaded nolo contendere to the traffic charge and was ordered to pay a $166 fine by October 12, according to court records.

Pictured top: Hydrogen peroxide, salt, pseudoephedrine pills, rubber tubing and a digital scale — some of the potential meth-making materials deputies said discovered during a Byrneville traffic stop  April. Pictured bottom inset: Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit Investigator Heath Jackson bags the items as evidence. Pictured bottom left: Javis Cain Grimes. file photos, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Grimes Facing Felony Drug Charges After Traffic Stop”

  1. tedd on June 16th, 2010 7:46 pm

    He struck again today on June 16 How does this boy keep getting out?? other folks who does nothing gets more time and higher bonds than somebody making meth? He needs help

  2. tryingtokeepquiet on June 15th, 2010 2:48 pm

    I have known this boy for a long time. He was once a very nice, sweet kid, but somewhere along the line he got led in the wrong direction. Lord knows his mom tried to teach him right from wrong, as she did with the other kids, but some children are just rebellious, as he is. He needs help. He needs for someone to NOT come and bail his butt out of jail everytime he gets busted. He’s not only hurting himself by making this crap but he’s hurting others who he sells to. STUPID! I myself am getting tired of seeing his picture on all the time. Let’s see some good news from him, for once! Wouldn’t that be nice?

  3. Splat on June 14th, 2010 1:30 pm

    He doesn’t look like he is a drug user….

  4. who cares on June 14th, 2010 12:02 pm

    Lock him up before he hurts somebody.

  5. Angi on June 13th, 2010 3:57 pm

    OMG! You have got to be kidding me!!! I think this guy loves getting his photo taken, hen must be one of those you would called “photogentic”… Seems like everytime I get on NE his face is on here. They really just need to lock his butt up for the rest of his life, he is constantly into trouble!!!

  6. sad on June 12th, 2010 10:48 pm

    I agree he should go to jail. Maybe he can get some help. I wish some of these other women and men would get jail time. Many go to drug court and get a slap on the hand and do it over and over again. I wish that female or male would have to go to jail and work on the chain gang, I do not understand hw many of these drug heads can steal and steal and steal. Go to drug court and get a slap on the hand. They alll need to go to jail and drug cour AT THE SAME TIME. At least one year for first time. If they have children make them repay the money that the state has put out on the children while thy are in jail.

  7. oh well on June 12th, 2010 10:45 pm

    Another kid that didn’t get the right values and messages for whatever
    reason. He made wrong choices and now will pay with many years
    of his life if justice is served in this case.

    I always wonder if temptation is just to big, or if parents just aren’t doing
    their jobs.

    I had to wait in an office today for over 2 hours, that was a waiting room.
    A lady was in there with her son which looked to be about 4 or 5.

    She sat on a seat and let her son run all over the room, and annoy everyone
    in it, and he never shut up the whole time. There were books there but
    she didn’t have him look at any, or read to him, or try to control him in any
    way except one time, and two seconds later he was back at the same
    thing, bothering everyone else, and her sitting down where she couldn’t
    even see him and not saying a word to him.

    Ppl if you don’t teach them how to sit calmly with their hands folded in
    their laps in public places, then they will never learn it. If you don’t teach
    them when their young to have respect for others, then they will never
    learn it. If you are not in charge when they are 4, you won’t be in
    charge when they are 14, and baby thats when
    ( all you know what)
    will break loose.

    The really horrible thing is, this kid will pay because you were in
    charge and didn’t do your job.

    Why have children if your to lazy to do your job.

    Don’t get me wrong, i know some ppl do great jobs and their
    kids still get in trouble, but if this sounds like your kid then
    you aren’t doing your job and he will end up on drugs, because
    you didn’t teach him anything. Respect for himself and others
    begins at home at the age of 2.

    Sorry I didn’t really mean to rant….
    I just hate to see so many kids selling and doing drugs, and
    I feel quite certain if we told our kids the horrors of doing drugs
    from the age of 5, as many times as we tell 5 year olds to go outside and play, maybe they would understand not to take the first puff, or that first pill, or
    that first snort, or that first drink, or that first whatever.

    Thats all, I’m done!

  8. Reader on June 12th, 2010 9:41 pm

    I hate to say this but it’s about time. Seems like as long as I can remember he has always had his hand in some type of trouble. One less drug dealer and user out on the streets. Some people will never learn and he is one of them.

  9. Are you serious on June 12th, 2010 8:56 pm

    No telling how many lives he has helped to ruin.. I hope he gets the maximum sentence which still will be not long enough. Good riddance.

  10. Chumuckla Proud on June 12th, 2010 4:21 pm

    This note is directed to Sad. Yes, I am sure at Carver he may have been a “kind” boy, but he is also a criminal. By manufacturing methamphetamines he is putting lives at risk every day. He may have been kind…but he is also very stupid! He deserves jail time as punishment.

  11. oh well on June 12th, 2010 3:30 pm

    elmer fudd
    you said a mouth full, there is nothing left for me to say

    I just hope some judge doesn’t think he just needs redemption and takes
    pitty on him.

  12. interested reader on June 12th, 2010 3:14 pm

    I hope Mr. Grimes is in really big trouble. Seems like it’s just too hard to get a real job. He needs to let the county or state support him for a long time. Just think how many people will not be able to get his drugs if he is in jail. It will be money well spent to put him away.

  13. Teresa on June 12th, 2010 1:52 pm

    GRIMES STRIKES AGAIN…………….Hopefully he gets put away for a long time….or he will Escambia Sheriff’s Dept busy

  14. Elmer Fudd on June 12th, 2010 1:03 pm

    Yeah, he needs help alright. Read the story. He practically pulled $4,000 out of his pocket to get out of jail. How many of you hard working honest people could come up with $4,000 in one day. This should tell you the story. He is selling dope for the same reason Exxon sells gas, to make money. About 40 years in prison should be about right.

  15. sad on June 12th, 2010 9:35 am

    I know Javis from working at Carver. He was always a kind boy. I hope he will get the help he needs. I will be praying for him and his family.

  16. Dag Gumet on June 12th, 2010 8:35 am

    He is going bye bye now I betcha…I am tired of seeing this guys picture on here…is there an award for the most photographed…sure is !…10 years in the joint
