FCAT Results Released For Escambia, Santa Rosa

June 29, 2010

FCAT scores for 2010 were released today by the Florida Department of Education, and they were mostly good news for Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.

Over all, Escambia County’s scores had  slight decreases in reading for grades 4, 5, 6 and 9; math for grades 5 and 9. Compared to last year, there was improvement in every other subject and grade level test. The most significant gain was in writing, with the percent of fourth graders scoring at grade level or more increasing from 81 to 89. Eighth grade writing scores increased a full 10 percentage points from 85 to 95 at grade level or above.

Santa Rosa’s scores decreased overall for reading in grades 4, 5, 6 and 8; in math for grades 6 and 7 and 11th grade science.  Compared to last year, there was improvement in every other subject and grade level test Santa Rosa’s writing scores increased from 85 percent of fourth graders at grade level las tyear to 94 percent this year. Writing scores improved from 94 to 97 percent for eight grade and 80 to 97 percent for tenth grade.

It should be noticed on the dramatic increase in students at grade level in writing that the standard was decreased this year from a 3.5 being grade level last year to a 3.0 being grade level this year.

Individual student results will not be available for another week or so, according to Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.

In an automated telephone call to the parents of Escambia students Monday night, Thomas urged those parents not to contact their child’s school with the release of today’s school report. An additional automated call in the coming days, he said, will notify parents when they can pick up their child’s paper report.

“It is the school district’s desire to release your child’s FCAT scores just as quickly as possible,” he said.

NorthEscambia.com will have complete school by school results for each area school on Wednesday morning.


6 Responses to “FCAT Results Released For Escambia, Santa Rosa”

  1. JohnMolino on June 30th, 2010 1:39 pm

    I posted this on another thread, but it applies here as well.
    The FCAT is used as a collective grading scale for schools in Florida.
    Notice the word collective? That’s a socialist and communist term used to describe the masses and forgetting the individual.
    Not good.
    As Americans, we think of the individual first and foremost.
    We are NOT a democracy….Also known as mob rule.
    We are a country of laws that protect the individual. A Republic.

    Any time you start seeing this type of collective creep into our methods, you should be worried. Very worried.

    Schools should be ranked or graded by the individual students grades. To rely on the government to rank our schools or collectively award or discipline a certain school is not good.

    I trust our schools teachers to teach my children. If you think about it, that’s a boatload of trust I give them. Fact is, we have outstanding teachers in Escambia County. My experience with Ernest Ward Middle School, with two kids attending there, has been outstanding. Not to brag, but one is straight A’s Honor Society (just graduated,on her way to West Fla. Tech HS) and the other is AB Honor roll. I don’t want my kids collectively categorized. If they are having problems, I want them addressed as an individual and not as some sort of community collective agreement.

    Now, having already said I trust the teachers, let us now ask the question, “Do I trust the Government?”
    No. Sorry.
    As a 50 yr old conservative American, I have been watching the Government for a very long time. My own party has let me down recently causing me to now become an independent voter. Our President is a admitted Socialist and at best a conman, so this entire collective ranking system fits him quite well.

    Rank our childrens schools on the individual students GPA, Not by some institutionalized government sponsored test.
    Last I heard, Florida is still in the USA.

  2. NewThough on June 30th, 2010 7:09 am

    Yea let’s stop the FCAT and any other way of measuring how well or not well our public education system is working.

    If we don’t keep score then no one will worry, complain, or advocate change.

    Powerful Teachers Unions would love that

  3. pm on June 29th, 2010 2:11 pm

    gonna catch a lot of flack for this – but my sister (a retired teacher) told me the 2 worst things schools ever made her do was 1.) Teach self-esteem – every one is special – well when they get out in the real world they learn they are not special and most employers will not treat them as Special. Kids should learn good values at home and have loving parents that teach them proper behavior and how to learn (help with homework, etc. 2.) Teach exclusively for scores on FCAT – then kids learn how to take a test (maybe) and the teacher has lost their ability to bring new ideas and challenges to thier pupils. Then when the FCAT scores come in parents claim bragging rights – ” Nanny Nanny boo boo – my kids smarter than yours.” She tells me that happened a lot. Too bad for the average or below average kid. She is very happy to be retired and not have to do any more of this kind of teaching. But, she is a better person than I, she did it for 34 years.

  4. sick of this fcat on June 29th, 2010 12:53 pm

    all you people want to see is numbers how about the human side of it ? are kids are being effected does anyone care about them??

  5. sick of this fcat on June 29th, 2010 12:50 pm

    do away with the fcat then no one will have to worry about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Rob O on June 29th, 2010 12:08 pm

    When we register our children for school we submit our email addresses, how about you just send them to us and save the paper, gas, time. Those who didn’t submit an email address can then go pick them up.