Farm Bureau Seeks Veto Overrides on Ag Bills

June 3, 2010

The Florida Farm Bureau on Wednesday asked House and Senate leaders to override vetoes by Gov. Charlie Crist of two ag-related bills.

The first (HB 981) would have let large property owners keep agricultural tax breaks while trying to sell their property for potential non-agricultural uses. The legislation may have affected some ongoing legal cases, and was opposed by some of the state’s property appraisers.

In his veto message, Crist said he was concerned “about making it easier for developers to take advantage of a program intended to protect Florida farmers from facing financial pressures to sell their land.” The farm lobby says that’s not an issue.

The second bill (HB 7103) would have, among other things, kept local governments from levying fees on ag land already regulated by the state. Crist vetoed both measures last month.

House Speaker LarryCretul, R-Ocala, speaking at a Marion County Farm Bureau event on Wednesday said he was puzzled why Crist vetoed the measures, which both passed overwhelmingly, but couldn’t predict whether the House could get a two-thirds vote to override Crist.

“But I know it’s enough of a concern that people are looking at it, and talking about it,” Cretul told Southeast AgNet. The Legislature hasn’t overridden a veto since 1998 when it overturned vetoes of abortion legislation by then-Gov. Lawton Chiles.


One Response to “Farm Bureau Seeks Veto Overrides on Ag Bills”

  1. Chumuckla Proud on June 4th, 2010 10:55 am

    Charlie Crist’s agenda is for the benefit of Charlie Crist, always has been, always will be. Mr. Tanned Man and his $200 hair cuts and designer suits.