Escambia’s War On Oil In Full Swing

June 11, 2010

The battle to keep oil away from Escambia County shores was in full swing Thursday night.

Crews responded to a reported plume of oil 12 miles from Perdido Pass Thursday night, possibly with plans to set fire to oil.

“One option may be to try to burn some of the plume.  If they decide to burn off some of the oil, you may see a glow in the Gulf along the horizon,” said Sonya Daniel, Escambia County spokesperson, late Thursday night.

Earlier Thursday, tar balls and sheen were reported to be coming through Pensacola Pass an into Pensacola Bay. Boom was set in Pensacola Pass as the majority of oil in the pass was collected by skimmers, Daniel said. Pensacola Pass is the entrance into Pensacola and Perdido bays. The Coast Guard authorized the closure of Perdido Pass so boom could be deployed.

Pictured above: Boom in Pensacola Bay; the Pensacola Bay Bridge and Gulf Breeze can bee seen in the background. photos, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Escambia’s War On Oil In Full Swing”

  1. oh well on June 12th, 2010 11:10 pm

    They were stupid from the get go.
    The dispersant they sprayed said it all. They didn’t get rid of the oil, they
    just thinned it out a little. Do you know what that means? That just means
    they took what was contaminated water and made it multiply so there was
    more contaiminated water.

    The stuff they sprayed it with was even hazardous to your health and

    How stupid do you have to be. When you spill a can of coke on your sofa
    do you sop it up, or do you pour a bottle of bleach on it. Of course you
    dont pour bleach on it. You know it will just wet it down worse and
    the bleach will ruin the fabric, and the coke will still be there. If you
    don’t have anything that will take the coke out you don’t pour anything on
    it and make the problem worse.

    Just like with anything, your first job should be when you have a problem
    and your going to take action, your first rule should be ….

    Do No Harm!

    These ppl are idiots! Thats why they made this mess in the first place.
    This was one of the safest oil rigs ever made, but did they do what
    they knew they needed to do to keep it safe? No, they did everything
    they knew they shouldn’t do, because they were going for some kind
    of record break, so they took every chance in the book.

    Now you’ll all pay. American economy will take another huge hit, and
    if we keep letting big business run the show, the old money machine
    will soon make us a third world country, where everyone is broke, and
    all the ceo’s and politicians will have left the country and be living like
    kings on some little island in the south pacific with maid service
    and emerald waters.

    That is if they don’t destroy the whole world trying to clean this thing up,
    and what if they never get this stopped. What if we loose the entire ocean?

  2. John Bryan on June 12th, 2010 3:23 pm

    Allowing oil companies is the only smart thing Obama has done since he has been in office. Litlle did he know BP was going to throw process and and safe work procedures and policy out the back window. He is tight that America needs the fuel and quit being dependent on our enemies we empower by giving them billions in oil revenue.
    Now they just need to revisit law and policy for deep drilling. It is going on all over the world. Drilling dangers can be minimized and impact of event can be minimized if prepared and all systems are tested and BELEIVED when instruments indicate the kicks they were taking during the day.
    And yes some people shoud be indicted for murder or man slaughter. Their penalty should be harsh for their bad business decision.

  3. =) on June 12th, 2010 12:04 am

    You’d think they could make taller boom, ya know, so the stuff wouldn’t be sloshing over it.

  4. So on June 11th, 2010 12:13 pm

    Why get all bent out of shape at BP for making a mistake? So it cost a little to help clean up. We did not give them a stimulus package.

    Obama has put a lot more people out of work and out of thier homes and closed more businesses than BP. Now I am having to pay for the mistake of millons of squirel feed that voted for him.

    The real tragedy is the eleven lives lost.

  5. huh on June 11th, 2010 10:09 am

    Its amazing to see pensacola try to ’save face” by telling people to fish and swim, while others are in hazmat suits cleaning up the oil.

    No way would I swim in that or come to the beach, and anyone swimming in it is nuts. Those chemicals BP sprayed into the ocean are probably very bad for your health considering the reports.

    The fishing industry and tourism is ruined , and its a great shame.

  6. YELLARHAMMER on June 11th, 2010 7:12 am

    William you need to go to Fort Pickens for some good pictures. I am working out there and there is a lot of activity.