Escambia Health Dept. Offers Summer Tips

June 26, 2010

The Escambia County Health Department is reminding North Escambia residents that it is important to avoid becoming dehydrated with hot summer temperatures.

The Escambia County Health Department released the following information:

To avoid becoming dehydrated, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, especially water even if you don’t feel thirsty. This is particularly true on days when temperatures reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and higher. Depending upon your physical activity and heat exposure during hot weather, it’s a good idea to drink more water. Health experts have found that fluid requirements vary from person to person. Persons who have medical conditions such as kidney and heart disease, who require a fluid restricted diet, or who have problems with fluid retention should consult a physician before increasing their consumption of fluids.

  • Babies from birth – 6 months: It is best to keep infants indoors on hot days. If they must be outside, talk with your pediatrician about the additional water they may need.
  • Babies from 6-12 months: Breast or formula-fed babies that are receiving solid foods should also be receiving water. It is best to keep infants indoors on hot days.
  • Children 12 months and older: should be reminded to drink fluids, preferably water throughout the day. They should be encouraged to drink more on hot days.
  • Adults should drink: When exposed to temperatures reaching 90 F and higher, depending on physical activity level and heat exposure, adults should drink even more water.

Knowing the signs of dehydration and knowing what to do, is very important. Signs of dehydration include thirst, weakness, nausea, muscle cramps, feeling dizzy and light headed, decreased urine levels and/or urine that has a strong odor or is darker than normal, tiredness, sluggishness, irritability and headaches. All, some or none of these signs may be present so the best way to avoid dehydration is to monitor water or fluid intake and modify activity or reduce the length of activity according to weather conditions.

Don’t wait for the dry mouth, flushed skin, headaches, lightheadedness or fatigue. You should prevent dehydration by drinking fluids throughout the day. Help to avoid becoming dehydrated by staying out of the direct sun, wearing light colored loose fitting clothing, limiting physical activity, and using fans when available.

If you suspect you are becoming dehydrated, get to a cool or shady area and sip cool water or fluids. If your condition does not improve, seek medical attention immediately.


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