Elmira Gandy Crapps Passes Away At Age 103

June 12, 2010

Friends and family are mourning the loss of one of North Escambia’s oldest residents.

crapps20.jpgMrs. Elmira Gandy Crapps passed away Thursday at a Pensacola hospital. She was 103.

Born in Butler County, Alabama, in 1907 to John Oxford and Victoria Black Gandy and married for 65 years  to William Haynes Crapps, she was a member of Poplar Dell Baptist Church for over 75 years.For 45 years, she and her husband operated a successful trucking business, Gulf & Southern Transport, in Century, providing hauling services for timber, lumber and equipment.

Crapps lived an active lifestyle, even continuing to drive until she was well past 100. She never had children.

She was the third member of her family to become a centenarian. Her father, John Oxford Gandy lived to the age of 108. In 1973, the Florida Legislature named the Gandyville community after him. Another member of the family, a cousin, also lived to be 108.

In an interview on her 102nd birthday, Crapps said her secret for a long life was the love of God. “I’ve been blessed by the Lord and walk with him,” she said.

Funeral services for Mrs. Elmira Gandy Crapps were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Petty-Eastside Chapel Funeral Home with the Rev. Robert Gandy and the Rev. Mitch Herring officiating.

For the complete obituary, click here.


7 Responses to “Elmira Gandy Crapps Passes Away At Age 103”

  1. interested reader on June 14th, 2010 12:19 pm

    What a grand lady. Our prayers go out to the family. The picture and story of her birthday party will be treasured by people who knew her.

  2. Uv Gotoo B. Kiddingme on June 14th, 2010 8:57 am

    Talk about swimming in the deepest end of the gene pool!!!! 3 in the family have lived over 100 years??? Wow!!!!

  3. Julie Booth-Moran & Century Pharmacy on June 13th, 2010 1:06 am

    Mrs. Crapps set such a wonderful example for each of us to follow on “how to live life”. She was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. She loved God, she lived Christ’s way and was always so cheerful and pleasant. God’s light truly shown thru her eyes and in all her ways. She was a very blessed woman to have had so many years not only in quantity but also quality.

    Our prayers go out to her family. May God be with each of you during this time and may you each know that God’s love will get you thru this -one day at a time.

  4. Paul on June 12th, 2010 11:34 pm

    Sounds like a sweet Lady. Notice She never had Children, unlike me with 2 teenagers sending me to an early grave!
    I had a great Uncle that lived till 104 years old. He had a passon for fried foods, tobacco and whiskey, but made it till 104. He had NO kids either…
    Go figure!

  5. =) on June 12th, 2010 9:45 pm

    She was such a sweet lady. I never knew how old she was, she doesn’t look a day over 70, I’m sure that would have made her smile, as it would any woman. May she rest in peace. She left one heck of a legacy in her wake. God bless.

  6. Courtney W. on June 12th, 2010 3:22 pm

    WOW That’s a long time to live!

  7. David Huie Green on June 12th, 2010 11:04 am

    she was a good woman