Durell Peaden Endorses Greg Evers To Take His Place In Senate

June 29, 2010

Greg Evers won a major endorsement Monday from Durell Peaden, the man that currently holds the Florida Senate District 2 seat.

“Greg is a true conservative who will serve the people of Northwest Florida well, and I am happy to give him my full support and endorsement,” said Peaden, who is leaving office after 10 years due to term limits.

“With Greg’s leadership, Senate District 2 will have a staunch and powerful advocate in the Florida Legislature. He will work hard to fight the current culture of big government that’s taking place in Washington and get Florida back on track and out of the hands of out-of-control government and spending.”

http://www.northescambia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/gregevers.jpg“I am grateful to Senator Peaden for endorsing me in my race for Senate District 2,” said Evers (pictured). “He has served the people of Northwest Florida proudly, and I look forward to continuing his good work in the legislature and stand ready to carry on his pro-life, pro-Second Amendment and pro-business banner. Senator Peaden brought real conservative values and principles to the Florida Senate for 10 years as true public servant and, if elected, I intend to carry on that legacy.”

Evers faces Mike Hill, a graduate of the Air Force Academy and a small businessman, in the Republican primary.


5 Responses to “Durell Peaden Endorses Greg Evers To Take His Place In Senate”

  1. Diddleysquat on June 30th, 2010 3:53 pm

    JohnMolino: I also trust teachers, in general. There are teachers who are not as motivated as others. If you don’t know the Principal, your child is more likely to be taught by one of the less motivated teachers.

    Before the test, students were graduating from high school who couldn’t read, do fundamental math, or put together a coherent sentence. We may still have these problems, I’m not sure.

    I do know that I have looked at many sample tests and I have never seen anything on them that a student didn’t need to know in order to function in todays society.

    I doubt that any teacher is able to provide individual instruction to all students. While I don’t like the term “Collective”, I’m assuming the teacher must put together instruction for the class as a whole.

    I’m with you on the distrust of the government, but I also do not trust the Teachers Union.

    I agree the teachers at Earnest Ward are excellent.

    Congratulations on your kid’s success. I love to hear of kids doing well.

  2. JohnMolino on June 30th, 2010 1:31 pm

    I don’t know Mr. Evers. I have seen his billboards holding a shotgun and his NRA membership deal…
    Mr Evers, We conservatives of Americans are well aware of the RINOS in America. RINO=Republican In Name Only.
    Let’s hope you are not one of them.

  3. JohnMolino on June 30th, 2010 1:23 pm

    Lets take a look at that, shall we?
    The FCAT is used as a collective grading scale for schools in Florida.
    Notice the word collective? That’s a socialist and communist term used to describe the masses and forgetting the individual.
    Not good.
    As Americans, we think of the individual first and foremost.
    We are NOT a democracy….Also known as mob rule.
    We are a country of laws that protect the individual. A Republic.

    Any time you start seeing this type of collective creep into our methods, you should be worried. Very worried.

    Schools should be ranked or graded by the individual students grades. To rely on the government to rank our schools or collectively award or discipline a certain school is not good.

    I trust our schools teachers to teach my children. If you think about it, that’s a boatload of trust I give them. Fact is, we have outstanding teachers in Escambia County. My experience with Ernest Ward Middle School, with two kids attending there, has been outstanding. Not to brag, but one is straight A’s Honor Society (just graduated,on her way to West Fla. Tech HS) and the other is AB Honor roll. I don’t want my kids collectively categorized. If they are having problems, I want them addressed as an individual and not as some sort of community collective agreement.

    Now, having already said I trust the teachers, let us now ask the question, “Do I trust the Government?”
    No. Sorry.
    As a 50 yr old conservative American, I have been watching the Government for a very long time. My own party has let me down recently causing me to now become an independent voter. Our President is a admitted Socialist and at best a conman, so this entire collective ranking system fits him quite well.

    Rank our childrens schools on the individual students GPA, Not by some institutionalized government sponsored test.
    Last I heard, Florida is still in the USA.

  4. Diddleysquat on June 30th, 2010 5:56 am

    I want to keep this test. So, when the previous poster said that “No One” wants this test. That is not true.

  5. sick of this fcat on June 29th, 2010 10:53 pm

    sso what can you do about the fcat ??? no one wants this test . its only hurting our kids !!! why dont you read some of the comments on this web site.
    so if your for the public then why dont you and others that are in office listen to us the public??????