Driver Dies In Early Morning Pine Barren Road Crash

June 21, 2010

A Pensacola man was killed in a single vehicle accident early Monday morning in the Christian Home community.

The Florida Highway Patrol said Joshua Herring, 23, of Pensacola was northbound on on Pine Barren Road south of Breastworks Road about 2:50 a.m. He lost control of his 2004 Jeep as he traveled around a curve, hit a tree and spun around into a wooded area. Herring was pronounced dead on the scene by emergency personnel. There were no passengers in the vehicle.

According to the FHP, Herring was not wearing his seat belt, and results of alcohol testing are pending.

The McDavid and Century stations of Escambia County Fire Rescue, Escambia County EMS and the Florida Highway Patrol responded to the crash.

For more photos from the accident, click here.

Pictured top: The driver of this vehicle was pronounced dead following an early Monday morning wreck. Pictured below: Firefighters work to reach the vehicle. photos, click to enlarge.


68 Responses to “Driver Dies In Early Morning Pine Barren Road Crash”

  1. Sadie Janes ( R.I.P Wesley Kyle Powe) on March 1st, 2011 5:28 pm

    Im so sorry to here about you loss! My prayers are with you!
    I know this is a hard time and its been a few years and me and my family still miss Kyle. He was my 21 year old cousin and as “daddy’s girl” said… people trash talk when they dont even know anything about it. <3 so just dont listen to them. Im praying for you.

  2. stephanie mccullough on June 26th, 2010 3:52 pm

    My heart goes out to the family of joshua i didnt know him very long but just the short time i did i seen a very caring, vibrant, loving person. i could see the loyalty in his eyes. i had the Honor of being there while they laid him to rest. My only regret is that i wish i couldve known him alot longer. May God Bless and keep this young mans family and comfort them… I am very sorry for your loss……..

  3. Cecilia K on June 25th, 2010 12:27 pm

    To Stephen and his Family,
    I’m a co-worker in CA, first of all I want to give my deepest sympathy to you Stephen for the lost of you son and to your Family, and to give you a bit of hope that even though you lost your son, you will see him again that’s why Jesus Christ gave his life, in order that- all that believe even though they die will live again. Again my deepest sympathy for your lost.


  4. Denae on June 25th, 2010 10:28 am

    Dear Sir: Thank you for your service in Iraq. While most people sit here and *itch, moan and complain, you saw fit to actually go contribute to the world. I don’t know what circumstances contributed to your untimely passing, but it does not matter. You served your country – you are spoken VERY highly of by your comrades, and I wish you peaceful rest for eternity. Thank you so much for what you did to make sure I wake up every day and have the freedom to speak, work, drive, go to school, or whatever I choose. Thank you.

  5. Jim Stascavage on June 24th, 2010 6:20 am

    My condolences and prayers to Josh’s family and for the repose of his soul. I was his commanding officer in Iraq. Josh was professional, dedicated and upbeat, despite conditions you can’t imagine unless you’ve been there. I was proud of his service and that of all our Sailors. He made many friends, and they will cherish their memories of him. Fair winds and following seas, Shipmate!

  6. myria on June 24th, 2010 5:45 am

    I served with Josh in Iraq, too. He was an awesome guy, one of those that brightened everyone’s day. He will be sorely missed, but like i said on facebook, Only the good die young and he proves that to be true. RIP Josh, it was a pleasure to know you, and my thoughts and best wishes to the family left behind

  7. Shenandoah Turner on June 23rd, 2010 11:12 pm

    Wuanita, I served with your son in Camp Bucca Iraq, NPDB-Ramidi. He was a good kid. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. He’s gone too young. A lot of our unit is on Face Book, he’s being remembered and sorely missed. You have my prayers. Shen Turner (Pottorff)

  8. sean on June 23rd, 2010 11:08 pm

    i served with josh in iraq. his personality was mear exact image of my own, naturally we got along famously. josh will be missed by all of npdb ramadi but always rembered as the hilarious, charismatic, headstrong sailor that put a smile on our faces and stories of life to get us through our 16 hour days. “when i die i know im going to heaven…cuz ive already spent my time in hell” – a quote from our rifle covers. my prayers go out to his family.

  9. a mother to a mother on June 23rd, 2010 9:46 pm

    My heart goes out to this mother and the family. I can only imagine how they must be hurting. I am a mother of a 21 year old and a 25 year old. I have spent many hours worrying about something like this happening to one of mine and just the thought of it is unbearable. My prayers are with you. May God comfort you in the days ahead of you.

    To everyone else, I do not see why you have to question how fast he was driving or why he was out so late. A young life was taken by this accident and a mother, father and family are grieving. This is all that matters.

  10. Kaylon on June 23rd, 2010 8:31 pm

    My thoughts and prayers goes out to Josuas wife Samantha and children Paige Gabriel and to all of his family.

  11. Mary Smallwood (Lamar's Mom) on June 23rd, 2010 7:16 pm

    This is every mother’s nightmare. This is what I dreaded everytime Lamar took off in his Mustang. I am so sorry this had to happen to you and your family, but I pray God will give you peace and alow you to treasure every moment you shared.

  12. Michael C. Meadows on June 23rd, 2010 6:18 pm

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Josh’s family and friends. I don’t know if this has any bearing to comments above but if you don’t know the guy and exactly what happened please just keep the comments to your self!! This young man worked for me and I will tell you he was a great SAILOR and PATRIOT. He did an IA tour in Iraq and then came back state side where I got to know him well before he moved on to his next duty station. I was proud to know this man and proud to say he was my friend. You will be missed Josh.

  13. Jose Pando on June 23rd, 2010 5:55 pm


    I served with your son in Iraq. We worked in the same place for the time we were in Camp Bucca, Iraq. He was a great guy, really funny and always about having a good time. When we had a break here and there we would play spades, or ping pong on a table we made. I remember this one time there was a rat running around in our room and him and my supervisor at the time, killed it and placed it inside my glove while I was out getting something to eat. When it was time to get back to work, I grabbed my glove and put it on without looking inside and sure enough, my hand was all over this dead rat hahaha it might sound pretty nasty, and it was, but now that this happend, its nothing but good memories that remain. May your son rest in peace and my prayers go out to all his family.

    much love and respect,
    AO2 Pando

  14. Ryan on June 23rd, 2010 12:14 pm


    I served with your son here at Tinker AFB. I am SOOO sorry for your loss. All of us who knew him are in shock here at Tinker. He has touched more lives across this country and the world then you may know. I remember the last time I spoke to him like it was yesterday. I pray you and your family find peace in these saddest of times.

    Petty Officer 2nd Class Ryan Greer

  15. sue on June 22nd, 2010 10:07 pm

    dear juanita and family,
    i did not know josh, but i am a mom and i know this is a nightmare for you. You are a strong lady, loved by so many, use these people to give you comfort in the time ahead. Above all, lean on God, for he will get you through, let him put his arms around you and hold you, cry to him, get angry at him, he can take it. Trust him. I love you, and i am so sorry for your loss

  16. Steve on June 22nd, 2010 4:00 pm

    I haven’t read all of the e-mails, but I didn’t find any that mentioned his father “Steve”. Other people were mentioned………can anyone confirm that “Steve” is his father? My e-mail address is “”. Thank you.

  17. Firends from Robinson, IL on June 22nd, 2010 1:39 pm

    Wuanita, Jeff and the rest of Josh’s family and his friends, we want to let you know how sorry we are for this tragic loss. Our thoughts will be with you and your sorrow is felt accross the miles.
    Friends from Illinois.
    Sue, Eddie, Linda and Wink

  18. MsLori on June 22nd, 2010 11:36 am

    Sam and Paige. My heart goes out to you two. I know Josh will be dearly missed and I pray your family and Josh’s will somehow find peace. Follow your faith and trust in God. His promise to us far outweighs any good thing here on Earth. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you all. hugs*

  19. Iluv2gripe on June 22nd, 2010 11:19 am

    Mr. Chris Hawkins is the epitome of what country people are like. His offering of his property for a memorial and free upkeep thereon is a prime example of what type of person we should all strive to become. My sympathy to the family of this veteran, may he rest in peace.

  20. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2010 10:11 am

    good driving, many are the times I have given the road to folks who had decided they needed it more than I did.

    David for sharing
    or at least getting out of the way
    from those who can’t

  21. Jerry on June 22nd, 2010 9:33 am

    I’m sorry for the loss of this young man and the hurt his family has to go through in the future. There are a lot of comments involved above concerning what he was doing out at time of the night, in my experence it doesn’t matter what time of day or night it happens to be, accidents happen. I’ve seen more than my share and I still question how it happened and why this person was chosen to be involved. My belief concerning this young man was God needed another Soldier for His Army, period. I salute the young man and will continue to pray for his family.

  22. geesh on June 22nd, 2010 7:59 am


    I didn’t say anything disrespectful about this poor boy.
    I logged on and was shocked that somebody else was
    killed in the early morning hours.
    My meaning (which obviously was lost on you) is that
    it’s horrible that so many drivers are losing their lives
    on these country roads, and the fact that I don’t understand
    why they are out that late and this happens.
    I worked nights for 10 years and never saw this kind of thing.
    It just seemed to me every time we log on in the morning
    lately that somebody else has died.
    I’m sick of that….thats all.

    As far as I’m concerned, me being sick of that show’s that
    I care.

    Not sure why you took such exception to it, but I’ll not appologize to
    you as I didn’t say one thing that I feel is disrespect to this boy or family.
    I didn’t say he was drunk, or on drugs or anything. I just keep wondering
    why these things keep happening.

    May this young man rest in peace.

    I’m just sick to death of the senselessness of it!

  23. lets get serious on June 22nd, 2010 7:36 am

    what a loss,how can people say anything bad about a loss of life,a dad a son.What is wrong with people today?

  24. Deborah D in Pensacola on June 22nd, 2010 7:00 am

    Wuanita, Brandy, Mom, Pop, Jeff, Wanda & everyone else in the family,
    I loved my little buddy Josh. I will miss him tremendously as I remember. He was a loyal soldier and a dedicated father. I will forever cherish the moments & laughter I had with him. Wuanita, my kindred spirit, I am with you and love you. Josh, I love you so much and will miss my bear hugs. May you rest in peace and walk in the grace of the lord.

  25. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2010 5:00 am


    sorry for your loss

  26. Sharon Waldron on June 22nd, 2010 1:44 am

    People, this young man was hero for our country, he served in Iraq, while so many sit around drinking and lord knows what. As a mom of a Marine, I honor this young man and may God welcome him to help guard the gates of Heaven. As a parents of our Military, we see the young men and women going through so much, enduring the heat, and extreme conditions as we sit in air conditioning complaining about our day. Until you have have walked in this young mans shoes you need to keep your unkind comments to yourself and look at your own children and look into the mirror and judge your own home. We wait and endure while our sons and daughters fight for your freedom and you are quick to judge. Honor this young Hero and show him the respect we should show our veterans.
    God Bless this family and help heal this tragic loss of a young man.

  27. ghendricks on June 22nd, 2010 1:35 am

    Wuanita, I am very sorry for you loss.

  28. (Angelz) on June 22nd, 2010 1:24 am

    My prayers are with this family. I know the tow-truck driver who had to remove this jeep. He was upset after everything he called me crying… Everyone on here that wants to comment about he was speeding he was drinking why was he out so late up to no good let me just say this remember that as you point that finger there are 3 pointing back at yourself on your own hand …and just for the record i am on the road everynight from 10pm until 12 midnight as me husband has to be at work at 11pm am i a bad person no have i ever gone over the speed limit? yep and i guarentee everyone of you that commenting negitatively have also… Josh Thank you for your service in for our country so that hateful people and everyone else still have the right to bad mouth any and everyone they dont agree with May you rest in peace

  29. Wanda Brown on June 22nd, 2010 12:56 am

    Joshua was my Nephew,the son of my twin sister,a father to 2 beautiful little girls,a brother,and a friend to all he met. His Death is the most devestating thing I have ever had to deal with. My family is torn apart. Regardless of the time of the accident a young mans life was taken too soon. I hope that nobody has to endure the agony of losing a family member this way. If his death teaches us anything it’s that all of us are living on borrowed time. God put us here and eventually he will call us all home to him. Please people cherish every minute of you and your loved ones life here on earth.I don’t know why this had to happen to Joshua, I find peace in knowing that god has a plan for us all,he just called Joshua home earlier than we expected. God bless everyone that posted on this forum. Go out and tell your children how much you love them,call your parents,call your wife or husband and let them know how cherished and loved they are. We are laying Joshua Herring to rest at Fort Barrancus National cemetary in a service with full military honors on Friday June 25th. Thank you for all the prayers that you people are sending.

  30. Julie Booth-Moran on June 21st, 2010 11:41 pm

    To Wuanita and family,
    Having lost my first husband in a tragic car accident on a local road, I understand the pain, the questions that come; although, I’m sure it’s not near the same as losing your child. The pain still hurts and the questions still lie unanswered and some are best left alone. God is our protector and I have found He gives us what we need to know,as we need to know it.
    We may never know what happened. But rest assured, the words that you spoke …you know your son is saved”-that is so Powerful! There in lies the peace & comfort. It is was awesome to hear that a mother knows her son was saved. God bless you and your family in this difficult, dark time, but know that the clouds, will pass, the rain will stop, and the sunlight of God’s love will shine thru. Let God hold you thru the coming days-one day at a minute at a time… Whatever it take…lean on Him and He is there.

  31. concerned citizen on June 21st, 2010 10:56 pm

    my condolences go out to the family in which this had taken an effect on.

    I personally believe that it is any outrage when people have nothing better to do than to make rude and obscene comments about peoples tragedies. I also believe that North Escambia should take the comment sections off of the website. People need to respect the boundaries of those and understand that they are going through a hard time,and if they can not understand that than they should not be writing anything at all.

  32. Tina on June 21st, 2010 10:21 pm

    I know this is tragic and everyone has an opinion, however I know the family that was left behind and when you comment on someone you did not even know please keep that in mind!!

  33. Wuanita on June 21st, 2010 10:11 pm

    This was my Baby Boy A son that I loved dearly.. he was also my best friend.. To those of you who want to know why he was on the road so late he was on his way back home(Crestview) form being with his girlfriend .. He was part of the US Navy and servered in Irag . With all that he went thru over there is is hard to believe he had to come on and die in a sensless accident.. If you have never lost a loved on to this kind of tradegity then you have no Idea of the pain and suffering I am going thru.. It is as if a part of me has gone away for ever no more hearing I love you Mom.. Eveyone of his family Sisters, father. Aunts and Uncle will be here as we lay him to rest on Friday at Barrankas Cemetary on NAS Pensacola… One of the hardest parts was making to the arrangements for having to say Goodbye forever Thanks to the person that offered the memeroil on his property.. I will be out that way sometime tomorrow to set something up.. God has taken him home for he has better things planned for my son Josh.. It is I that will have to find peace for the rest of my days on this earth without my loving son.. God Bless everyone for their prayers for me & his family.. to the rest of the negatie peooples comments,, God says what goes aroung comes around ten times fold.. I hope these people will never have to endure what I am goikng thru at this time.. My son is saved and he will rest in peace with God by his side..

  34. molinojim on June 21st, 2010 9:34 pm

    I’m very sorry for the family and friends. I know accidents happen—the driver is tired after working a double—some times had a drink or two—having an animal in the roadway and trying to miss it—and on and on. But so many times it comes back to driver error. I was north bound on 97 this a/m and it was raining, I was driving 50-55 mph. A small white truck was behind me northbound also. No lights on and was late for something I guess, because he kept trying to pass me on the section that has a lot of hills. He was pounding on his steering wheel and swinging out wanting to pass but was unable to because of southbound traffic. I reach a place I could pull off safely and let him go on at a high rate of speed (as a good by he flipped me off). I know this fellow will be written up on Northescambia some day—death or hurt.

  35. Carl & Sylvia on June 21st, 2010 9:14 pm

    When people read about a tragedy like this why can’t they just say a prayer for the family . People start off right away wondering about all sorts of things that could have caused the accident. It happened and there is nothing you can do about it, so don’t dwell on that, just pray for the love ones.
    I am so sorry for your loss, and may God lift you up in the days ahead and give you peace, comfort, and strength to go on.

  36. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2010 6:21 pm


    You are right. I apologize.

    You had actually made my point that people aren’t just cutting people down when they seek answers.

    David who was wrong to “?”

  37. Ashley Rodriguez on June 21st, 2010 5:46 pm

    I don’t care what anyone says , to the comment “t” made i just wanna say i dont know about you but what “geesh” said was pretty rude to me and if you dont like what i said then oh well cause to me that was pretty rude . And i know the family that lost him he has a two year old daughter and people that love him and miss him dearly , so i dont care what anyone says if someone wrote something negative on here like what “geesh” said then they will hear from me .. To me that was un called for he should have kept it to himself thats all.

  38. interested reader on June 21st, 2010 4:30 pm

    Our prayers are with the Joshua Herring family. May God hold you in His arms and comfort you in this terrible time.

  39. EMD on June 21st, 2010 4:25 pm

    Isaiah 57:1

  40. Mom on June 21st, 2010 4:21 pm

    Those picture are compelling. One could hardly tell that was a vehicle, and I never would have pegged it a Jeep. My sympathies go out to this man’s family. I wonder how fast he was driving to do that.

  41. ? on June 21st, 2010 4:01 pm

    Thank you, T. At least someone got my point. And David Huie Green, if you would have actually read my comment, you would have noted that my statement “It is not nearly as negative as you want to make it” was referring to the comments made. Not the accident. DUH!!!!!

  42. Brian Belle on June 21st, 2010 3:45 pm

    I came by there at 4 am from work and did not know what was going on at the time because they had the road blocked! after i picked up my truck and tried to go home i could get through and i could not even see the car! so there are many reasons to be on the road at this hour and not all of them are bad! i grew up 100 yards from this wreck and this is the 3rd one in 37 years in about the place! God please be with the families of this young man! and people think about what you say because family of this victim will probably read it!

  43. Marcelle on June 21st, 2010 3:23 pm

    What a sad day for this family. Everyone needs to remember them in their prayers.

  44. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2010 2:53 pm

    “Accidents happen…my husband works a swing shift and FREQUENTLY is on the roads at 3:30 am……”

    Absolutely, sometimes you HAVE to be on the roads at all hours of the day and night. Even so, there are some things which make it safer for your husband and more likely he will return home alive and well. Some roads are safer at higher speeds, some are only safe at low speeds. Some places tend to have animals out on the road; knowing the road situation helps.

    And if you don’t HAVE to be on the roads late at night, you will be safer if you CAN avoid them. There is limited vision, more animals out and some of the people you share the road with are operating at reduced capacity due to sleepiness and other problems.

    One thing which helps is to remember posted speed limits are absolutely maximum safe speed under perfect road, visibility, vehicle and driver conditions. When the roads are wet or sandy or foggy or anything else which can create problems, keep in mind that it is NOT illegal to drive slower.


    ” It’s not nearly as negative as you all want to make it. . . . It is not nearly as negative as you want to make it. ”

    A good man is dead, how much more negative do you want to make it? Unless you somehow think wrecks just HAPPEN, there are probably things which he could have done differently and been alive right now. Maybe not, but maybe.

    If there are solutions, discussing them might save some other life. If you know anyone who does any of the things which might get them killed while driving, you are not showing respect for the dead or the living by keeping that knowledge to yourself.

    Oh, sure, you shouldn’t say, “He must have been drunk,” because accidents happen in which drinking was not involved–around half of them, I believe. But alcohol and other drugs are SOMETIMES involved in fatal accidents and it is good to remember that fact and pass it on to those who seem to not know it yet. I’m not even pretending to know if it were involved here but FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK is a true statement.

    People who care for people watch out for each other. If you see a friend or even an enemy driving too fast, let them know it is dangerous for them. If you see someone not paying attention, let them know there are dangers. They’ll probably snap at you but it’s worth it if you can save their lives.

    It’s not negative to care for others.


    “If anyone has an answer to this problem please let us know. We advised our daughter to buy her home out there and now wish we had not. ”

    She can drive safely if she is simply careful. She will never be completely safe because there are others on the road who may not be paying attention but she can be as safe there as anywhere.

    Talking to others can distract her whether it is in the car with her or on the cell phone or worst of all: texting while driving. We all talk while driving, but we need to make allowances for it by putting more distance between us and other vehicles and holding up when we see a crowded situation ahead.

    The main thing is that you realize we need answers to a problem, not just a particular situation.


    “I don’t know if a deer ran out in front of him or if he was simply on his way home from work or what, but it is my wish that people would drive slower at dusk and after dark. Maybe then, these senseless losses of life will become a thing of the past. Let’s all honor those who have lost their lives in this awful way by doing just that.”

    And THAT is good advice for anybody. Just one thing to add: Deer, dogs, coons and drunks will get out in front of you at unexpected moments. Please don’t kill yourself dodging animals. Make up your mind in advance that you will hit an animal if you can’t safely dodge it. The slower you are going, the more time you have to decide and the more safely you can dodge. (Acceleration is the square of the velocity divided by the radius of curvature. Thus if you are going half as fast, the forces tending to throw you off the road are half as much if you have to dodge.)

    Decide for yourself on the other.

  45. T on June 21st, 2010 2:44 pm

    WOW, you all making these comments about negativity are totally blowing things way out, almost like you all are wanting to see and begging for some drama.
    I see NO WHERE in these post where anyone is saying negative things!
    I see a couple of questions that make sense to me to ask, am I missing something here?
    SHUT UP drama queens!

    NOW, to the family, may you find peace, may God comfort you, and I send you my deepest sympathy. Our family just went through a tragic death so we know how you feel. Praying for you.

  46. Ashley Rodriguez on June 21st, 2010 2:38 pm

    To the people who loved him dearly i am so sorry for your loss, And I know God has a good place for him in heaven.. All you have to do is send your worries, stress, and your bad emotions to God and he will help you through this. May he rest in peace :( . And to the ones who have neggative comments please take that some where else you have a family thats probably devastated and here you are judging and making rude comments. You know you would not appreciate if it was you so dont do it ! God is watching and he will deal with you .

  47. SAD to hear this on June 21st, 2010 2:11 pm

    Seriously, keep negative words to yourself – he was a father too, now his little girl has to live her life without him… SAD! This was a human life, regardless of how this tragic accident happend. I pray for the whole family and all the friends who will miss a young man forever!

  48. Chris Hawkins on June 21st, 2010 2:11 pm

    This wreck occurred literally in my front yard. My wife and I were awakened by the sound. It couldn’t have been more than a minute or so before I was beside the car and checking on this young man.

    I hope the family of this precious young man can receive comfort from knowing that he died instantly and did not suffer.

    Please feel free to contact me if you wish. You are welcomed to come by. Anything you wish to do in the way of a cross or other memorial is more than welcomed on my property, and I will be glad to keep the area up for you.

    God bless and keep you in the difficult days ahead.

    Editor’s Note: We removed the phone number from this post for privacy reasons. If you are a family member that wishes to make contact, please email and we will put you in touch.

  49. Angi on June 21st, 2010 1:49 pm

    Oh Dear Jesus, what a tragic accident…
    To Brandy: Honey, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I know this is not something that you wanted to hear about this morning. To the family, friends and loved ones of Josh – my thoughts and prayers are with you all, I am deeply sorry about your loss. May god be in all of your hearts. ♥ R.I.P. Josh…

  50. Daddys Girl on June 21st, 2010 1:33 pm


    To the parents of this young man… May God be with you holding you every step of the way. I pray for him to send his angles down to hold and comfort you in this time of need. Remember that he is in a better place and safe in the arms of God! I will keep you in my prayers. I know it wont be easy. I lost my daddy and he was my world. Since i lost him, my outlook on life has changed so much. I jus live everyday and want to make him proud!!! Keep your head up and keep your faith in God. He will not leave you or forsake you! Again im so sorry for your loss.

  51. Daddys Girl on June 21st, 2010 1:28 pm

    This is so sad. To all you putting this young man down and saying things about what happend, you dont know. Why get on here and put trash for his family to read. Hes gone. What if it was your son or brother? My ex lost his brother in a wreck on 97 a few years back. It was horrible to see that family go through that. No matter what anyone says or does it dont bring him back. We had to listen to trash jus like that is on here about him and to see his mom brothers and dad go through that was heartbreaking. You dont know this young man so keep your mouth shut. i lost my daddy in october last year, it was the worst feeling in the world. i couldnt imagine what i would have felt like to hear comments like these. It could be you one day. I never thought i would have to go to Kyles funeral with him at age 21. I seen the tourment his mom went through along with his other family members and his fiance. Trust me its not a feeling you want or to have to see someone go through. Keep that in mind. Some of these comments shouldnt even be allowed on sensitive subjects as this. RIP young man! Your in a better place. My sympathy goes out to the family and friends of this young man.

    RIP Wesley Kyle Powe!!!!!!!!!

  52. ? on June 21st, 2010 1:17 pm

    Why do you folks have to point out the negativity over and over and over? I see where people questioned speed, alcohol, time of accident- but you guys are blowing it way out of proportion. It’s not nearly as negative as you all want to make it. Just questions. Everybody knows that is what is going to happen in forums like this when there is an accident. It is not nearly as negative as you want to make it. No one said he WAS drinking. No one said he WAS up to no good by being out so late. They were just wondering. Same as the people who wondered if it may have been an animal. Maybe you guys should look in the mirror when you want to talk to someone who is being negative.

  53. tina on June 21st, 2010 1:17 pm

    I am a friend of the fathers and i am so sorry to hear about your loss, I could not imagine loosing my child. My prayers and condolences go out to his family and loved ones.

  54. Tired of NEGATIVE people on June 21st, 2010 12:53 pm

    People wonder why children are so negative this is why. People don’t know what really happened, but yet they jump to negative conclusions. His family is having a hard enough time as it is without all the negative junk!!!!!

  55. se on June 21st, 2010 12:42 pm

    How very sad and tragic yet another loss of a young life. How very difficult for the family and friends. However, every accident has lessons that can be taken away from them…and hopefully be used to prevent another death. Obviously this was a high speed incident. If just one person stops driving too fast and avoids a deadly accident, then this young mans death was not in vain. Other factors are not yet known at this time. Whatever factors, honor this young mans memory by recognizing what things lead to the accident and make changes in your own behavior&driving. Much sympathy to the family.

  56. concerned on June 21st, 2010 12:13 pm

    Fla mom—you are so right, this is someone’s son/family, etc…..

  57. another mom on June 21st, 2010 12:11 pm

    I am with FL mom, stop with the negative stuff, this family has enough to bear without adding things that won’t bring this person home to them safe. Pray for them to find peace in the turmoil and pray nothing like this ever happens to you and your family.

  58. Eugenia on June 21st, 2010 12:02 pm

    This is a good friend of mine and my thoughts an prayers are with his family at this time, josh was a really good person and it just like yesterday we were just hanging out, Josh you will be forever missed and always in my thoughs as you are all the time. May you rest in peace and will see you soon in heaven…it hurts me to see this and dont want to believe it. Josh i love you an too the family i’m sorry an im here for you all.

    all the people that like to writin negative things, one day you will come to realize that life is way to short to be negative all the time. Just be thankful that your still alive and not going through what this sweet wonderful family is going through. Things happen when you least exspect and accidents do happen!!

  59. FL mom... on June 21st, 2010 11:48 am

    You know, this is someone’s family…why be so criticizing ? Accidents happen…my husband works a swing shift and FREQUENTLY is on the roads at 3:30 am……try to be more compassionate….this is not the time to point fingers…

  60. Are you serious on June 21st, 2010 11:19 am

    How tragic. My prayers go out to the family and friends of this young man. This is a frequent happening on these narrow North End roads. I don’t know if a deer ran out in front of him or if he was simply on his way home from work or what, but it is my wish that people would drive slower at dusk and after dark. Maybe then, these senseless losses of life will become a thing of the past. Let’s all honor those who have lost their lives in this awful way by doing just that.

  61. Oversight on June 21st, 2010 11:04 am

    This obviously is not a low speed crash and I’d bet that the vehicle was going much faster than posted speed limit of 35. Considering the early morning hour, I wonder if alcohol played a part, but we’ll probably never be informed by the highway patrol. Pine Barren Road’s right of way is especially narrow in Christian Home and there’re lots of trees within just a few feet of the pavement. Maybe the county road department will come in and remove those that are potentially hazardous, but then again that would take foresight and effort.

  62. Stephanie on June 21st, 2010 10:57 am

    I didnt know this person very long but i do know he had finally made my neice happy… I hate to see anybody die especially this way… My condolences and my prayers go out to the family may they find closure and peace… What short time i knew him is memories that will stay …. May you Rest In Peace Josh

  63. Brandy on June 21st, 2010 10:45 am

    This is my brother’s car. I just found out this morning. May he rest in Peace

  64. EMD on June 21st, 2010 10:03 am

    Perhaps folks are driving a bit faster and maybe not watching as carefully, for there are very few, if any, others on the road at that time of the morning. Perhaps they are forgetting that this is when there are all kinds of animals on the road. Some are quite large. They could be snatching the steering wheel to avoid hitting them. It is really uncanny how many accidents are happening here.

  65. pm on June 21st, 2010 9:44 am

    re: “why are so many ppl on the road at 3 am?” my son-in-law has to leave about 2:30am for work. My daughter is getting almost paranoid about him leaving at that time. We are all very sorry for the families involved in these accidents and are praying for them. If this pattern of loss of life continues almost every family in the Northescambia community will be mourning. If anyone has an answer to this problem please let us know. We advised our daughter to buy her home out there and now wish we had not. Her neighbors are the best and the community as a whole is very nice – it is too sad that wel must endure so much pain. We will be praying for all of you that this carnage will come to an end.

  66. Escambia Resident on June 21st, 2010 9:30 am

    Wow! That’s hard to figure out what part of the car is where. It looks like the front with the radiator is turned all the way around?

  67. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2010 9:24 am

    no, they don’t HAVE to be

  68. geesh on June 21st, 2010 8:33 am

    does someone have to be killed on the roads up here every single morning.

    What ! is it a law are something.

    What is with the drivers up here anyway.
    Why are so many ppl out on the road at 3 a.m.?