Century Water System Improvements Pass Health Tests
June 21, 2010
Results from the second round of testing on the newest portion of Century’s water system were clean, possibly meaning an end to years of water problems for some residents as early as this week.
The $1.58 million project’s first round of water quality tests failed, delaying the $1.58 million project to improve the Town of Century’s water system in the Backwoods Road, State Line Road, Highway 4A area, putting customer use on hold.
Dale Long, Century’s engineer, said the system passed the second round of health tests last week. Once the water quality tests are approved by the state, perhaps this week, the contractor will be able to start hookups.
One Response to “Century Water System Improvements Pass Health Tests”
Yeah sure it is… just like the last test we got after failing. Funny how almost all the levels were at the highest pass level aloud. I do not for one second belive it.